Chapter 15

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You look over to where the gravelly voice came from, only to see the same man who was arguing with Qin Shi Huang yesterday during breakfast. He wasn't even looking at you, just sitting at the table with a glass of wine in hand and a cigar on his lips. "With all due respect, what's that supposed to mean?" You ask him as your eyebrows furrow. Still not paying you any mind, he takes a swig of his wine before answering you. "I mean look at yourself. You have the presence of a field mouse, yet you have these idiots following you around like dogs hoping for scraps. It's ridiculous." Before anyone could say anything in retaliation, your hands slam on the table. Getting up you march over to the burly man, shaking off Adam's hand when he tries to stop you. Stopping right before where he was sitting, you glare down at the rude man. "Apologize." Your voice comes out harsh, surprising the guys over at your end of the table. "Hah?" The man says, finally looking at you. "I said apologize."

"Look little lady, I didn't mean to offend you. I just meant that you cause an uproar wherever you are." He said dismissively, going in to take another swig of his wine. Whether it was bravery, stupidity or perhaps a bit of both, you snatch the wine out of his hands before he the glass can reach his lips. The man in question glares at you with a look of annoyance  on his face, and you glare right back at him. "I'm not going to apologize to you cause I hurt your poor feelings. Now give me back my wine, shrimp." He says as he extends his hand for you to give him his glass back. "I don't give a shit about what you said about me. Apologize for calling them idiots, right now." You say as you move the wine further away from him. "I don't know who the hell you think you are and quite frankly I don't care. Nobody talks about my friends like that." Feeling a bit drunk off of righteous fury, you bring the wine glass to your lips and chug the rest of the wine before slamming the glass on the table.

The gruff man's eyes widen slightly at your words before a harsh smirk appears on his face and he stands, now towering over your form. Refusing to back down however, you stand tall. Leaning down, he stops a few inches from your face. "The name's King Leonidas. You still think you can handle me, little girl?" His husky voice causing you to fight back a shiver. You recognize the name from your Greek lore books, but right now you don't care. Not removing eye contact, you bring your face even closer to his, practically headbutting him in the process. "Just because you're a king, doesn't give you the right to be a jackass to everyone else." As if you had said the right answer, Leonidas leans back and booms with laughter. "Maybe I was wrong about you kid, it seems you might not be a skittish little mouse after all!" You cross your arms and give him an indignant look as he keeps on laughing. "So, you'll apologize?" You ask plainly, your patience for the haughty king running ice thin. "Not on your life, shorty." He says as he pours another glass of wine.

You're about to reach down and grab your shoe to throw at the infuriating king, when Sasaki comes up and stops you. "I think things have grown a bit too heated here, how about we all cool down a bit?" Sasaki offers, looking over to Leonidas. "Do whatever you want." Leonidas said with a dismissive wave of his hand. Sasaki pulls you back over to your end of the table, but not before you flip off the arrogant king and give him the stink eye. Not even looking at you anymore, the king smirks and flips you the bird. Making sure you sit as far away from the infuriating man as humanly possible, you join the others who are all looking at you with fairly surprised expressions. "You alright (Y/n)? I don't think I've ever seen you get so mad before." Sasaki questions as he takes a seat next to you. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry if I startled any of you, I was just mad. I can put up with a lot of bullshit, but trash talking people I care about is where I draw a hard line." You say as you finally snap out of your red haze. "Aw, didn't know you cared about us so much." Michel says in a teasing voice, causing your cheeks to go red from embarrassment.

"Well, you guys are my friends. We're all in this crazy mess together, right?" Qin Shi Huang, who was surprisingly silent until now, speaks up. "Hao!" Reaching over to your hips, he grabs your and places him on his lap once more. "Good girl for defending my honor!" A furious blush spreads to your cheeks at his words. 'I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...' Your thoughts are interrupted by a raspberry being pushed against your lips. "A reward, piaoliang." He says as he pushes the red berry into your mouth. 'I think I'm getting deja vu...' Nervousness levels rising as you chew on the sweet fruit. You look over to see if that asshole king has anymore snide comments to make, but are relieved to see that he had left. Further looking around the room, you see that there are only three other people in the room. One of them was a man dressed in formal attire and had brown hair that was parted in the middle; he seemed to have his nose stuck in a rather large book about engineering physics. Across from him sat a fairly large man covered in both battle scars and tattoos. He had waist length black hair with a bun on top; the bun being held in place by a golden hair piece that looked like insect antennae. Both of the men seemed to have ignored the commotion from earlier entirely as they ate their meals in silence.

