Chapter 23

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Your expression grows grim as he gives you his hypothesis. Not seeming to pick up on your distress, Nikola continues. "If the timing of the deaths is at random, then perhaps it would be possible to change the outcome if given enough time to try to counteract the events that lead up to it... However, that wouldn't be of much help if the death happened immediately after the vision..." Nikola mumbled, lost in his head. 'My visions only see death?' You think to yourself sorrowfully as you look down. "Touch me." You almost give yourself whiplash at how fast you yank your head back up to look at the scientist. "Excuse me?" You ask, too shocked to form coherent thoughts. "I'd like to see if this ability of yours will be triggered if you make contact with me." Nikola explains as he extends an ungloved hand to you. 'Right! That's what he meant...' You think to yourself as you grab his hand, your face red from embarrassment. 

You both wait a few moments, but nothing happens. Sighing in relief, you're about to pull your hand away, when Nikola's grip tightens. "Um, Mr. Tesla? Nothing happened, so I think we're in the clear." Shaking his head, he points a finger at his head, tapping on his temple. "You're too distracted. Even normal thoughts will be disrupted if your mind isn't clear. Try relaxing for a moment and focus on trying to see what you normally can't." Your brows furrow at his words. 'It sounds simple in theory, but how exactly am I supposed to do that?' Regardless of your doubts, you take a deep breath and close your eyes in an attempt to clear your mind. It's silent for a few moments, the only thing your eyes seeing is black. You were about to throw in the towel after a few more minutes of nothing when Nikola spoke up. "You're still too distracted. Try focusing on your senses. What can you hear? What can you feel? What can you taste? Perhaps focusing on your other senses will spark something in your sense of sight."

Taking another breath, you try to do as he told you. You listen and hear the whirring of various machines around the space. Then you try to focus on the hand that's still holding onto yours. His hand was large and slightly calloused; the metal rings he was wearing were cool against your skin. However, one thing in particular caught your attention. 'His hand, it's warm...' The warmth emanating from his hand was helping to soothe your anxieties a bit. Suddenly, the darkness you had been seeing flashed to white and you were no longer in Nikola Tesla's room, but the arena. 

A flash of orange zooms past you and you whip your head around to see what just flew past you. Your eyes widen to see Nikola in some kind of giant mechanical suit rushing towards a familiar head of black hair. 'The doctor?!' They both rush towards each other; Nikola preparing a punch while Nikola held out his skull staff in defense. A coil on Nikola's chest begins to whir and glow as it spun rapidly. Your jaw drops in horror as Nikola's right arm suddenly vanishes, the blood from his missing limb arcing against some king of force field that stood in front of the doctor.

A light appears from behind the mysterious man as Nikola continues his swinging motion. As if his right arm had teleported, it flies at the doctor from behind as Nikola prepares another punch with his left arm. Both men cry out as they lunge at each other. The doctor uses his staff to force his shield aside, thrusting his free arm forward. In that instant, everything stops. Nikola's severed arm falls to the ground alongside the doctors staff. A gasp leaves your lips as you see two fingers lodged into Nikola's chest. The doctor had pierced Nikola's heart through his metal armored suit. Blood spurts out from behind Nikola's back as the coil on his chest bursts into pieces. 

The two men appear to converse for a moment, but they're too far away for you to hear them clearly. The unnamed man rips his hand out of Nikola's chest, causing the man to stumble forward. The doctor turns away, but stops upon realizing that Nikola is still standing. "Humanity... Keep your heads up!" Nikola shouts as he faces the crowd. "In this battle, we have evolved once more! And as long as we refuse to give up both science and humanity... Ragnarok will not fall upon us!" The crowd was in tears as the man spoke. Nikola started to tumble forward, when a woman materialized behind him, stopping his fall. She, along with Nikola started to crumble into pieces.

You take a few steps towards them, desperately wanting for all of this to stop. "Keep looking forward! Never stop moving!" Your walking turned into running as you raced towards the man who was rapidly disappearing before your very eyes. "Humanity! Continue to progress!" Your hand stretched out to reach them, but you were too late. Nikola and the unknown woman were now nothing but dust. The crowd burst into tearful cheers of hope as an announcement boomed overhead. "The winner of Ragnarok's round eight is... "The lord of the flies", Beelzebub!" Instantly, your vision fades to black again and your eyes shoot open. Tears flowing freely from your eyes as you cry out in sadness and frustration. 'Fuck! What good is this power if all I see is death?!' 

Nikola, a bit unsure of what to do, releases your hand. You bring your hands to your eyes as you try to stop the tears, but the second one is wiped away, two more take its place. You hear shuffling to the side of you before a hand gently pulls you up by your arm. You blink confusedly at him, before you're enveloped in a warm embrace. "I apologize if this is a bit too forward of me, I'm not exactly well versed in how to comfort others emotionally. My brother used to do this for me when I was upset though." You sniffle as he continues to hold you, rubbing soothing circles on your back. After staying like that for a bit, you pull back. "Thank you. I'm uh, sorry about that." You say as you look down in embarrassment. Nikola shakes his head before guiding you back to your seat. However, this time he kneels down next to you instead of going back to his chair. 

"If you don't mind my asking... Could you tell me what you saw?" Your breath hitches a bit as you look down to him uncertainly. 'But I just saw him die... Surely he wouldn't want to hear that.' You think sadly as another tear rolls down your cheek. Nikola reaches his hand up to your face, brushing the tear away. "Whatever you tell me, it will be ok. If it is truly too painful, you do not have to say it." Thinking on his words, you decide that he had the right to know. You take the next thirty minutes to explain everything that you had seen, every last devastating detail. Nikola looks down for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. "So I'm to die in the eighth round..." You couldn't bare to look at him as you could only imagine how he was feeling right now. "How fascinating!" Your face whips towards him at a speed you didn't even know was possible. "I- Huh?" You couldn't even formulate words in your shock. 

"I never imagined I would be able to hear of my own death before it happens! This is wonderful material!" He says as he begins to jot down notes in his notebook. "Aren't you... Upset at all? I just told you that I saw you die." You ask, utterly confused by the man's behavior. "What reason would I have to be upset? Nothing is set in stone before it happens. Different variables can always change the outcome of a given scenario, that's science!" He says with a beaming smile. Something about the cheerful man's words sparks something in you, and once again, tears fall from your eyes. However, this time they were in relief. Getting up from your chair once more, you wrap your arms around Nikola. "Thank you..." The scientist freezes for a moment before returning the gesture awkwardly. "Why are you thanking me?" Sniffling, you pull yourself back as you hold onto his shoulders. You look right into his eyes and muster up a shaky smile. "For giving me hope."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now