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phuak : Bright she is currently in hospital..She is out of danger though..

Bright : Pam!!! Is she mad or what ? Why did she do this * While saying this bright started packing his belongings in his bag *

Phuak : Wait.. Bright.. Where are you going??

Bright : Where else?? I'm going to see pam in the hospital..

*All of his friends are hearing this conversation standing beside bright*

Phuak : No.. It won't be safe to go there now bright?

Bright : And why isn't it safe??

Phuak : Bright.. Do even know who is her father?? His name is Daniel.. He is one of the Cruel mafia in the city... And above all he loves his daughter so much... Amid this situation you going to hospital is a huge risk..

Man :  Bright.. I think he will be at hospital with her now.. If he sees you there then it will be danger for your life.. And I'm sure he will hunt us down today, Anywhere of us being in this city is totally a danger..

Boss : I too heard of his name.. He is Soo scary man.. How in the world pam turned out be his daughter.. If something happens to her ,we all will be burnt alive. He is not a person to be taken Simply..

Phuak : Bright Don't take me wrong but I think you should move away from this place and stay else where in the mean time...

Bright : What are you even talking.. Why they heck I should move away.. I did nothing wrong phuak.. *Bright told in an angry tone*

Phuak : But Bright the situation is not in our control... He is not a person to be taken lightly.. He may even target your family if not you.. He is a fucking MAFIA bright,Who kills people on daily basis.. We can't risk anyone's life..

Man : Bright you already told,That We are going to chiang mai tomorrow for reunion, why don't we go today then?  It would be safe..

Bright : No Man...Mom and Emma are with me.. I need to take them along with me tomorrow.. We can't go today.. And Emma has to bring her certificates.. I don't think they will agree..

* As they were discussing about it.. Bright mobile rang Suddenly it was a call from his mom.. She said bright to come to home as Emma wants to go outside.. *

* Bright told his friends that he was going to home.. There friends are worried about him.. But bright assured them, That he would take care of himself..*

At Bright's house :                                          

Stella : Bright.. Why did you came this late? Come on Emma and I need to go shopping.

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