When you looked to the final person in the room, you nearly choked. Looking straight at you, was none other than Jack the ripper. 'How long has he been staring at me like that?' You shudder as he continues to stare a hole through you. "You cold piaoliang? You're shaking." Qin Shi Huang questions as he presses himself closer to you in an attempt to warm you up. "You're cold? Want me to warm you up?" Raiden asks suggestively. Normally you'd be flustered by his words, but Jack's stare just unnerved you too much. Noticing your strange behavior, Adam follows your gaze and his eyes narrow when he sees Jack. "It's gotten a bit late, I think we should eat quickly and then head to bed." Sasaki, who also seemed to have picked up on what was going on, suggested. Looking down at the food, your stomach turns at the thought of eating right now. "I'm actually not very hungry right now, I think I'm just gonna turn in early for the night." You say as you slide out of Qin Shi Huang's lap. Knowing you weren't feeling well all of a sudden, the emperor allowed it.

Wishing everyone a good night, you leave the dining room and head back up to your room. Once you arrive, you decide to try to unwind by taking a nice hot bath. After spending thirty minutes just cleaning yourself and soaking in the warm water, you get out and dry yourself off. Once you were fully dry, you opted to change into the linen nightgown that Brunhilde gifted you before. 'I don't think I should wear this to bed...' You look down to the golden necklace that was currently sitting atop your folded clothes and decide put it in your vanity drawer for sake keeping. 'The bath was a good idea, I feel a lot more relaxed now.' You think to yourself as you make your way over to your bed. 'I think a good night's sleep is just what I need.' Wrapping yourself into a little blanket cocoon, you shut your eyes and attempt to get some shut eye.

Hours Later

'Fuck, I can't sleep...' You mentally groan as you had been tossing and turning nonstop trying to get comfortable. 'Screw this, I'm getting some water.' You say and you throw the covers off yourself in a cranky manner and head to the door. It was practically pitch black in the halls, moonlight being the only light in the area. Trying not to bump into things, you steadily make your way to the dining hall and look for somewhere you can get water. Seeing a door on the wall to your left, you peek inside to see a relatively modern kitchen. 'Didn't expect something so modern in a place like this...' A light glow emanated from the different appliances digital clocks. '2:00 AM, huh? Didn't realize it was that late...' You think to yourself as you get a glass from one of the upper cabinets and pour some water from the refrigerators water dispenser. Before you can take a sip, a strange sound pours into the room. 'Is that... Whistling?'

Trying to figure out where the peculiar sound was coming from, you look out of a small window that was on the far side of the room. What you see scares you so bad that you drop the cup you were holding, pouring water on yourself. The glass shatters on the ground at your feet as you lock eyes with cold blue ones. 'Poseidon...' Adrenaline coursing through your veins, you can practically hear your pulse in your ears. He continues whistling, staring straight at you until he raises his right arm. Something shiny glinting in the moonlight. 'I need to move!' You say as you dart out of the kitchen, the sound of glass shattering behind you alerting you that Poseidon was coming inside. You quickly sprint to the doors of the dining hall, nearly screaming when a whooshing sound shoots past your head. You look up to see Poseidon's trident lodged into one of the double doors just head of you. 

Not daring to look back, you continue forward and exit out of the other door. The sound of wood splintering apart could be heard just a short distance behind you as you kept running. 'I need to find help! Fuck, why is he here now?!' You mentally panic as you make your way to the stairs where the other participants rooms were. The sound of heavy footsteps approaching grew louder, indicating that Poseidon was closing the distance alarmingly quick. Before you could run up the stairs, you bump into a hard mass.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now