Chapter 24

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No sooner than you had said that, the familiar whirring sound of the vault door opening sounded in your ear. You let go of Nikola and got up to see who had come in, the scientist following suit. Brunhilde steps inside and looks over to the both of you before addressing Nikola. "I hope that today's session went well. I came to escort (Y/n) back to her room as it's gotten quite late. She has a long day ahead of her tomorrow." She says before turning to you. "Are you ready to go?" You give her a quick nod, ready to wind down for the night, before Nikola speaks up. "Before you go, I have some homework for you (Y/n)." You hate the mere mention of the word "homework", but turn to look at the man nonetheless. "Tomorrow, before you see me next, try to see into the future of the man who's fighting in the first round. If he is destined to die, then he will need as much time as possible to prepare and try to counter that reality." You gulp at the implication of his words, but give him a nod. "Splendid! I'll see you tomorrow then!" Nikola says as he walks back towards the chalkboard. 'This man's cheerful personality is going to give me whiplash...'

"How am I supposed to find this man? I don't know who's fighting in the first round..." You say with a furrow of your brows. "Actually, the man fighting in the first round is the man who will be in charge of your horsemanship training starting tomorrow. You won't have a lot of time with him as Ragnarok is in just a few days, but you should be able to test your ability on him." Brunhilde acknowledges your concern. "Oh, well I guess that solves that then. I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Tesla." You're about to turn and leave when Nikola stops you. "Non! Nein! Nyet! No further need for formalities, please call me Nikola! I get the feeling we'll be getting to know each other fairly well from now on." Nikola calls out from the ladder he was sitting on when you first got here. 'How did he get up there so fast?' Nodding your head, you rephrase. "Very well. I'll see you tomorrow Nikola." You smile at him before finally turning and leaving with Brunhilde. The trip back to your room is short and soon enough, you're standing in front of your door.

"I will see you in the morning after you've had breakfast. I will continue to oversee your training with Jack, but other trainings will be overseen by my sisters as needed." Brunhilde says as you open the door to your room. "Have a good night (Y/n), rest well." As soon as she said those words, Brunhilde took her leave. Yawning a bit, you head into your room, closing the door behind you. "Ok, now that the day is done, I need an actual bath." You say to no one in particular as you head over to the bathroom. You change out of your clothes and lay them gently in a hamper with your other dirty clothes, making sure to put your necklace back in the vanity drawer. After putting the necklace away, you sneak one of the candies Buddha had left for you from the infirmary and pop it in your mouth. The sweetness immediately coating your tongue as you hum, pleased by the taste. You make your way over to the tub in the bathroom and turn on the faucet. While you waited for the water to heat up, you carefully removed the bandages and tossed them in the garbage bin.

Once the water was warm, you eased yourself in, wincing a bit at the water stinging your cuts. Taking some time to soak and wash yourself off, you can't help but ponder everything that happened this evening. 'So the fighter of round one is training me tomorrow afternoon. But what if I see his death after trying to use my ability? Can I really handle that?' A frown growing on your face, you sink a bit more into the water. The warmth enveloping your body comfortably as you do so. 'Well, Nikola did say that maybe there was a way to change the outcome... I'll try not to worry about it for now. But what about what I heard in my vision? That strange doctor is Beelzebub? As in the literal lord of the flies? Is that why Brunhilde looked so distraught when I told her who treated my wounds?' Sighing, you hold your head to prevent an oncoming headache. "Worrying will do me no good right now, I need to take it easy or I'll never get to bed." You decide as you get up from the tub. After draining the water, you start drying yourself off with a towel. Before you could head to your room to get dressed, a loud knocking sounded on your door.

'Who in the world could that be?' You mentally ask as you head back into your room. "Um, give me just a minute to get decent please." At your words, the knocking grew even louder and the door started to rattle. Afraid this mystery person was going to break down your door, you rush to put on a robe before hastily opening the door. "Ok, ok, I'm here. Please don't break my door-!" Before you even knew what was happening, large hands circle around your waist and you're hoisted over someone's shoulder. You're about to scream when you see a very familiar sumo belt. "Raiden? What are you doing?! Put me down!" You shout as you pound on his back. "I've hardly seen you all day, I missed you! So I decided what better way to fix this than to have you sleep with me!" Raiden boomed cheerfully. It took you a few seconds to process just what he said before you became a blushing mess. "You- What?! N-No! I can't just up and sleep with you on a whim Raiden. Please put me down so I can go to bed..." You say as your face burns red hot. "Hm... I refuse." Your jaw drops at his words as he closes your door and readjusts his hold on you. "It'll be fun, you'll see!" Raiden booms cheerfully as he heads back to his room with his prize in tow.

You try repeatedly to both reason with him and to beat the crap out of his back to make him let you go, but nothing works. Before you know it, he walks into a large Japanese style room with hundreds of empty plates and bowls strewn about. He walks a bit further into another, larger section of the room and without warning, he tosses you from over his shoulder. You scream as you go flying, expecting to hit a wall or hard floor. You're surprised though when you bounce onto a very plush surface. You whip around to see that you're on a massive circular bed with a large array of pillows at the headboard. "Why the hell did you toss me like a sack of-!" Your words caught in your throat when you realized Raiden was butt naked now. Your face glows crimson as you screech at him to cover himself. You turn your body away and chuck a small blanket at him. "Why should I cover myself? Don't you like what you see?" Raiden asks in a husky tone as the bed dips. You scramble to the far side of the bed before a large hand wraps around your ankle, dragging you back towards him. Your hands shoot to the edges of your robe, desperately trying to keep it from riding up.

You're on the verge of passing out from all the blood in your body rushing to your head, when you realized that Raiden used the blanket you threw to cover his torso. "Now then..." Raiden starts as he gets himself comfy on the giant bed. Suddenly, his arm snakes around your waist and he pulls you flush against his chest. "You're all ready for bed!" Raiden says with a playful grin. "Huh?" Was the only word you could muster in your confusion. "What? Were you maybe expecting something else?" Raiden teases with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Smack. "Ouch, ok. I'm sorry. I have no other intentions, I just want to sleep." Raiden says as he lifts a hand up on mock surrender. "You really scared the crap out of me Raiden, don't do that again." You say with a stern look. Uncharacteristically, Raiden brings his hand up to your cheek. "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry (Y/n). I just love having you around so much, that I don't know what to do with myself when you're gone. Please say you'll stay the night?" Your face flushes at his heartfelt words. "I... Fine. I'll sleep over for tonight only. And no funny business mister!" You say as you give him a look. Raiden gives an award winning grin before pulling you back into him.

Yawning, you involuntarily shudder as you poke Raiden's arm. "Hey, do you have any other blankets? I'm freezing." You say as you show him your arm covered in goosebumps for emphasis. Raiden chuckles for a bit before reaching over the side of the bed to grab a large blanket. It was so ginormous that it managed to cover both you and himself. The warmth from both the blanket and Raiden's body heat flowed into you, making your body relax. You felt your eyes start to droop as you whispered to Raiden. "Mmm... Goodnight." A faint chuckle could be heard before you felt large arms wrap around your frame. "Goodnight (Y/n)."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now