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2023 february                                                       
(Bright's 24 now)                                                                           

*Morning 10'o clock busy Roads of bangkok are filled with vehicles, Sound of horns ,and few people  are walking on side walks rushing to their works....Then suddenly A soothing voice accompanied with guitar  distarcted them all from their respective tasks..with curisioty everyone looked at the direction of the voice....They were greated with the view of a Handsome man resembling a greek god while carrying a guitar and a mike in his hands*

*He started to sing an upbeat song ..while strumming the instrument he held..his voice and the beats complemented each other perfectly..And then came a group of youngters singing along with him and few of them dancing in sync with his beat..the busy road became a stage,while all others watched them in awe!!! *

*This interruption in traffic alerted the police...They came to chase away these youngsters...but too late they were fast enough to flew away from the police...And this free concert of 100 of youngsters dancing and singing  continued throughout bangkok in Malls,streets,Theaters for a whole day..earning them media attention and viral videos spread throughout social media..with the handsome guitarist of the group making  it to trending list....*

*This news didn't go unnoticed by a women in her early 40's who was scrolling through her mobile while cooking,And it angered her to a level watching her son being the reason for this chaos..*

stella : Ahaaa!! what else should I except from this son of mine..Isn't it enough the chaos he causes in this home,He directly went to national level...

*The rest of afternoon she spent answering calls from her relatives and her neighbours about her son's behaviour.All of them are suggesting her about how she should be strict and blah...blah*

*stella called to her husband*

Akira : Hello !! Sweetheart....what are you doing

Stella : what am I doing?? Ask this question to your dear son....I'm done with both of you ...Like father like son

Akira : what happened baby?

Stella : Stop with this sweet talk and first check on your son.. Have you watched news today or atleast twitter??

Akira : No..I was actually busy with a client.

Stella : Hah!! you be busy with your clients...your son will be busy with Singing..and I will be busy with answering everyone about your son's antics..He was Dancing and Singing on roads akkii , Even the news channels are telling about them...whole neighbourhood is asking me about him....oh my god!!!! This boy is making sure to ruin my reputation...

Akira : Heyyyy...calm down ok we will talk about this with calm my baby..

Stella :Tell this words to your own actual baby..I'm hanging up..Bye!!!

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