Chapter 9

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Waking up due to a light nudging of your shoulder, you groan. "Ugh... What time is it?" You ask as you try to rub the sleep from your eyes. Hearing a soft chuckle, you look over to see Sasaki crouching down beside you. "It's still early, but I figured you'd want a few minutes to get ready before heading down to meet the others. Brunhilde stopped by again after you fell asleep to drop off some new clothes for you, they're folded on the table. I'll be waiting outside, so just come out whenever you're ready and we can head down together. Sound good?" Giving a sleepy 'Alright', you sit up as Sasaki walks out of the room to give you privacy to change.

Making your way over to the table, you see a small folded note on top of the pile of clothes. You open it to read the following. 'I hope these clothes suit your tastes. I tried to get similar ones to your original outfit. - Brunhilde' Looking down at the clothes, you saw a few pairs of black yoga pants, some (f/c) tank tops with various patterns on them, and a new black jacket. 'Damn. She's got my sense of style down to a tee.' You think with a grin. You quickly get changed into your new clothes and meet Sasaki outside.

"You ready to go?" He asks as he straightens up from leaning against the wall. "Yup. Check out my new threads." You say as you playfully give a twirl to show off your new outfit. He laughs, finding your humor adorable. "Very nice. Shall we get going my lady?" He asks as he extends his arm with a grin. Returning with one of your own, you take his arm. "We shall." You both make your way to the dining hall on the ground level, Sasaki leading the way since you've never been there before. You see a set of double doors leading to what you could only assume was the hall. Before you could even enter however, shouting and loud banging could be heard from inside.

Turning your heads to each other, you gulp. "Is it too late to turn back?" You ask as the door suddenly slams open. "Unfortunately so." Sasaki says with a sweat drop. Turning back to see who had slammed the door open, you see a fairly disheveled looking Brunhilde at the door. "(Y/n), Sasaki! I'm glad you're both here, please come in." She gestures to the ensuing chaos. Walking inside you see various pieces of cracked furniture, spilt food, and two arguing men at the center of all this madness. "And why in the hell should I bow down to you?! Hah?!" A very muscular man with a large facial scar yells as he takes a puff of his cigar. He has scars all over his body and has an overall gruff appearance, with his greying hair pulled up into a man bun. 

It takes every ounce of will power for your jaw not to drop at his appearance 'Holy shit, he's a total dilf.' You think to yourself as you mentally will your incoming nosebleed away. "You're in the presence of an emperor. It's disrespectful not to bow." Looking over to the other man, your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. Slightly smaller in stature, but still very well built, the other man was also breathtaking. He had shiny black hair, centipede tattoos running down his face and back, and a large blindfold covering his eyes. 'Hubba hubba... Shit, I'm not drooling, am I?' "I bow down to no one you little-" "Enough!" Brunhilde's shout makes everyone in the room freeze. 

"Everyone, this is (Y/n) (L/n). She will be assisting us in Ragnarok. I expect you all to treat her well as she is an essential key to our victory." At her words, everyone looks over to you. 'Sure, put the spotlight on me. That doesn't make me nervous at all...' "And how's this shrimp supposed to help? She looks like she couldn't hurt a fly if she tried." The boisterous man from earlier said with a scoff. 'Wait, did that asshole just call me a shrimp?' You think to yourself as your eyes twitch angrily. "For clarification, she will not be fighting like the rest of you. (Y/n) was gifted with the ability of foresight. What she sees will determine our plan of action for each round." Brunhilde explains as everyone's focus on your sharpens. 

Brunhilde then turns to face you. "I will let you get acquainted with them over breakfast. Not everyone was able to make it this morning, but most of the participants are in attendance. I unfortunately cannot stay as I have some preparations I must attend to before Ragnarok, but I will be back later in the day to check in on you." Making her exit, she leaves you alone in a lions den. Feeling a nudge to your shoulder, you look up to see Sasaki motioning for you to follow him to a seat. In the middle of the room was a large, oblong table with various types of breakfast foods spread about it, and two large benches on either side of the table. You take a seat besides Sasaki as you look to the other faces in the room, immediately recognizing the head of blonde hair at the other end of the table. "Ah, Adam!" He looks over to you and you wave at him to come over. 

He gets up from his previous spot and walks on over to where you and Sasaki were sitting. "(Y/n), it's good to see you. How have you been since-" He freezes upon looking at you face, his smile turning into a worried frown. "What happened?" He says as he points to the spot on his cheek where the bandage was on yours. "Oh this? It's nothing, just a small scrape." You play it down, not wanting to worry him. His frown deepening when he sees five finger shaped bruises marring your face. Adam and Sasaki both now seeming troubled, you try to alleviate the mood. "Anyways... Let's dig in shall we? This food looks great." You say as you grab a plate and begin to pile on (f/b/f) and various fruits. 

Deciding it best not to push any further, Adam takes the seat directly across from you and grabs an apple. Sasaki decided on some miso soup, grilled fish, tamagoyaki, pickled vegetables, and a bowl of steamed rice. Making a bit of idle chatter, you don't notice an individual coming up from behind you until two giant hands slammed on either side of you, caging you in the unknown individuals arms. You look up and nearly start frothing at the mouth from shock and embarrassment. 'Why is a nearly naked man hovering over me?!' The gargantuan man in question had dark brown hair with white highlights and stared down at you with brown eyes that were beaming with enthusiasm. 'He's literally only wearing a sumo belt...' You think to yourself as you try your damnedest not to stare.

"Finally, another pretty lady! After this, would you like to join me back in my room?" He grins at you shamelessly. Your mouth gapes wide open like a fish and your face slowly starts growing more red by the second. "I-I... Um..." You were at an utter loss for words and your embarrassment levels only grew when you realized everyone stopped to look at you once more due to the commotion. "Hmm..?" His grin widening as he leans closer to your heavily blushing self. "I, uh, don't really know you well enough Mr...." You extend your sentence, waiting for him to introduce himself. "You can call me Raiden!" He exclaims as he jabs his thumb to his chest. 

"Ok, Raiden. I don't know you at all really, so I can't take you up on your offer. You can sit with us though, if you'd like?" You offer, trying to regain even a false sense of composure. "Hmm... Alright then!" Raiden uncages you from his arms and plops down right next to you, grabbing platefuls upon platefuls of food. 'A giant flirt with a giant appetite to boot...' You think as you mentally sweat drop at the man. Everyone started going back to their previous conversations, minus the two arguing men from earlier who seemed to be purposefully ignoring each other.

Deciding to focus on eating for now, you take a bite of (f/b/f). 'Holy shit, this tastes great!' Your eyes practically sparkling as you begin to go to town on the food. "I like a woman who knows how to eat." Raiden flirts, causing you to nearly choke on your food. Coughing, you look for something to drink when Sasaki hands you a glass of water. You quickly chug it down and your coughing fit subsides. "Thank you Sasaki." You say as you turn to look at him. "As for you mister..." You say turning and squinting your eyes at Raiden. "Tone it down on the flirting please! You're gonna give me heart palpitations!" Raiden looks at you, appearing to contemplate your words. "I can try, but no promises." He says with a big, goofy grin.

You begin talking with Adam and Sasaki again, now including Raiden as well. Though, Raiden mostly just tried to flirt with you to see how red your face would get. It was a bit hectic, but all in all, it was a welcome difference from the oppressive atmosphere at Olympus palace the night before. You were enjoying the good mood, when a voice spoke up. "It looks fun over here, mind if I join you?"

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now