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Bright and his friends : Hey author, What's the event? You told us to come immediately..

Arwin and family members: Yah, What's the matter Author?

* Author clears her throat and begins the speech *

Hey My dear Readers and My wonderful characters We successfully completed the first half and Interval part of our story YOU AND ME

Everyone : 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🥳🥳🥳🥳

Anyone one of my readers who don't know about interval cause I know in most other countries there will be no interval for movies.. But In India we do have interval for every movie, So I assume my story as a movie and I divided my story into major parts  

   1.First half   
     3.Second half
4. Climax

Author tone turns serious

I'm here to Discuss an Important matter, From Next chapter onwards we are going to enter into the second half of the story.. Where my story follows most important 3 words those are....

2. Entertainment, 3.Entertainment

Yup, From next chapter..Our Whole
YOU AND ME family's each and every character will be involved, And will show a new, funfilled and Emotional side of our Brightwin love story.... So here I wanna tell you a thing which was in my heart while starting to write this story.....

The Genre of the story that I started writing is a " Romantic family entertainer".... This Genre is rarely to be frank I didn't came across any of this kind of this Genre in BW  stories... I'm not saying it as an exaggeration....

But cause, From now on you will see every character in the family.....They have their own role and their own  contribution  towards Brightwin love , This is not like the story where Brightwin builds a family or where Brightwin grew apart or face hurdles because of a family...

Rather it is the One where they will grew their love and become close to eachother because of their family, As I'm an Indian family touch and Drama in this story is all present.. Hehehe.....

Though the core of My story is Brightwin's lovestory, But Comedy and family 's affections and Drama are my major pillars... And There are many characters, The story I have took and portraying it is risky....Cause lot of characters and their emotions are involved, This risk of mine will either have a positive or Negative impact..
Let's see what will the happen....

But I can Assure you All one thing, That YOU AND ME will be all Worth for a read and I'm Damn sure each and every chapter will more entertaining and with lot of love filled moments from now on....

So, Thank you for your support my readers, I wish you will continue this support  all through YOU AND ME chapters....

And spoiler Alert
" There will be one more character entry as Bright's competition.... Hahaaaa "

* Bright rushes to Author, And pulls her aside*

Bright: Author, You know you can include few Romantic and more kissing scenes in second half, Cause you know....

Arwin : Author, Introduce more moments where I can tease bright so much ...

Man : Author, I'm a good boy na, How about you give a partner for me * Blushes while hiding his face*

Author : Ahh... About that.... * Now pam pulls author *

Pam : Author please... Make Arwin to wake up and meet bright, Papa told me everything about their lovestory, I'm so sad, please na author ....

Author : * Mumbles*  Stupid girl , He just told some fabricated story, Are you still thinking that was real....

Pam : What.. Did you say something author, I heard fabric..

Bright: * Nudges author shoulder*
Yes.. Yes... Pam fabric author is talking about silk fabric....

Pam : Ohoooo....

*Author slowly escapes from this chaos..... *

Author : Byee.. Everyone..
Let's meet in another classic chapter of

YOU AND MEWhere stories live. Discover now