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You panted as you ran through the nearly empty parking lot to the small book store on the end of the row of shops. "And safe!" You shouted as you opened the entrance door, the little bell situated above it ringing as a result. "Must you be so loud first thing in the morning?" Came a voice from somewhere further in the store. Moments later, an older gentleman in his late 50's came out from around a large wooden book display. His weathered grey eyes looking at you in faux annoyance.

"First of all Mr. Bromley, it's one in the afternoon." You say, holding up your pointer finger for emphasis. "And second, no one else but you is in here." He gasped loudly, placing his hand over his heart for added dramaticism. "And how would you know that? For all you know, I could've had a full house in here!" You quickly point to the front door, "You remembered to unlock the door, but forgot to switch the sign from closed to open again." He takes a look at the door to confirm you that he actually had done just that. "Ah shit, not again..." He sighs as he makes his way over to the door to flip the sign over.

Mr. Bromley had always been a tad bit forgetful, but he meant well. You had been a regular customer of his ever since he opened the store five years ago. After taking care of the front door, he made his way back over to you. "Now then, what brings you by today (Y/n)?" He asked, folding his arms expectantly. "It wouldn't perhaps be that new volume of Lore and Mythology of the Gods by Janet McCready would it?" He gives a knowing smirk already knowing what you're going to say. "You know me too well. Were you able to get any copies in stock?" You ask, looking around to see if you could spot any copies on display.

"Well, what kind of bookshop owner would I be if I didn't have copies of the book my favorite customer was looking forward to for months now?" His grin turning into a genuine smile upon the sight of you practically beaming at him. He then reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a copy. "I saved the first copy for you." He said, attempting to hand you the book. "Mr. Bromley, I haven't paid for it yet." You try to deny the offer, but he gently pushes it into your hands. "How about we call it even for you helping me paint the outside of the shop this past summer. You wouldn't let me pay a dime and I never got a chance to repay your kindness. Now you're gonna take that book for free and that's that."

Knowing you weren't going to win this one, you accepted the book and thanked him for the kind gesture. You checked your phone to see that it was now around one thirty. "It was a pleasure seeing you as always Mr. Bromley, but I need to get something to eat and head home. I have plans this evening." He gave a knowing nod, wishing you a good day as you exited the store. You looked around to make sure the parking lot was free of any moving vehicles before making your way across, holding your new book close to your chest to keep from accidentally dropping it.

Summer had quickly turned into Autumn, the temperatures growing cooler and the leaves slowly changing color. You pull your light (f/c) jacket even closer to your body as a particularly strong gust blows past you. "Right. First food, then home. I've got a date with destiny!" You exclaim to yourself, looking down at your new book with a big grin. You pull out your phone again to look at nearby restaurants to see what looked good and decided on (r/n). It would take 20 minutes by walk to get there so you decided to call your order in so it'd be ready by the time you get there.

After said 20 minute walk, you were practically ravenous. 'I really should've eaten breakfast this morning...' You thought as your stomach growled, as if on cue. Seemingly out of no where, a shiver ripped through your body. You felt as if you were being watched. Quickly looking around to find no one there, you speed walked to the door of the (r/n). Immediately after entering, the feeling disappeared. Sighing in relief, you headed to the kiosk at the front. "Hello, welcome to (r/n). How may I help you today?" The hostess greeted with a smile. "Hello, I have a pick up order under (Y/n)." She checked the electronic pad sitting atop the kiosk and confirmed what I told her. "Ok, here you are. Your order is ready for pick up, would you like to pay with cash or card?" She said, while stopping her coworker to go grab your order. "Card please." You say as you hand her your card. After paying, you were handed your order and you made your way back outside.

You were afraid the feeling of being watched would return, but to your surprise, it didn't. Chalking it up to just feeling jumpy, you decided to start the trek home. About halfway through the journey, you were stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the signal to indicate that you could walk. The second the signal changed, you felt a harsh bump to your right shoulder, nearly dropping your food in the process. "What the-?!" You were about to look to see who the hell bumped into you when your vision suddenly whited out. 'I can't see!' You internally panicked. The white then turned into a moving picture. The same crosswalk, but ahead of you, a drunken man was walking forward at a sway. A loud honk was heard and the man turned his head just in time to be smacked by a speeding car. His body flying a few feet before landing with a wet thud. Blood dripping out of his mouth as his greyed out eyes looked back at you.

Gasping for breath, your vision suddenly returned to you. Looking up, you see the same drunken man you had just seen die begin to drunkenly sway across the crosswalk. "H-Hey, wait!" You shout as you reach your hand out to grab him, but it was too late. A loud honk followed by the sound of screeching tires blared in your ears as once more, the man looking towards the sound. His eyes briefly widening in fear as the harsh sound of metal meeting flesh sounded around the area. You stood there in horror as nearby people began to scream and run towards the scene to help. You looked down to again see his lifeless eyes staring up at you.

You wanted to scream, but nothing more than a breathless gasp would leave your lips. "I... I didn't even see him..." You look up again to see a young woman, no older than 20 look at the scene in shock after getting out of her car. Among all the chaos, an irregularity caught your attention. Amidst all the people screaming and running around, stood a man. Raven black hair, blood red eyes, and a strange red facial tattoo  above his left eye and under his right. No fear upon his face, he just stood there, staring right at you. Upon making eye contact, he smiled. Too in shock to even formulate thoughts, you continued to stand there as he slowly made his way over to you.

Suddenly, he halted, a deep frown appearing on his face at the sight of something behind you. Before you could even look behind you, you felt a gloved hand on your shoulder. Flinching harshly at the contact, you whip around to look at the person who just touched you. You're met with a pair of viridian green eyes boring back into your own. "(Y/n) (L/n). I need you to come with me."

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