Chapter 2

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You blinked as you just stared up at her in disbelief. "Let me get this straight. You want me, some random human you picked up off the streets, to help save the entire human race with an ability I don't even know how to use?" You asked in an exasperated tone. "I can see that I'm losing you. If you'd allow me, please let me show you around. It'll help put all of this into perspective." She reached her hand out for you to grab, making no sudden moves to startle you. 'I doubt she'll let me go home if I asked, so I might as well continue to play along for now.' You conclude to yourself as you hesitantly accept her hand.

Brunhilde proceeded to lead you out of the bedroom and into the hallway. Similar limestone walls making the hallway seem brighter as the sunlight trickled in from the windows at the end of the halls. As you walk past, you see many other doors like yours. She lead you down to the ground level of the building and opened two large wooden double doors that led to outside. The bright light of the sun blinded you momentarily, but when your vision cleared, you were at a loss for words.

Before you were vast lands filled with lush greenery, crystal blue rivers, and a sky so blue you could practically swim in it. You also noticed the various stone buildings surrounding the area. Most of them very similar to the one you were just in, but a few stood out from the rest. One of which looked like a gladiator arena from ancient Rome, and the other one looked to be an enormous castle sat atop a mountain. 'Ok, wherever I am, I am clearly far away from home.' You thought to yourself as you let yourself be dragged further outside by Brunhilde. Hearing a loud whiny, you look over to your left to see something you thought was purely myth. A herd of pegasi grazing on grass, their brilliant white wings ruffling on their backs.

You look over to Brunhilde to see if it's ok to approach, to which she nods encouragingly. You let go of her hand and slowly head over to where the nearest pegasus was. It moved its head up to look at you as you grew near, causing you to stop in fear of spooking it. To your surprise, rather than moving away, it moved closer to you. Holding out your hand for it to smell, it leaned its head into your hand. You begin to slowly pet it along it's muzzle. 'So soft..!' Brunhilde slowly walked up to your side. "Pegasi are naturally very friendly towards humans." She spoke as the pegasus in question moved its head to look at her as well.

"Hopefully this will help you believe I am speaking the truth." She spoke as you offered a small, awkward smile. "Yeah, sorry about that. If I'm being honest, I thought you were some kind of nut. Though, in my defense, you did technically kidnap me." Under normal circumstances you'd be scared senseless still, but you experienced so many strange and or traumatic events today that you're slowly becoming desensitized to it. "It's only reasonable that a human would have a hard time believing all of this in your day and age. The relationship between gods and men has almost completely deteriorated into nothing." You look up to her, seeing her petting the pegasi's mane. "Look, Brunhilde. About using this "ability" of mine to help save humanity... As much as I should want to, I think I'm just too shocked from today to make a proper decision about it. I mean, I was just uprooted from my home after seeing a person die before they actually died. I'm still half convinced I'm hallucinating all of this as some sort of trauma response. Would it be ok to take a day to think on it?" She looks up to meet your gaze, a smile forming on her face.

"Of course it's ok. I would like to show you one more place, but after that I could return your to your room to rest." She stated, holding out her hand once more. You accepted, taking her hand again."I'm sure you've realized by now you're not quite on earth anymore. Where you currently are is known as Valhalla, or maybe better known to you as heaven." Brunhilde explained, continuing to lead you to an unknown destination. You halted at that, Brunhilde looking behind her to see why you stopped. "Wait, heaven? Am I dead?!" You semi panic, pinching your cheek harshly. Brunhilde grabbed your hand to stop you from pinching yourself any further. "No, you are very much still alive, please do not panic. It is possible for living humans to visit Valhalla, but it is extremely unlikely and under most circumstances it is forbidden." Brunhilde explained to you.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now