A Night🌃

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* Sun took a secret glance from the window at the lovers who are sleeping peacefully, He swears he didn't had any intentons to disturb them, But his shining orange lights around him made Arwin to squint his eyes, He opened his eyes, And saw bright's face, His head was on bright's chest, And seems like bright's arms are tightly wrapped around him. *

* He took his mobile, And checked the time 5:30am, He immediately need to go from this room. Otherwise if any other people saw him in bright's room, Consider that he will be talk of the town today, He doesn't want that, So he removed bright arm's slowly and escaped from the room as silently as possible. *

* Bright woke up at 8:00am, Didn't he hugged some pillow last night where was it, He continuously started looking around the bed for the pillow, But he didn't found any, Tcchh the pillow was comfortable.. *

* Today everyone simply decided to spend the day at home, And as bright observed Luke was lurking around Arwin. *

Man : Hey brighty boy, Seems like you woke up very late today.

Bright : Yah.. Slept very peacefully last night, I think I held a pillow that was soft, But it wasn't there when I woke up.

Boss : Whatever, what are you gonna do today?? * He enthusiastically wiggled his eyebrows *

* Bright's father Akira came to them *

Akira : For today's outing, Luke suggested that we should go to a second show movie, Isn't the idea awesome brighty 🤗, Actually can you guys buy the tickets now.

Prem : Why should we go Uncle, He is the one who suggested right, So Luke will bring it.

* Luke came there *

Luke : Uncle, Come on you know about me ,The tickets were already booked, See I'm a man of perfection, I don't do anything without a perfect plan * He eyed bright in a mocking way *

* Bright really doesn't understand what this idiot's problem is... He didn't even looked at him *

Akira : Ohh that's great, How many tickets you booked

Luke : 23

Akira : But we are total 24 right including children's and adults.

Luke : Really!!! Uncle I'm sorry, I mean I counted all of them and I got only 23 , And above that all tickets in the theatre were already booked, So I think anyone of should drop..

Akira : If that's the case I will drop, I mean I already seen all this, Nothing special so you guys carry on.

Luke : Uncle why... I mean you need to enjoy this, This getogether is all about you guys enjoying, I think bright you should drop, See You are in your youth you can have this enjoyment any time, let your father enjoy this time na..

Boss : You are talking as if you are an old man, Why don't you Dr-

* Before Boss could say anything, Bright stopped him, He doesn't want this, This is not some sort of a competition, Luke is trying to gaslight him, And he can do whatever he want for all bright cares *

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