Chapter 20

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The man who you presumed to be a doctor turned around to face you. Eyes as black as obsidian boring into your own. In his hands was a dark colored staff with a skull head piece. 'He looks a bit gloomy...' You think to yourself as you decide to explain why you were there. "I'm sorry, the last time I was here, I didn't actually get to meet any of the physicians. I just need to get patched up; I can even do it myself if I'd be allowed to use the medical supplies." He stared at you for a moment more before silently gesturing to one of the beds, his staff shrinking into the skull piece as he does so. 'Ok, that was kinda spooky...' Awkwardly making your way over, you take a seat and he goes over to a nearby cabinet to grab cloth, bandages, and rubbing alcohol. After grabbing everything he needed, he went over to a nearby sink to fill a small metal basin with water. Wordlessly, he made his way back over to you with the items he had gathered.

"I need you to undress." You stared at him blankly, the words not fully registering in your brain until a few moments later. "I-I'm sorry?" Sighing a bit, he points to your jacket. "The cuts are past your clothes. They need to be removed for me to treat the cuts." Blushing madly, you fiddle with the hem of your jacket sleeve. "Is there any kind of gown or something I can wear?" You ask him awkwardly. Sighing once more, he gets back up and heads over to a closet on the far side of the room. He returns with a cotton medical gown and drops it on your lap. "Will this be sufficient?" Nodding, you grasp the gown in your hands. "Yes, thank you. Is there somewhere I can change, or...?" You say as you look around for a separate room or some kind of curtain. Wordlessly, he turns around and steps away from you. "There aren't any other rooms, I will keep my back turned while you change." His tone had a hint of finality to it, so you resigned yourself to your fate.

Looking up every few moments to make sure he wasn't peeping, you slowly slip out of your bloodied clothes and slip on the gown. Making sure it covered your important bits, you tightly tie the front and call out to him. "I'm ready now." At your words, he turns around and makes his way over to you again. He sits down next to you and immediately wets the cloth in the basin before grabbing your left wrist. Not expecting the sudden movement, your hand jerks out of his. He gives you a slightly annoyed look, to which you offer a sheepish smile. "Ah, sorry about that. Guess I just got a bit startled." You say as you offer him your arm. He says nothing as he starts wiping the dried blood and bits of dirt from your skin. 'The awkward silence is killing me here...' You think as he continues to quietly work on cleaning your wounds. "So, um... I haven't properly introduced myself yet. The name's (Y/n); what's your name?"

He looks up to you for the briefest of moments, before looking back down to continue his work. 'Swing and a miss, I guess.' Feeling a sudden touch on your legs, you whip your head down to see that the unnamed doctor started cleaning the wounds there as well. Blushing heavily, you try to ignore the sensation of his hands on you. 'This feels weird...' After a few unbearable moments of silence, he finally speaks. "I need to disinfect the wounds now, this will sting." Without any semblance of gentleness he dampens another cloth with rubbing alcohol and starts rubbing it on your wounds. Wincing at the contact, you try to hold still as much as possible. Out of nowhere, he grabs your chin with his hand and angles your head to the side. You clench your eyes tightly as he places the cloth there as well. 'Man, this shit hurts!' Once he's finally done, you feel stinging all over your body. Wasting no time, he starts bandaging your arms and legs. After that, he places one final bandage on your cheek.

Getting up again, he turns away from you and takes a few steps forward. "You may get dressed now." Not needing to be told twice, you quickly change back into your clothes, slightly cringing at how gross they felt. "I'm done." You say as you stand up. He turns to face you again, his staff now fully extended in his hands like before. Looking over to the basin, an idea pops into your head. "I'm sorry to ask, but could I borrow this and some cloth?" He looks over to the basin and then to yourself before he answers. "Do as you please." With that, he turns to leave. Before he made it very far, he suddenly halted. You wonder why, but realize to your horror that you had grabbed onto his sleeve. 'Why the hell did I grab him?!' He glances over his shoulder to see what you want, the look on his face anything but amused. "Um... Want to join me outside? There's someone I think you might like to meet."

Expecting to get turned down immediately, you're surprised when he turns to face you. "Make it quick." Nodding your head, you hold out your hand to him. He hesitates for a moment before accepting the gesture and takes his hand in your own. You guide him down the corridors until you find your way outside. "Nimbus? Are you still here?" You call out as you look around for your winged friend. Hearing a whinny in the distance, you look to see a familiar coat of white and grey trot over to you. "Glad you stuck around, I got some stuff to wash that muck off your coat." You say as you set the basin on the ground. Nimbus slows at the sight of the man next to you, as if unsure of whether to proceed. Turning to look at the doctor, you point your thumb at the pegasus. "This is Nimbus, at least that's what I call him. I found him today and thought you might like to see him." You say nervously as you see that the man's expression looked dull. 'He looked so glum in there... Animals always managed to cheer me up when I'm down.' Slowly, Nimbus made his way over to you, nudging his head into your shoulder. "Hey, watch it buddy. I'm still sore." You laugh a bit as you pet his forehead.

The man's expression remained still, causing you to let out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry if I overstepped. I know I don't know you, so it's not at all my place to say this but... You looked really unhappy. I figured what better way to cheer someone up than with a furry friend? But that might've been  a childish way of viewing things, now that I'm thinking on it." You say with a sheepish smile. His eyes widen ever so slightly at your words, so much so that you don't even notice it. Slowly, he takes a step towards you and raises his hand to pet Nimbus' mane. Surprised by his actions, a warm smile graces your face. Leaning down to grab and wet the cloth, you get to cleaning the grime off Nimbus' fur. "This pegasus is covered in dried blood, yet it has no wounds." The doctor observes as his hand pets the pegasus' neck. "Ah, yeah that's actually my blood. Nimbus was unintentionally my ride here, so it unfortunately got on his fur. I almost had a heart attack when he took off." The mans hand freezes for a moment, turning his head looking up to you. "You rode this beast?" Meeting the man's gaze, you respond. "Well, sort of. It's more like he flew while I held onto it's back for dear life. Also, his name's Nimbus, not beast." You chastise lightly as you go back to cleaning the winged horses' fur.

Since you were looking down, you failed to notice the small hint of a smile pulling at the edge of the mysterious mans mouth. "I hope you don't mind me asking again, but might I know your name?" The man, deciding to humor you, spoke softly. "....." Furrowing your brows a bit, you look up to him. "I'm sorry, could you tell me again? I couldn't really hear you." Hearing shouting in the distance, you look over to see Brunhilde hurrying over to you. "(Y/n), are you alright? I never thought you would make it here before me. Were you able to get treated?" Smiling at her, you nod. "Yup. Thanks to this nice doctor over here, I was able to get all patched up." Giving you a confused look, Brunhilde responds. "(Y/n)... There's no one here, but us."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now