Remember 🤔

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*The vast sky was slowly turning into it's Darker shade, Accompanied by the howling of few dogs in that area, slow movement of the wind, Everything is giving scary vibes..*

*Including bright who was standing while leaning on his jeep, His eyes we're looking at nothing in particular but they were filled with anger, That level of anger which every kid holds in his eyes when their friends will mock him for still using lifebuoy soap, That level of anger when you are continuously asked about your grades by your relatives, Yes exactly...That anger when you want to bury someone alive but you can't.. *

* Besides bright were his friends, Man was shaking and praying for his life, Cause he is the one who pointed out about win's car.. On the other side Boss was trying so hard to control his sleep, While phuak and prem hugged each other like koalas who were in shortage of eucalyptus leaves... *

* Bright slowly lifted his left hand and kept it on Man's shoulder, Much to Man's already shaking heart.. Bright asked him soothingly..*

Bright : Do you think yourself as a traffic police dear ? Why do you need to point that out? What's your issue if the car overtakes, stops or just moves away, Are you The Head of Bangkok Traffic poilce monitoring system..

* Man's denies this official position with his head rigorously...*

Bright : Then what was your problem sweet boy? You made me scold my Darling on the first meet itself * Though bright was talking sweetly but Man's knows what will happen with him next *

Man : Bri.. Bright.. But due to me noticing that car only, We were able to know that win came here otherwise we would have gone to Bangkok by now right...

* Bright sighed yah that was a point, They were actually heading back to bangkok, Assuming win will not come to Thailand anymore.. *

Bright : Yahhh.. You are right.. But you fucking Monkey Man idiot, I just literally made him cry and I also gave a huge showoff in front of family members saying I'm going to bangkok...Now with what face I should go back...

* Prem who was sleeping suddenly felt that he need to talk.. *

Prem :Not only showoff, You also told them we are going to wedding...

Boss : Bright just call to your dad, And convince him with some story..

* Bright hopefully started calling to his father, And soon Akira picks it up... *

Akira : Helloo...

Bright : * Emotionally starts crying* Paaa... I miss you...

Akira : What happened brighty?

Bright : Paa.. I remember everything.....How you used to scold me when I ate toothpaste instead of brushing with it.. How I proposed my teacher with a letter saying it is from you... How I thought to save the life of cockroach by safely keeping it inside your shoes.. * He hysterically cries * , I remember Everything paaaa...

Akira : Was that you bastard who gave the letter ?

Bright :That's not the matter paa..I miss you paa...

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