Chapter 16

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Whipping your head upwards you're met with a creepily familiar face that wore a geared monocle. 'Jack...' You think to yourself with dread as the sound of footsteps grows louder still. You turn your head back only to see Poseidon halted a mere ten feet away from you. The look in his eyes made the very blood in your veins freeze. Deciding to cast your fear of the murderer aside temporarily, you quickly look up and meet Jack's gaze. "Help me... Please." You beg, your voice barely a whisper. Peering down at you inquisitively, Jack dons a smile before stepping between you and the god of the seas. Said god refused to even look at the man, but his icy blue eyes narrowed at you. Only a single word was uttered from his lips. "Move." At his command, Jack merely looked at the god with a seemingly apologetic face. "Apologies sir, but I'm afraid that is a request I simply must refuse. I wouldn't be able to call myself a gentleman if I ignored a young lady in her time of need."

Poseidon's gaze hardened like steel as his trident creaked and groaned under the force of his grip. "Ah, before you strike me down, if you will hear out this humble mans words." Looking up to the back of Jack's head, you question his sanity. 'What is he thinking? Surely he's not going to try to reason with him?!' Poseidon gave no motion of approval, yet he also made no move to immediately strike, so Jack continued. "If I recall correctly, one of the stipulations for Ragnarok was that both the god and human contestants were prohibited from killing or otherwise maiming each other before their respective rounds. If such is the case, then that would mean you, one of the participating gods, is barred from killing me right now. Have I gotten any of that wrong... Sir?"

For the first time since this interaction started, Poseidon tore his gaze away from you. Animosity rolled off the god in waves as he looked Jack straight in the eye; his stare held a promise of death. As if Jack could sense something beyond mere appearances, he looked to the god with an almost maniacal grin, his hands slightly twitching at his sides. After taking a moment to compose himself, he spoke to the god once more. "Well then, seeing as how my head still rests upon my shoulders, it would appear that that is the case. And seeing as how your quarry is now under my care, I dare say that your presence here is no longer necessary." The entire corridor was cloaked in a suffocating blood lust that nearly made you sick.

Without uttering a single word, Poseidon turned and proceeded to stalk back into the inky black night. The sound of gritted teeth and sharp metal scraping against stone echoing in the otherwise silent hallway as he withdrew. Finally, when the noise had completely dissipated, you fell to the ground on your rear. You nearly choked on your breathe as the adrenaline finally worked its way out of your system. However, the feeling of blood lust still remained in the room. Trembling, you peek your head back up to see Jack leering down at you. He reaches his hand out to you, but your reflexes move faster than your brain can catch up. Slap. Jack retracts his hand, slightly taken aback. 'I... I thought I was going to be killed...' You think to yourself as you try to control your breathing.

A knowing smile adorns his face as he kneels down to your level. "Pardon me miss, it was not my intention to frighten you. If you would allow me, I would like to have your injuries tended to." A bit confused at his words, you look down to see blood dripping from your feet. 'When I dropped the glass... I didn't even realize I got cut.' Looking back up to him, you meet his gaze warily. "H-How do I know you won't harm me? Not that I'm ungrateful for you saving me, it's just... Well, you know..." You say, trying to dance around the subject. "I'm aware that my occupation makes most wary of me, and rightfully so. I would give you my word, though I do suppose that my word doesn't have much value. My, whatever to do here... Ah, I know." Jack reaches into his pocket, pulling out something shiny. Instinctively, you raise your arms in defense and squeeze your eyes shut. However, when no pain follows, you peek one eye open. You see him smiling gently at you as he holds out his hand. Opening your eyes fully, you look down to see a silver pocketknife resting in his palms. The sterling silver handle was ornately embossed with a baroque scroll design that seemed to shine in the moonlight.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now