Chapter 11

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Waking up to the feeling of something brushing against your face, you slowly open your eyes to see a pegasus leaning its head over you. Smiling at the gentle giant, you raise a hand up to pet its muzzle. "Well this isn't a bad way to wake up." Feeling something shuffle on your legs, you look down in curiosity. Said curiosity immediately turned into embarrassment when you saw that the god you met yesterday morning now resting his head in your lap. 'Why is there a god sleeping on my lap?! Brunhilde is gonna roast me alive if she finds out!' The pegasi nudges your hand as you had stopped petting it in your shock.

"Ah, sorry buddy." You apologize to the winged animal as you resume petting its muzzle. Looking back down to Buddha, you poke his cheek. "Um... Buddha, right? Wake up please?" He stirs and turns his head towards your stomach, nuzzling into you. Internally screaming, your face goes beet red at the motion. In desperation, you poke his cheek a few more times. "Please wake up..." His eyes suddenly open and he turns his head to look up at you. "You sound even cuter when you're embarrassed." He says with a grin. "You- You were awake the whole time?!" Sitting up, he grabs a lollipop from his pocket.

"Yup. Here, want one?" He offers the lollipop he was holding to you. "Huh? Oh, sure." Somewhat dazed by this entire interaction, you accept the candy. Unwrapping it, you put the candy in your mouth. "Wow! Hey, this is really tasty!" You look back up to Buddha to thank him, but freeze when you see the look in his face. He looked... Dangerously mischievous. "You know something cutie..." He begins as he leans closer to you. Feeling nervous, you try to look down, but Buddha gently hooks his finger under your chin and guides your gaze back up to him. "You look even more adorable with my candy in your mouth." He says with a Cheshire grin. Your soul temporarily leaves your body as your face burns hot enough to rival the heat of the sun. Upon seeing your expression, Buddha bursts out laughing.

His laughter snapping you out of your stupor, you look at him confusedly. "I knew it was a good idea to come find you again! You're so much fun to tease!" He suddenly stands up, extending his hand outward to you. "Spend the day with me." Absolutely baffled at this point, you point at yourself. "You want me to spend the day with you? But why? No offense Buddha, but you literally just met me yesterday. You don't even know my name!" Reaching down to grab your wrist, he pulls you up and into his chest. His grin widening when you get red in the face again. "Well then why don't you introduce yourself, hm?" He asks in a playful tone. Not sure if it's the best idea to give the god your name, you remain silent. "Don't wanna tell me? That's ok. I can just keep calling you cutie." He says with a smirk. "Wait, my name is (Y/n), please don't keep calling me that!" You beg as your face grows hot for the umpteenth time today. "Hmm... Nope! Too late, I'm gonna keep calling you cutie." Knowing that you couldn't change the gods mind, you sigh and decide to move on from the subject. "Regardless, you still haven't explained why you wanna spend the day with me."

"I knew from the moment I first saw you, that you'd be interesting. Your reactions are adorably hilarious and I want to see what other sides of you I can discover." Remembering Brunhilde's warning, you try to think of an easy way to turn down the gods request. "I'd love to spend some time with you, but I don't think it'd be wise considering that we're on opposing sides." He frowns for a moment, before a playful glint gleams in his eyes and he grins at you. Out of nowhere, he flings you up and over his shoulder. "What the- What are you doing?! Put me down!" You practically screech as your brace your hands against his back to steady yourself. "You said you'd love to spend the day with me, so let's go." He said as he begins walking off with you in tow. "After I said it was a bad idea!" You shout back, trying to squirm out of his grip. 

"Careful now, wouldn't want to drop you." He says, readjusting his hold on you, his placing his hand over your rear as he does so. "Eep!" Quickly covering your mouth with one hand, your face burns with mortification. Buddha pauses for a moment before bursting out into laughter once more. "That was adorable! If I do that again, will you squeak some more for me?" He teases you as he raises his hand again. "Don't you dare!" You say as you beat the crap out of his back with your fists. Completely unfazed by your assault, he lowers his hand back down to your thighs. "Alright, alright. Can't be having you mad at me." He says playfully as he starts walking with you again.

After walking for a while, you begin to wonder just where the god was taking you. "Are we close to wherever you're taking me Buddha? My stomach's starting to hurt from your shoulder digging into it." He stops at your words, thinking for a moment. Suddenly, he switches you from being slung over his shoulder to being carried bridal style. "There, this way you won't be in any pain." He smiles down at you. "I can walk, you know!" You say as you hide your face in your hands, too nervous to look the insanely attractive god in the face. "And risk you running away? Not a chance!" He laughs as he continues towards your unknown destination. "How much farther is this place anyhow?" You grumble at him, turning your face away from him in protest of not being put down. Upon turning your head, you're amazed at what you see. "Actually, we're already here." Buddha says with a knowing smirk.

Before you is some kind of giant glass structure, although the glass roof seemed to be shattered at the top. 'How did I not notice something this huge when I first went to the arena?' You mentally noted as you saw the large arena nearby. Buddha walks inside with you, passing though a large, arching trellis with ivy growing along it. Once fully inside, your breath is taken away. While looking a bit broken down from the outside, the inside was a beautifully maintained and well designed garden. Looking up at Buddha, you practically beg him with your eyes to set you down. Chuckling a bit, he obliges and finally lets you down. 

The second your feet touch the ground, you bound over to the large water fountain that stood at the center of the garden. It was a two tiered stone water fountain with water spraying out in arching jets from the top, and a large stone pool for a base. "It's so pretty!" You say in awe as you run your hand under one of the streams of water. "I come here to relax sometimes, figured you might like it too." Buddha says as he walks over to you. "This place is gorgeous, thank you for bringing me here!" Practically beaming at him, you decide to take a peek the rest of the garden.

Overall, it looked a bit more like a park than a garden. Paving stones making out the floor of the round structure and posts with hanging banners sitting about the edges. Along the back walls of the garden were various kinds of trees and flora strewn about. You look back over to Buddha to see that his facial expression had changed. Rather than his usual mischievous grin, he wore a warm smile as he looked down at you. "You know cutie... You keep showing me all these adorable sides of you, and I'm gonna end up getting hooked." Not sure what to say to that, you sheepishly smile back at him. "Let's take a look around, shall we?" Buddha asks as he offers you his hand. Nodding at his suggestion, you take his hand as he shows you around the garden. You begin to walk around the large circular space, when you walk by one of the numerous entryways. A sound coming from the entryway grows louder until finally, a young woman comes barreling out of the tunnel and collides into you before you could dodge. Your hand rips out of Buddha's grasp as the force sends you and the mysterious woman careening into the edge of the fountain.

Buddha immediately runs to your side to check on you. "Hey (Y/n), are you alright?" He says as he takes your shoulders into his hands to look you over. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Brushing off the concerned look he was giving you, you look over to the woman who ran into you. She looked to be of Indian descent and wore a fairly revealing outfit; from head to toe, she was adorned in golden jewelry with various gemstones. Her long dark hair was splayed out over her face as she sat back up unsteadily. "Ouch..." She hissed as she moved her hand to her head in pain. Removing yourself from Buddha's hold you get up and head over to the young woman. "Hey, are you alright? You crashed into me pretty hard there. Did you hit your head?" You ask as you crouch down to her level. "Hm? Oh, I'm alright, just a small bump. I'm terribly sorry for crashing into you just now. I just got so excited that I rushed ahead of the others and didn't see you when I ran in here." She said apologetically. 'Wait, others?' You ask mentally as fast footsteps could be heard approaching. "Parvati, how many times have I told you that you can't go off running ahead like that?" A masculine voice said as they entered the garden.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now