Chapter 22

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You stand there, practically rooted to the spot on the floor. 'He... But he... Why did he do that?!' You mentally scream as you hold the fresh wound on your neck. 'I need to clean this up.' Still slightly in a stupor, you exit the closet and begin to make your way to your room. Luckily, you don't bump into anyone else along the way. Once you enter you room, you quickly shut the door behind you. 'I can worry about all this later, for now I need to get cleaned up. I feel gross...' You cringe as you feel the dirty and bloodied clothes sticking to your body. You remove the dirtied clothes and toss them in a nearby garbage bin. 'They've been tattered to shreds, no use in trying to fix them now.' Making your way into the bathroom, you head over to the closet to grab a wash cloth and head over to the sink. "I don't think I should take a full on bath, but simply wiping off the grime shouldn't damage the bandages." You contemplate to yourself as you turn on the tap.

Deciding to clean off the bite mark first, you wince as the water makes contact with the sore spot. Moving on to the rest of your body, you wipe all of the dirt and dried blood that clung to your skin from your clothes. You head back over to the closet to grab some medicinal ointment and a bandage. After treating Buddha's bite mark, you make your way back into your main room. You placed the dirty wash cloth in a basket with all your other dirty clothes and you pulled out a fresh outfit consisting of a black and white striped tank top, black yoga pants, and a (f/c) hoodie. Letting out a yawn, you make your way over to your bed. 'Brunhilde won't be here for a few more hours, and I think I've more than earned myself a nap.' You say as you crawl into the covers. You wrap yourself into a blanket cocoon before slowly nodding off.

Knocking at your door rouses you awake as you sit up. "I'm coming, I'm coming..." You say with a yawn as you make your way to the door. Upon opening it up, you're greeted with the friendly face of Brunhilde. "(Y/n), I trust you've rested well? It's time for us to head down to meet your abilities instructor." Nodding groggily, you give her a thumbs up. "Yup, all ready to go. Just give me a minute to put on my shoes and such." Brunhilde nods at you as you make your way over to your dresser. You grab a pair of socks from your dresser drawer before making your way over to your vanity. Once at the vanity, you grab your shoes from underneath it and finish getting dressed. You were about to get up when you see something glittering from the vanity drawer that was left slightly ajar. 'Oops, almost forgot.' You say as you grab your golden orchid necklace. You quickly clasp it around your neck before making your way back over to Brunhilde. "Ok, now I'm actually ready to go." You say as you step outside, shutting the door behind you.

You follow Brunhilde down the hallway and make your way to the dining hall doors. Before you enter however, Brunhilde places her hand out before you. Confused, you look up to the Valkyrie with a questioning gaze. "We will be meeting with your instructor at a separate location. I fear that if you go in there, it'll take forever to actually get to our destination. If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me what you'd like to eat and I will go grab some for you?" Thinking on it for a moment, you tell her you'd like (f/f) and some fruits and vegetables. Nodding, Brunhilde instructs you to wait for a moment before she goes into the dining hall. You stand outside, aimlessly looking around for a few moments before Brunhilde walks out with two trays. One of them had the stuff you requested, but the other looked very different. All that was on it was a lightly buttered baked potato, celery sticks, and a glass of milk. 'That's not a lot of food...' You think to yourself as your stomach grumbles.

Brunhilde gestures for you to follow her and you make your way down to a lower level of the dorms. 'I didn't know there was a lower level to this place.' You mentally awe as you look around. Brunhilde abruptly stops, causing you to almost bump into her. "Hey, why'd we stop-!" Your jaw nearly drops at the sight of what looks to be a ginormous vault door. Suddenly, a small beam of light shoots down from above and seemingly scans Brunhilde's eye. A loud ding could be heard before hearing a series of loud clicks and groans as the vault door started to unlock and open. You entered a futuristic looking tunnel before a very large room could be seen in the near distance. The room was massive, chalkboards lining the walls as well as books and papers scattered about the floor. In the distance, a man sitting atop a ladder could be seen scribbling equations on one of the chalkboards. 'I recognize him from the other day!' You mentally exclaim as you spot his familiar curly brown hair. "Still going at it I see, Tesla." Brunhilde says as she walks over and sets the two trays on a nearby table.

"Of course, the mysteries of science are never ending after all." The well dressed man says as he looks down to you. "(Y/n), this is Nikola Tesla. He will be in charge of helping you hone your foresight." At her words, Nikola hopped down from the ladder and made his way over to you in quick strides. Alarmed by his fast pace, you flinch as he steps right up to you. He stares at you for a moment before circling you, seemingly taking you in from every angle. "How fascinating... So you're this "sibyl" that Brunhilde has told me about. I have never met someone with abilities such as yours, so this will be wonderful research material!" He says enthusiastically as he smiles down at you. 'This man is certainly a bit... Eccentric.' You mentally sweat drop as he jots down some notes in a small notebook he was holding.

"I will leave you two to get acquainted over your meal. It's best to try to figure out how your abilities work and how to trigger them as soon as possible." Brunhilde said before she made her exit. 'Wait, don't leave me here alone with him. I don't know how to talk to smart people!' You mentally cry, but it was too late. It was just you and the extremely attractive scientist. It was awkward silence for a few moments before Nikola spoke up. "If you don't mind my asking, could you go into detail about every experience you've had with your ability thus far?" A bit surprised at his words, you look back over to him. "I can, but can we do it while we're eating? I'm fairly hungry cause I skipped lunch." You say as your stomach grumbled, as if on que. Nodding, Nikola headed over to the table and pulled out a chair for you. "Thank you." You say as you take a seat. Nikola followed suit and took the seat opposite from you. For the next twenty minutes, you proceeded to explain the two times your ability activated and what followed.

"Hm... How interesting! The ability to see an outcome before it even happens..." Nikola mumbles, slowly getting lost in thought. "If I'm being honest, I'm a bit surprised you believe in this stuff. You know, supernatural abilities and whatnot." You say as you take a bite of your (f/f). "And why not? Today's wonders are tomorrow's every day occurrences. Just because it is an unknown ability now, doesn't mean it can't be studied and learned from. That's just science." Pleasantly surprised by the mans optimism, you finish the last bite of your meal and look up at him. "Do you have any ideas on how this ability works? To be honest, I don't really have a clue as to how it's triggered or how I'm supposed to be able to use it." Nikola brings his hand to his chin in thought, taking a few moments before responding. 

"I do have one hypothesis. You said both times that the person in your vision died, correct?" Not liking where this was going, you give a quick nod of your head. "The first person from your vision died immediately, whereas the god from your second vision is currently not deceased. You also said that both of these incidents occurred after making physical contact with the other party. Given what little we know, we cannot come up with any decisive conclusions, but I surmise that your ability is triggered whenever you touch someone who is bound to die."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now