Love is a lie.. 🙂

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* Bright was sitting on the sofa of their house With little amount of brusies on his cheek and few on his hands and legs, They were all bandaged...He was Circled by his friends, who are looking at him with so much anger in there faces...*

* The Tv was on, As the sofa was before the Tv, All of them are currently watching news,In which news was related to serial kidnappings of the teenagers happening from past 3 months is being shown...and how today a brave young man helped the police officers in finding the culprits, That brave young man was fortunately bright..

* On the Tv....Interview of Arwin and his brother and his friend Marie was taken by the anchor , In the interview Arwin was all praising about bright for helping him in finding his dear ones.... *

* Bright watching Arwin talking about him.. Wanted to do a happy Dance , But he can't because his friends look says it all , They were so angry at bright for Ditching them while they were working hardly for the past one week to settle the debt....*

Boss : Bright what the heck is this?? Do you think yourself as a coming age hero... Now look at you with all those brusies???

Prem : And wait Boss.. That is not even the problem, Look at him going all gaga over some person.. And leaving us to ourselves... He even risked his life... I don't even understand whether he ever want to go back to Thailand or just stay here so that he can flirt all he want and we can beg...

Phuak : Bright is this the value you are going to give to our friendship? Why did you even go to a length to fight with gangsters are you crazy bright ? What if something happened to you ?

Man : You even made a promise on your father bright.. Literally.. Still why you are lurking around Arwin? Do you plan to make all of us suffer in as many ways as possible...

Bright : * Said in all serious tone * Guys you are speaking too much, Not only him if any other person was in his place than also I would have helped them, And Man I never forget my promise...

Man : Ohhhh.. Is it...Then why are you still following Arwin ??Where is the sponsor that you told you will bring for us? Where are you when we are performing on streets??

Boss : Bright see I'm not even happy with whatever you are doing.. I don't even think that we will ever get out of this country.. I don't even have faith in your words bright...

* Bright heaved a heavy sigh.. He understand that he must be there with his friends, And they must clear the debt so they can go back to Thailand, But there is no chance to meet Arwin again if he goes back.. At least if he knows Arwin loves him than he can proceed..*

Bright : Ok.. I'm sorry... Now what you all want me to do??

Phuak : Come and sing with us,we will perform as a band.. And be serious this time, We will clear our debts and go back to Thailand....That's it... No more lurking around Arwin.. This time you are only going to mind our own business...

* Bright was left with no choice....*

Bright : Ok....

* From that day onwards bright and his band started doing performances , When they did a gig at a night bar.. Obviously bright being the lead singer who has a soothing voice, Amazing guitar skills and handsome aura attracted everyone... So they started getting more and more gigs and even offered to perform in few colleges, As said to his friends, Bright started completely focusing on band activities and stopped following Arwin... Though his heart is screaming to go and see him, But he can't this time... It's his job for him....*

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