Chapter 5

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Waking up, you yawn and attempt to stretch your arms, but are stopped by the feeling of something holding your hand. Looking down to see what was holding onto you, you see a beautiful blonde woman sleeping next to you. Your face turning a thousand shades of crimson at the realization that she wasn't wearing anything, save for a few leaves. 'Holy shit! Why is there a naked woman in my bed?!' You internally freak out until memories of last night wash over you. 'Right... This isn't my bed.' Not wanting to wake her, you carefully remove Eve's hand from yours and sneak out of the bedroom as quietly as you can.

Softly closing the door, your heart nearly bursts out of your chest when someone suddenly calls to you. "I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" Looking up, you see Adam sitting at the stone table munching on an apple. Your face reddening once more at the sight of him also wearing a leaf as a covering. "Sour..." He complains as he spits it out. "I'm feeling better now, albeit a bit embarrassed." You admit as you take the seat opposite to him. "If you don't mind my asking... Why did you help me last night? I'm a total stranger to you."  Pausing mid bite, he looks over at you. "Do I need a reason to help someone?" Your eyes widening slightly at his blunt answer. "I suppose you don't." A small smile growing on your face at the sentiment. 

"Ah, I am grateful though. I'm not sure I would've snapped out of it without the help of you and Eve." Adam is silent for a moment before he decides to speak up. "If you're ok with talking about it, what exactly was it that scared you so bad? Before I got to you, you screamed as if you were being killed." Your body involuntarily shivering at his words, and at the memory of that wretched nightmare. "I don't mind. Though, in all honesty, I'm not entirely sure what happened. It was a dream, but it didn't feel like it. It felt so... Real. Nothing but the smell of decay and a vast emptiness which threatened to swallow you whole." Adam remains silent, urging you to continue. 

"There were shadows that took the form of men in that darkness, but there wasn't an ounce of humanity in them. Beings without reason and fueled by malevolent intent. They... They forced me into the darkness with them. I cried and screamed, but..." Adam slowly put his hand on yours, making you pause. "You don't have to recall it any further." Nodding your head, you try to put it out of your mind. Suddenly hearing a commotion coming from a second bedroom door that you hadn't noticed last night, two young men come barreling into the room where you and Adam sat. "I told you she was awake Abel!" The shorter of the two said rather loudly. "I still don't think we should have barged in though Cain..." 

They both shared a resemblance with Adam and Eve, having similar blonde locks. "I see you two are as boisterous as ever." Adam quips with a smile on his face. "(Y/n), meet my two sons, Cain and Abel." Both of the boys greet you and proceed to join you and Adam at the table, grabbing various fruits from a bowl that sat in the middle of it. "Feel free to and eat something as well (Y/n), I'll just go wake up my wife so she can join us." Adam said, getting up from his spot. 

He returned half a moment later with a still sleepy looking Eve by his side. As they sit down at the table, Eve looks over to you. "Good morning dear. How did you sleep?" She asks with a bright smile. "I slept well, thank you." You reply warmly. You finally decide on an apple, similar to the one Adam ate earlier, as a suitable breakfast. Your face scrunching up a bit after taking a bite. 'Adam was right, it's bitter...' You think regretfully, but continue to eat it anyways as you don't want to waste food that was kindly offered to you.

After sitting with the family for a while and getting to know them better, a rapid knock sounded at the door. "Adam, are you in? It's urgent." Brunhilde's worried voice sounded through the door as Adam got up to answer it. Upon opening the door, he was immediately questioned. "Have you seen a young woman about (y/a) years old? She has (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and is about this tall-" She was about to gesture your height with her hand before she locked eyes with you. "Brunhilde? Is everything ok?" You ask her as you get up from where you were sitting. Brunhilde wastes no time in walking past Adam and making a beeline right for you. 

"Is everything ok? I found your door smashed in with you nowhere to be found! The other Valkyrie and myself have practically turned Valhalla upside down looking for you! What the hell happened?!" Her shout slightly startling you, Adam is quick to step in between you two. "Ah, that was my bad. I heard screaming coming from her room last night, so I kicked the door in. She had a bad dream and wasn't in a state to be left alone, so I brought her here." Brunhilde looks from him to you, as if asking you to confirm his words. "It's the truth Brunhilde. I'm sorry I worried you." You say, lowering your head a bit. A sigh escaping her lips, Brunhilde places a hand on your upper arm. "No, I am sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that. Given all that happened yesterday, I was afraid the gods took you."

Brunhilde removed her hand from your arm as she pulled out what appeared to be a very outdated cell phone. She dialed a number before placing the device to her ear. "Hrist? Yes, I found her. Please inform the others to call off the search." Ending whatever call she had made, she looks back to you and Adam. "I thank you for looking after her given the circumstances, but I think it's best she comes back with me for now. There's a lot that needs to be discussed." Adam looked to you first, to see if you were ok to leave. Upon seeing you nod your head to tell him you were ok now, he stepped aside.

Brunhilde escorts you out of Adam's abode and leads you back to just outside your room. "I'll have someone replace the door soon, but for now, shall we go outside?" She offers and you nod your head, following her out of the building. Having just stepped outside, you're met with a loud crunching sound. Followed by a small white stick hitting the ground near you. Sighing, Brunhilde halts. "Buddha, what business do you have here?" Brunhilde asks, standing in front of you so as to cover you from his line of sight. Taking a small peek at him, you notice he has very light green hair with black undertones that's tied up in what looks like a very large bun. His style choice was... A bit eccentric, but one thing in particular stood out to you. 'God damn he's hot! Are the gods here secretly runway models or something?!' Noticing he's now looking straight at you, you duck your head back behind Brunhilde.

"Well... I saw that all of the Valkyrie, including the ever so stoic Brunhilde, were desperately searching for one human. I wondered just how interesting that one human must be and thus, I followed you here." He says with a grin on his face. "And I must say, I'm glad I did. Not every day I see someone as cute as this." He says with a flirtatious hint to his voice. 'Be steady o' heart of mine...' You mentally chant to yourself as he steps closer. 

Brunhilde however, steps in front of him. "I'm afraid now is not the best time. There are things I must discuss with her before nightfall." Buddha looks slightly annoyed for a second before raising his arms in a gesture of surrender. "Alright, alright... I'll leave you be." Before he leaves, he pulls something out of his pocket and quickly grabs your wrist to place it in your hand before Brunhilde can protest. You looked down to see a small candy now resting in your palm. "I'll see you later cutie." Buddha grins again before setting off.

Now that you two were alone once more, Brunhilde leads you over to a nearby tree to sit at. Prolonged silence after the strange encounter causing the tension to grow thick before Brunhilde cuts it. "I know that with the upcoming meeting, there is a lot of pressure on you. Not only from the gods, but also from us as well. As much as I wish I didn't have to place such a burden on you, we need as much aide as we can muster to our cause. I do not wish to see humanity eradicated on the mere whims of tyrannical gods." Brunhilde looks to you, passion burning in her green irises. "Well, to be honest with you, I haven't had much time to think about it... I'm still a fair bit frightened by the prospect that I can be killed at any moment for pissing off the wrong individual and I doubt my ability would be of much use since I have no way of knowing how to use it." Brunhilde's face falls a bit, fearing the worst. 

"However, I do not wish to see mankind fall at the hands of the gods. There are good people both here and back on earth, and I don't think I'd ever be able to forgive myself if I didn't do everything I could to prevent this." You look up, meeting Brunhilde's now hopeful gaze. "I'm not sure how much help I will be, but if you'll take me, then I'll do all that I can to aide humanity in this fight."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now