Chapter 14

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Looking around your room, you see that it hadn't changed a bit since you last saw it. You walk over to your vanity and look at your reflection in the mirror. 'Damn, I look like crap.' You wince as the cut and bruises on your cheek were still prominent. Opening the drawer of your vanity, you decide to stash all of the candy Buddha gave you in there. 'I'm gonna save you delicious little morsels for later' You think to yourself as you mentally drool. The temptation to eat one grew stronger and stronger until you simply couldn't resist anymore. "Ok, maybe one wouldn't hurt..." You say as you grab a random piece. Looking at the paper, you read the flavor aloud. "Cola flavored Buddha chups?" Not recognizing the candy, you unwrap it and pop it in your mouth, your eyes widening at the flavor. "Holy shit, that's good!" You exclaim as you savor the taste of the candy in your mouth.

You check the rest of the candy to see if there were any more, and luckily there were a few more mixed in there. 'I'm gonna have to hit Buddha up for more of those later.' You think as you lick your lips. Right as you close the drawer to the vanity, a knock was heard at your door. 'Hm? That's weird. Maybe Brunhilde forgot something?' As you get closer to the door, you hear a multitude of voices. Some a bit louder than others. Considering pretending you weren't in, you're beaten to the punch as a voice sounds out from behind the door. "We already know you're in there (Y/n), you might as well open the door before this oaf breaks it down." Michel says in a singsong voice. At the threat of losing your door after just fixing the damn thing, you rush to open it. "Please don't break it down, I just got this one!" You shout as you swing open the door. Upon opening it, you're greeted with the faces of Michel, Raiden, Sasaki, Qin Shi Huang, and Adam.

"Hao! This is a fine room!" Qin Shi Huang announces as he waltzes in like he owns the place. 'Wait, I wasn't inviting you in!' Immediately upon entering, most of the others follow suit and barge into your room. Sasaki and Adam wait at the door for your permission to come in. Sighing, not seeing much point in denying them entry at this point, you step aside to allow them in. Once everyone made their way into your room, you shut the door behind you. "Not that I don't like seeing you guys, but why the impromptu visit- Hey, that's my bed!" You shout at Qin Shi Huang who made himself comfortable on your bed. "Moumantai! I will allow you to share the bed with me." Feeling your eye twitch, you decide to not push the matter for your sanity's sake. 

"We heard about what happened yesterday and wanted to check up on you." Adam spoke up as he looked to your neck. "We were all really worried about you after we got the news. Are you feeling any better?" Sasaki asks, a slightly worried look showing on his face. At their words of concern, you smile warmly at them. "I'm feeling a lot better now. Thank you guys for coming to check up on me." Suddenly, you're tackled into a bear hug and spun around like a rag doll. "I'm glad you're alright!" Raiden cheers as he spins you around at a rapid pace. 'I'm not gonna be for long it you keep tossing me around like a dogs chew toy..!' You mentally cry out as your soul starts to check out of your body. "Put her down you oaf, she's going to be sick!" Michel shouts at the giant man, causing Raiden to stop and look down at you. "Oops... Sometimes I forget my own strength!" Raiden booms out in laughter as he sets you down as gently as he can.

You attempt to glare at him, but one look at his big goofy smile and your annoyance evaporated. 'Damn, I can't stay mad at him...' You think to yourself as you reciprocate his smile with one of your own. "Where did you get that necklace? You weren't wearing it before." Michel states as he looks to the golden piece of jewelry dangling from your neck. "Ah, I actually received this as an apology gift from the goddess who crashed into me yesterday." You say as you look down to the necklace in question. At your words, Qin Shi Huang suddenly gets up and makes his way over to you. Before you could ask him what was up, he swept you off your feet and sat you on the bed next to him. "Hao! This is much better!" Blushing furiously at this point, you attempt to hide your face in your hands to conceal your embarrassment. Having none of that though, Qin Shi Huang removes your hands from your face with his own. "No piaoliang, don't hide your face from me."

"Get a room you two." Michel says with his tongue stuck out an an over exaggerated show of disgust. "No way! If she's going to go to anyone's room, it's going to be mine!" Raiden declares, making your embarrassment grow even more out of control. "Forgetful, aren't you? I believe I told you not to take what was mine." Whipping your head to Qin Shi Huang, you mentally scream out, 'When did I agree to become yours?!' "I claimed her first!" Raiden shouts as he points to you. 'Excuse me?!' The bickering between the two lasted for almost thirty whole minutes before Sasaki and Adam intervened, much to your relief. Michel however, stayed silent during the whole ordeal, seeming to take joy in your discomfort.

After talking with them for a few hours, your stomach decided to make its grievances with you known by growling loudly. The guys all look up to you at the sound and your face grows red in humiliation. "It's about time for dinner, wanna head down to the dining hall now?" Adam suggests as you nod your head enthusiastically at the thought of food. "Great! I was starved!" Raiden bellows as he grabs you from the bed and slings you over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down!" You nearly screech as you pound the big man's back with your fists. "Hmm... Nope!" Raiden laughs cheerfully as he walks out of the room with you in tow. Qin Shi Huang looked like he was about to knock Raiden around again, but considering you were on his shoulders and could get hurt in the process, he opted not to... For now.

The six of you making your way to the dining hall, you were shocked to see all of the various types of cuisine laid out when you arrived. American, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, French, English, etc. It looked like a feast fit for a king! 'I don't think I've ever seen this much food for one meal in my entire life...' You say to yourself mentally as you look at the spread in amazement. This didn't even hold a candle to Yesterday's breakfast and you thought that was a luxurious meal in the first place. You tap Raiden's back, trying to get his attention. "Can you set me down Raiden? I wanna look at the food." You ask him sheepishly. 

He hesitates for a moment, as if really thinking hard about it, before nodding his head and setting you down. "There you go! If you want, you could sit on my lap while-" He didn't even get to finish his flirtation before he was flung to the other side of the room by Qin Shi Huang. It was if he waited for the exact second he set you down to do so. "Hao! Back where you belong!" Qin Shi Huang says gleefully as he slings his arm around your shoulder, guiding you to the table. 'These two are going to be the death of me...' You mentally sigh as you take a seat next to Qin Shi Huang. The other three also seemed quite used to the two flirtatious men's antics by now and just sat down along with you.

Raiden, who seemed to recover from being tossed fairly quickly, joined the rest of you at the table. Everyone immediately started grabbing plates of food;  you chose some (f/f) along with different fruits and vegetables. You thought you had grabbed too much, but when you saw the literal mountain of food that Raiden grabbed, you suddenly felt less self conscious about taking too much from the table. You were about to dig in when a gruff voice sounded from the other end of the table. "For a shrimp such as yourself, your presence sure causes a commotion wherever you go."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now