Chapter 10

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You look over to where you heard the voice, only to see what looked to be a young boy. 'Is he lost or something? What's a kid doing here?' He looked to be around the same age as Goll, if not a little bit older. He wore very expensive looking clothing, had lightly colored hair that went past his shoulders, and had an overall slightly feminine appearance. "You've got crumbs all over your face." He says as he points to his face, indicating where the crumbs were on your own. 'Shit, really?' You think to yourself as you frantically wipe at your face. "Pfft..." You hear a chuckle as you look back up at the boy, him them breaking out into full on laughter. "You should have seen your face! I totally fooled you!" The boy laughs humorously.

You stare at him dumbfoundedly as his laughter finally dies down.  A blush of embarrassment rises on your face at the realization that he made a fool out of you. "Right... If you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you?" He looks back up to you, wiping a stray tear from his eye. "The name's Michel Nostradamus, pleasure to meet you!" He says with a childlike grin. Your eyes widen as you recognize his name from the list of fighters that Brunhilde showed you. "You're Michel Nostradamus? As in the same Michel Nostradamus that's fighting in Ragnarok?" Not even waiting to be invited, he moves over to take the seat across from Sasaki. "The very same!" He says playfully as he steals a tangerine from your plate. "Hey, I was going to eat that!" You say as you reach for the orange fruit before Michel extends his arm back and out of your reach. 

There's a mischievous glint in his eyes, almost daring you to try and take it back. Not wanting to play into his hand, you slink back into your seat. "Aww... You're no fun." He complains with a pout. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice though, and I'll look like an idiot." You say as you grab some more (f/b/f). "Is that a common saying from your time?" Sasaki asks as he takes a bite out of some of his tamagoyaki. "It's not the correct saying, but it's close enough- Oh no you don't!" You lightly slap Michel's hand away as he was about to steal some of your (f/b/f). Sticking his tongue out at you, he turns his head in another pout. 'Man, this kid is a handful...' You think to yourself as you grab another plate and fill it with some (f/b/f), and a couple of tangerines. "Here. Take this instead of stealing off my plate please." You extend the plate over to Michel, his eyes showing the briefest hint of surprise before flitting back to his usual sly expression.

To your surprise, and relief, Michel doesn't make any clever remarks and just takes the food. 'Finally, some peace and quiet.' Your peace was short lived as Raiden leans his face over to you. "What is it?" You ask nervously as he points his finger at his mouth. "I want you to feed me too!" He says unabashedly, a big grin forming on his face. "I didn't hand feed him, I just gave him a plate of food! Why would I hand feed you?" His grin goes even wider as he places leans his head against his hand. "Because you can't resist my charm?" The temptation to flick him in the forehead for that comment was strong, but you knew he wouldn't quit until he got what he wanted so you grabbed a strawberry from your plate. Smiling, Raiden opens his mouth and waits for you to feed him. You reach to place the berry in his mouth, but Michel suddenly reaches his upper body over and bites the strawberry out of your fingers. All four of you go silent as Michel sits back down, happily munching down on his prize. "I- You- Why did you do that?!" You ask, shocked by the boys behavior. "Hm? Oh, I wanted it." He says with a smirk.

'Why I oughta...' You thoughts are pulled away by Raiden slamming a fist on the table. "You little thief! That was my berry, not yours! Michel, seemingly uncaring, looks up at him. "Is that so? Too bad then, I already ate it." Michel says with his tongue poking out of the corner his mouth playfully. Afraid Raiden would jump over the table and beat the kid to a pulp, you place a hand on his bicep. "Hey, it's cool. I'll just give you another one, ok?" Raiden considers it for a moment, before nodding and grinning at you once more. "As for you..." You start as you point your finger at Michel. "No funny business." You give him the ol' mom stare to emphasize your point. He simply shrugs his shoulders and goes back to eating from the plate you made him.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now