Chapter 13

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Waking up to the sun shining on your face, you squint your eyes closed in a desperate attempt to go back to sleep. 'Dammit, I'm too awake now.' You mentally grimace as you rub the sleep out of your eyes grumpily. Upon opening your eyes, you see something on the nightstand reflecting the sunlight. You look over to see a folded up piece of paper and something shiny poking out from underneath it. Whatever it was must've been what caused the sunlight from the window to shine in your eyes. Removing the piece of paper, you're shocked to see an ornate necklace sitting on the nightstand. It was a gold necklace with rubies set in along the chain, and a large golden flower in the shape of an orchid lay as the centerpiece. 'This thing looks more expensive than a mortgage payment!' You look at it in shock, almost too afraid you'd damage it if you touched it.

Opting to read the note first, you open it and read the contents. 'Hello miss! I wanted to apologize for bumping into you yesterday. I felt awful when you got so hurt because of me; I hope for a quick recovery! If I see you again, I'd like to apologize properly to you! In the meantime, rest up and regain your strength! - Parvati' "Oh. I guess this is from her then." You say as you gently grasp the necklace in your fingers. 'Someday, I'll have to thank her for this. It's way too much just for an apology.' You think to yourself as you smile at the kind gesture. You set down the note and clasp the necklace around your neck. 'It's so beautiful...' The necklace sat perfectly on your chest, almost as if it was made for you.

Hearing footsteps approaching the infirmary, you're about to tuck the necklace into your shirt when Brunhilde walks in. "Good morning (Y/n) I trust that you're-" Brunhilde pauses at the sight of the necklace sitting upon your nape. You follow her gaze and immediately try to clear the air. "Oh, Brunhilde! This is actually an apology gift that was left from the goddess who bumped into me yesterday. I didn't actually see any gods, so please don't worry!" Brunhilde doesn't respond for a moment, her eyes narrowing at the piece of jewelry suspiciously before sighing. "Well, it appears that you've recovered fully.  Are you ready to head back to the dorms?" She offers you a small smile as she extends her hand out towards you. You accept her hand and are about to leave, when an "Oh!" escapes your lips. Brunhilde, now confused, halts and looks at you. "I almost forgot my candy!" You say as you let go of her hand for a moment before shoving the pile of candies Buddha left you into your jacket pockets. Then heading back over to Brunhilde, you take her hand once more. "Ok, I'm ready!" You say with a grin.

Walking out into the corridor, you notice that you're inside the arena. 'Huh, so the infirmary was in the arena this whole time... The more you know.' You say as you walk around the semi familiar halls. Not exactly paying attention to what was in front of you, you accidentally bump into Brunhilde's back when she suddenly stops. "Ouch... What's up Brunhilde? Why'd you suddenly stop like that?" Looking up to follow Brunhilde's gaze, you freeze at the sight of the tattooed god from yesterday. "Lord Shiva." Brunhilde says with a bow, guiding you to do the same with her hand. When you bow, the necklace around your neck sways a bit. This catches the gods attention and he looks over to you. Your breath hitches when you realize his eyes are on you, but he looks away before his gaze lingers for too long. "Tch." Was the only sound that escaped his mouth as he walked off deeper into the hallway, towards the direction you came from.

Rising back to her feet, she pulls you up and looks into your eyes. "I'm beginning to think that you're some kind of magnet. Wherever you go, gods are surely nearby..." Brunhilde says with a worried look. "I'm not doing it on purpose, I promise." You say as you raise your arms up in a gesture of surrender. A smile returning to her face, she looks down to the necklace resting upon your neck. "I know you're not. I'm starting to think that these strange occurrences are outside of anyone's control." She takes your hand once more and resumes guiding you back to the dorms. "I think that we should have you get some self defense training as well as training you to use your ability." She says as you continue making your way out of the arena. "That's a good idea, but who would teach me? Raiden?" You involuntarily shudder at the thought of what his idea of 'training' would be. Brunhilde, seeming to have the same thought, fervently shakes her head.

"No, that would be an awful idea. I actually already had someone in mind for self defense training." The look on her face slightly worrying you. "Who is it?" She turns her eyes away from you slightly. "You'll find out when we get back. I'll introduce you to them upon our arrival." She responds as you make your way outside. 'Why do I feel like she's not telling me on purpose...' An unsettled feeling in your gut rising the closer you got back to the dorms. After walking for a while, you finally arrived at the dorms. Brunhilde wasted no time in leading you towards the dining hall and opened the large double doors the moment you got there. Upon looking around, she spots the person she's looking for sitting at the end of the table with a cup of tea in his hands. Almost immediately, you recognize him as one of the participants you didn't have a chance to speak with during breakfast yesterday.

The man before you was dressed in an almost steampunk esque fashion, with an old Victorian style suit and a burgundy red overcoat. A matching red hat covered his grey hair and his right eye appeared to be hidden by some kind of monocle that was covered in gears. He looks up to the both of you and then his gaze turns to you alone, his eyes widening a fraction. "Brunhilde, (Y/n), how may I be of assistance to you?" The man said with a sweet smile. Something about that smile seemed... Off, though. As if he had a hidden face behind the one he was currently donning. "Jack, I was wondering if you could be in charge of (Y/n)'s self defense training." Your blood practically freezes at his name. 'His name is... Jack? That name, the Victorian style clothes, his accent... It couldn't possibly be him!' 

Whipping you head over to Brunhilde, she looks at you with the smallest hint of apology before proceeding with the conversation. "Given your unique skill set, I think you would be the best one to oversee this matter." Looking to you both thoughtfully, that unsettling smile returns to his face once more. "I would be delighted to. What kind of gentleman would turn down a lady's request?" Grabbing your hand once more, Brunhilde looks up to him. "That settles it then, training will start tomorrow after breakfast. In the meantime, I will take (Y/n) back to her room." Brunhilde gives a small nod to Jack before turning to leave with you. Looking back one last time, you're horrified to see that he's staring right at you. It was almost as if he was looking straight into your soul...

Upon reaching the second floor hallway, you yank your hand out of Brunhilde's grip, causing her to stop and look back at you. "Are you nuts?! That's Jack the ripper, isn't it?! Why would you put a literal serial killer in charge of my training?!' You whisper shout at her, worried the man in question would somehow hear you. "There is no reason to worry (Y/n). I am well aware of the risk of having him in charge of your training, but I believe he is the man best suited for the job. And you will not be alone with him, either one of my sisters or myself will oversee your training with him as a safety precaution." Feeling slightly better with that knowledge, but still feeling rather unnerved overall, you sigh. "Well, if you think this is what's best... But if I die, I'm gonna haunt your kitchen cabinets till the end of time." You say as you try to alleviate your own anxiety with some humor.

Putting her hand on your shoulder, she looks you in the eyes. "I know that all of this is a lot for one human to take in, but I am grateful that you are here all the same. I will do whatever is in my power to ensure your safety." Smiling at her, you thank her for her assurance. "I think it's about time I let you go and relax. It'll be a long day tomorrow, so be sure to get some rest. I was able to have someone fix the door to your room, so you may use yours again." Looking over to see that there was now a door on the hinges again, you walk over to the doorway. 'I'm kinda going to miss rooming with Sasaki, to be honest...' You think to yourself as you turn the knob. Looking back at Brunhilde, she gestures for you to go inside. "Go and relax, dinner will be in a few hours. I will see you tomorrow morning for your training." Nodding, you make your way inside your room. 'Home sweet home, I guess.' You think to yourself, shutting the door closed behind you.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now