Chapter 7

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The trip to Olympus Palace was a quiet one. Both you and Brunhilde wishing nothing more that you could avoid having to go there in the first place. When you arrived at the palace doors, Brunhilde stopped. Looking back to her confused, she sighed. "No one is allowed inside Olympus palace unless invited by one of the twelve Olympian gods. Unfortunately, I cannot come inside with you." Your expression drops at her words. "I'll be waiting outside here for when you get out. Just remember what I told you." Brunhilde says with a knowing look.

Nodding, you turn to knock on the door. However, before your hand reaches the wood, the door suddenly opens. You're met with the same god you saw the day you were brought here. "Hermes, wasting no time as always." Brunhilde remarks disdainfully. "Of course. We wouldn't want to keep Zeus waiting, would we? Now... If you'll follow me miss (Y/n)". Looking back to Brunhilde one last time, you follow Hermes inside. 

The inside was massive and decorated in a very luxurious manner. Large stone columns adorning the walls, polished marble flooring, and statues of the gods likeness decorating the hall. After shutting the door behind you and locking it shut, he guides you up a grand staircase and up to a large set of double doors. "Lord Zeus, I have brought miss (Y/n) (L/n) with me." Hermes announces with a knock on the doors. "Bring her in." An older mans voice rang out before Hermes opened the door and gestured for you to go inside.

Nothing could have prevented you for the sight you were greeted with. A decrepit old man sit on the sofa ahead of you, skin wrinkly and eyes sunken into his skull. 'Sweet Jesus he looks like a paralysis demon! Wait, no, that's not quite right... He somehow looks worse.' You think as he looks you up and down. "Ohoho... Quite lovely indeed! What do you think brothers?" The creepy old god says as he motions to the other gods in the room.

"Quite frankly Zeus, I don't care enough. I don't see why this was so important that I leave the netherworld for such a trivial matter." You look over to the man who spoke, taking in his appearance. He had silver hair that spiked upwards in various spots, violet eyes, and had a blue leaf patterned tattoo going across his forehead. He wore an intricately designed eye patch over his right eye, had a large dangling earring on his left ear, and was dressed in rather formal attire. 'Don't start simping right now. This isn't the time.' You mentally tell yourself as you look to the other two gods in the room besides Zeus and who you could only assume was Hades. 

One of them stood farther in the back of the room. He was a larger than the other gods in the room, but he appeared to hold the least amount of power in terms of social hierarchy. He had grey eyes and blonde hair that covered half of his face. The only clothing the god wore was some type of loin cloth, a cape, and a helmet. You finally look to the last god in the room, but soon regret doing so. His face looked... Hauntingly vacant. His gaze refused to meet any other and he said nothing to Zeus' words. It was as if this entire meeting was utterly beneath him and not worth his time. He had bright blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and held a large trident in his right hand. He wore a golden choker and the top of his dark blue outfit split in the middle to expose his chest and abdomen. 

'I get this view for free? Wait, shit. I said don't simp right now.' You scolded yourself mentally as Zeus gestures for you to sit down on the empty sofa before him. You take a seat, figuring you didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. "Well my dear. I'm sure you know who we are by now, but I will introduce ourselves anyhow. My name is Zeus, king of the gods. This here is my brother Hades and my other brother Poseidon." He says gesturing to the two gods on either side of himself. "As for the other two, the one behind me is Ares while the one who escorted you here is Hermes." He says, once more gesturing to the respective gods he introduced. Not even attempting pleasantries, he moves on with the conversation. "Now that that's out of the way... Let's talk business." His already hideous face turning serious, and thus even worse looking. 'Seriously, I feel like it's offensive to the paralysis demons to compare him to one at this point...'

"I'm sure that Valkyrie has told you of Ragnarok. We were going to collect you first, but she regrettably beat us to the punch. So I wanted to take this time to give you a very generous offer." Your fists clenching tightly as every word he utters pisses you off. "Use that ability of yours as a sibyl to help us obliterate humanity into the dust... And we will spare your life. What do you say? I think it's more than fair." Zeus says with a condescending smile. 'I want to punch this motherfucker so badly, but I'd be dead before I could raise my fist...' Taking a deep breathe, you remember what Brunhilde told you. Upon exhaling, you look back up to the gods. 

"I'm flattered by your offer Zeus. However, I am a bit curious as to why you would want to enlist the help of a mere human to your cause?  I was under the impression that the almighty gods could crush humanity as simply as taking a breathe. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that it almost sounded like the gods were afraid of fighting humanity with them having such a huge advantage." A sharp stinging feeling on your cheek followed by a whooshing sound right next to your ear had you flinching. You look over to see a large crack in the wall behind you where Poseidon's trident was now impeded. You put your fingers up to you cheek to see blood now dripping on your fingertips.

Looking over to the god who nearly took your head off, you see that he still refuses to look at you. "Now, now Poseidon... Let's here the girl out. I want to hear what she has to say." Zeus' words appeared to have spared you, but you could see his veins practically bursting from his forehead. Recollecting your thoughts, you try to stop yourself from trembling as you turn your head back to Zeus. "I apologize if my words have caused any offense. I did not mean to insinuate anything negative about you. All I meant was that, wouldn't it be an even more crushing defeat to humanity if you allowed them such a massive edge, but still beat them into the dirt anyhow? Surely that victory would be more befitting of great gods such as yourselves." You finish as you look up to them.

They're all silent for a moment before Zeus lets out a booming laugh. "Ohoho! I quite like this human! I do think she has a point brothers, what say you?" Poseidon says nothing, suddenly getting up and wrenching his trident out of the wall before leaving. "I do not care either way brother, but if you find it better this way, then so be it." Hades says, his gaze lingering over you as he speaks. "Well no need to discuss it any further then. Very well little human, I'll allow you to aide humanity in Ragnarok. It'll be all the more fun to destroy any semblance of hope you humans may have left." Zeus says with a wicked smile as he gets up and leaves with Ares and Hermes in tow.

Now it's just you and Hades left in the room. 'Why is he still here? And why is he still staring at me? I'm so damn uncomfortable right now...' You consider just risking getting up and leaving first, but Hades beats you to it. He rises from his seat and makes his way over to you. 'What does he want? Does he want to kill me for being arrogant? Fuck, he's even prettier up close- Dammit, now's not the time!' Your thoughts are erratic as he pulls something out of his pocket. You brace yourself in fear of him stabbing you with some hidden knife, but instead he grabs your hand and places something soft in it. You slowly open your eyes to see a handkerchief now resting on your palm. Confused, you look back up at him. "For your wound." He says as he now makes his way out of the room, leaving you by yourself.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now