Chapter 3

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For a moment, the two of you just stood there, standing in complete silence. It stayed that way until Thor broke the silence. "I told you to come here." He said, once more pointing to the spot on the floor before him. Shaking your head, you stay rooted to the floor. 'And get within smacking range of that hammer? No thanks.' His face remaining impassive, he steps forward and in response, you take a step back. Stopping, his grip on his hammer tightens. Your already trembling form growing even more shaky at the sight. "Hm. Not stupid enough to be unafraid, but brave enough to defy me regardless..." He looks right into your eyes as he gives you an offer. "I'll let you choose... Either you come here now, or I come get you. I can't promise you won't get hurt in the second option." At the threat of bodily harm, you slowly make your way over to him.

Now having to look up at him due to his massive stature, you are able to get a closer look at him. He was wearing a large white coat that covered half of his face from your sight, but you could now see him more clearly since you were so close.  'Holy shit, he's hot. Wait, now's not the time-' Your thoughts were soon interrupted by Thor. "Zeus told my father of a human woman coming to Valhalla. That it was imperative that she not be allowed to aide the humans in Ragnarok." Your eyes widen at his words. "However..." His hand reaches for the back of your neck, harshly bringing your face closer to his. "You don't look like much of a threat. Whether you aide the humans or not, I don't care." 

Pressing your hands against his chest to gain some leverage to push yourself out of his grip, you decide to speak. "Respectfully Lord Thor, if you don't care... Then why go through the trouble of keeping me here to talk to me?" You couldn't tell what he was thinking because his face was completely expressionless. "I'm bored." Thinking you were hearing things, you give him a confused look while still trying to remove yourself from his hold. He gave your hair a hard squeeze as if to warn you to stop trying to push him away, and then continued. "Your arrival seems to have shaken things up here. Even my father seems to be in an uproar about you and your ability." Wincing due to the painful grip he had on your hair, you think of how to convince him to let you go without risking your safety in the process.

Looking you up and down, he releases you as suddenly as he had grabbed you. Your right hand immediately reaching up to rub your scalp to ease the lingering throbbing.  "Perhaps you being here will alleviate my boredom... Don't disappoint me." He brushes past you as he finally makes his exit. Releasing a breathe you didn't know you were holding, you stand there at a loss for words. 'What the hell just happened?' Seeing as how the sun was starting to set and there was still no sign of Goll or Brunhilde returning yet, you decide to return to your room on your own. Peeking only your head out of the door first in case the god of thunder still lingered nearby, you took a look around outside. Deducing that he was long gone, you fully step out of the entrance doors of the arena and are welcomed with the beautiful scenery of Valhalla.

You start walking, but soon stop upon making a realization. "Which way was the building I came from again?" You wonder audibly as your crossed your arms against your chest. "Are you lost?" Your soul temporarily leaves your body at the sound of a rather loud voice coming from your right. You look over to see another giant of a man, though, not quite as tall as Thor. He had flaming orange hair that spiked in different directions, cerulean blue eyes, and a red spiraling tattoo that covered half of his upper body.

Taking notice of the large lion shaped club he held, you looked around to see if bolting was an option. His eyes following your line of sight to his weapon, he spoke up. "I'm not going to hurt you. I simply wanted to know if I could help." His kind tone left no hint of deception or ill intent, causing you to visibly relax. "Actually, I need to find my room. But I've only been there once before so I'm afraid I can't quite remember which way the building was." You admit to him, slightly embarrassed. Seeming to take your words into consideration, he looks at the surrounding buildings before looking back to you. "If you'll allow me, I could help you find it."

 Considering his offer, you figure that it'd be more dangerous for you to be out here alone than with someone who seemingly had no intention to harm you. "Well, alright then. The name's (Y/n) by the way. It's nice to meet you Mr..." You extend your hand to shake his, waiting for him to introduce himself. He returns a smile that rivaled the brightness of the sun as he took your hand. "My name is Heracles, it is likewise nice to meet you as well (Y/n)." Releasing his hand, you pause for a moment. 'Wait, Heracles? Like the god Heracles? Fuck, Brunhilde is gonna murder my ass...'

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Heracles asks you, a slight look of concern on his face. "Hm? Oh, yeah I'm ok. Just a bit lost in thought. Shall we get going?" You ask as you look up to him. His smile returns to his face as he responds. "Of course." He leads the way as you follow him. As you two continued to walk and make idle chatter, a question popped into your mind. "I was wondering Heracles, what were you doing at the arena? The place was practically empty." He looks back at you with a smile still adorning his face. "I was going to look at the arena before the battles took place." You remained silent as he explained to you. "Truthfully, I do not wish to see humanity destroyed. I wish to save it from such a fate." You look up at him to see a thoughtful look upon his once smiling face.  

"Is it because you were once a human yourself?" He looks down at you, pondering your words. "No. Whether I was a human before or always a god, my answer would remain the same. It is unjust to simply end all of humanity like this, and thus it is something I cannot stand by and allow to happen." A small chuckle escaping your lips has Heracles giving you a confused look. "I'm sorry. I am not laughing at you. It's just... From what I've seen and heard, the gods couldn't care less about humanity. Most actually wishing us dead. Yet, you don't want that. You want to do what's right, even if it means opposing your fellow gods. It may not be appropriate to say seeing as how you're no longer human, but you're a good man Heracles. I truly believe that." You look back up to see an expression you had never seen from another before. It was something akin to both admiration and joy.

Before he could say anything else, a loud shout sounded from a distance. "(Y/n)! There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you and couldn't find-" Goll could be seen running at you, but upon seeing the god standing next to you, she picked up her pace at an alarming rate. Afraid she was going to have a misunderstanding, you moved to intervene, but it was too late. However, instead of scared, she looked... Happy? "Brother Heracles!" She cheered gleefully as she bumped her arm against his, Heracles returning the gesture with just as much enthusiasm. Following closely behind Goll was a bewildered and slightly concerned looking Brunhilde. 

Looking up from Goll, he smiled at Brunhilde's arrival. "It's good to see you Hilde." You noticed Brunhilde's expression morphing into one of ease. "Likewise brother Heracles. I'm surprised to see you two together though. How exactly did this happen?" Brunhilde asks, giving you a look practically screaming "What did I tell you about staying away from the gods?" "About that, after I left the arena I realized I didn't remember where the building we came from was and he happened to be nearby." You offer sheepishly. Brunhilde looks from you back to Heracles after hearing your explanation of things. "Thank you Brother Heracles for looking out for her in our absence. We can walk her back to her room from here." Heracles looks between the three of you before nodding his head. "I will take my leave here then. It was nice meeting you (Y/n)." "It was nice meeting you as well Heracles." Heading off back towards the arena, Heracles grew smaller in the distance as Brunhilde and Goll began to lead you back to your building.

Suddenly turning back around, you call out to him. "Hey Heracles!" Upon hearing your shout, he turns back to face you. "We should see each other again sometime!" A big smile decorating your face as you look at him. He returns your smile with an even bigger one of his own. "We will!" He shouts back. You face Brunhilde and Goll again, seeing them smile at the sight of your interaction with the god. "Ready to head back?" You ask as you walk slightly ahead of them, despite having no idea where you were going. Remaining completely unaware of the golden eyes looking at you from afar before vanishing.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now