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* Bright was wrecking his brain, While thinking of the ways to impress Arwin, As of now Arwin has shown zero interest on him, And clearly told bright not to disturb him, Talk about the luck bright has, It was nowhere in support of him... *

Man : Hey bright, what's up for today, Got any ideas...

Boss : Bright we have only 8 days left, After that everyone will go back to their own

Bright : Yahh.. I know that, I just need a one idea, One single idea..

* When they were discussing, Arhith along with his friends started talking loudly... *

Arhith : No... No... Guys come on your ideas are so boring, My brother doesn't like Tennis at all.

* Bright and his friends ears perked up when they knew that the topic is about Arwin *

( Arhith friends are mentioned as f1, f2 )

f1 : Then what shall we do, We only have Tennis court available in here...

f2 : Does he like any indoor games, We can plan something like chess, Carooms etc..

Arhith : No,Arwin likes outdoor games, He is a sucker for basketball you know, And he gets easily attracted to the guys who play basketball,
In his opinion , The guys who can aim with his ball correctly at the basket , has the capability to aim at their partner correctly...

f1 : That statement seems a little scandalous, But I do Agree with Arwin brother..

Arhith : Exactly, He even has a huge portraits of basketball players in his room, And he played alot in his university as well, I wonder who would be that lucky guy, Who can impress my bro...

*While talking all this things as loudly as possible they walk away from that place*

Boss : Bright, Knowing or unknowingly this little idiot gave us a hint about Arwin....

Man : Do you still trust that brat, Bright I'm saying you, He wantedly discussed all this before us, He is sure that we will prepare ground for Arwin, He is clearly misleading us, Don't believe that Arhith, Didn't you see how he attacked me like a zombie yesterday.

Phuak : He is not wrong at attacking you, Your Hand gestures implicated all the 🔞 content , Don't show your skills again anywhere...But bright what do you say ? Even I think Arhith is intentionally misleading us..

* Bright thought for a while and said *

Bright : Hmmphh.. Let's prepare the ground,
I know about that little monkey, He for sure playing games with us, But yah let's take the risk...

* Arhith who went inside the house with his friends started laughing *

Arhith : Hahaaahh !! Those guys, Think I'm lying right, Well they are wrong, Arwin is a huge fan of Basketball, Mr.Bright thinks he can get away with me easily, But he can't..

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