Chapter 12

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You look over from where the voice came from to see what was undoubtedly a god. He had four intricately tattooed arms, a similar tattoo around his neck, silky black hair, and light purple skin. He appeared to have three open golden eyes with two shut eyelids under his main pair. His outfit was consisted of a crossing yellow headband with a matching yellow pair of baggy pants that had a blue sash around the waist. Upon fully entering the garden, he froze at the sight ahead of him. His wife was on the ground, seemingly in pain as you hovered over her. He wasted no time in rushing over and raising his fist towards your skull, wanting to crush it in for supposedly injuring his wife. You clench your eyes shut and raise you arms in self defense, but open your eyes again when nothing happens. Your eyes widen at the sight of Buddha clenching the gods upper right fist in his own.

"Buddha... What's the meaning of this? This human dared to hurt my wife. How dare you interfere?!" The god spouts angrily. The woman from before suddenly gets up and rushes to her husbands side, grasping his lower left arm. "Dear, the human didn't hurt me! I accidentally ran into her when I went inside here. Please don't be angry!" She begged as she looked up to the golden eyed god. Looking between her and yourself, he hums... "Very well. Since my wife insists, I will spare you. Count yourself lucky, human." He says as he glares at you disdainfully. "Lord Shiva! Parvati! Are you two alright?" A strong feminine voice calls out from inside the entryway. A moment later, two more women emerge from the tunnel. The first one having lightly colored long hair and sharp eyes; she wore a white sleeveless outfit with a long fur lined necklace. The second woman appeared much more sheepish. She had beautiful long dark hair, big round eyes, and she wore a very intricately designed outfit. Similar to Parvati, both of the women were graced with ornate gold and gemstone jewelry. 

The god looked up to the two women and smiled warmly at them. "Durga! Kali! I'm glad you two were able to catch up. I was just dealing with a nuisance, it's of no concern." Shiva says as he yanks his throbbing fist out of Buddha's grip. Glaring once more at the two of you, he turns to walk away, motioning for the three women to follow him. Parvati hesitantly turns back to apologize on her husbands behalf when she freezes at the sight of something dripping down your neck. "Miss? Are you alright?" She asks as she walks back over to you in concern. Giving her a confused look, you look down and see red drops dripping down your collar bone. 'What the...?' You put your hand up to the back of your neck and when you pull it back, your shocked to see that your hand is covered in blood. Throb. 

Wincing a bit, you plop down on the edge of the fountain. Buddha whips around and rushes to your side. "(Y/n)? Hey, what's wrong? Talk to me love." You're unable to get your words out as the pain in your neck grows. Buddha gently leans your head into his shoulder and parts the hair covering the back of your neck away. The hair was sticky with blood and the red liquid was oozing out of a large cut at the back of your neck. Parvati gasps at the sight, grasping her mouth with her hands. "B-But it was just a simple fall... How could she have gotten so injured?" Buddha glares at the woman, but chooses to ignore her in favor of getting you help. Shiva, having turned back around after noticing his first wife's absence, freezes at the sight of you. Your eyes were glazed over, your breathe was coming out in shallow breaths, and your complexion was paling by the second. Looking around, the god noticed a sharp bloodied rock on the ground near where he saw his wife on the ground when he first arrived.

'I kinda feel a bit sleepy now...' You thought as your eyes started to droop. Buddha takes your face in his hands, "Hey now love, don't go falling asleep on me. Stay awake until I get you back to Brunhilde, can you do that for me?" Giving him a drowsy, "Mhm", your eyes start to droop once more. "Fuck." Buddha hisses as he suddenly lifts you up bridal style. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Parvati asks as she reaches her hand out to you. Right before she could make contact, Buddha harshly backs up. The look he gives the goddess is ice cold. Without saying a word to them, he rushes off with you in his arms.

Hours Later

Feeling a dull ache in your neck, you groan as you wake up and reach your hand to your neck, only to feel a bandage there. Confused, you open your eyes to see that you're in some type of infirmary. "I see you're awake." You turn your head to your left to see Brunhilde looking at you. She looked... Disappointed. Sitting down in the chair next to the bed, she takes your hand in her own and squeezes it tightly. "(Y/n), you need to be more careful with your safety. I almost had a heart attack when I saw Buddha carrying you in his arms; your face was as white as a ghost. If you had died, what would happen then?" Looking away in shame, your hand squeezes Brunhilde's. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get hurt, it was an accident." 

Brunhilde sighs as she places her other hand on top of yours reassuringly. "I know. I'm aware that today's incidents were thanks to a certain someone's influence, but you must be more careful. Gods like Heracles and Buddha may be on the more kind side, but there are many others who would kill you for so much as a wrong look." Remembering your near death experiences at the hands of both Poseidon and Shiva, you shudder involuntarily. "After you're cleared to leave, I think it's best that you stay at the dorms for a while. We could have you start  your training with the other contestants." Nodding your head at her, she smiles. "Rest up for now. The nurse said you'll most likely have to stay overnight. You should be able to rest safely here; I'll go tell Sasaki the situation and return for you in the morning." After telling you that, she swiftly made her exit.

Yawning a bit, you look around at your surroundings some more. Beside your cot were rows of identical beds , each with their own nightstand and chair on either side of the bed. You look over to the nightstand next to your bed and find a pile of candies sitting on top of it. 'Did Buddha leave these here for me?' You ask yourself mentally as you reach for one. Your fingertips nearly brush one when a hand shoots up from underneath the bed and grasps your wrist. You nearly faint from shock until you hear a familiar voice. "Is she gone yet?" You look over the edge of the bed to see Buddha's face peeking out from underneath your cot. "Buddha?!" You nearly shout, but he quickly covers your mouth with his hand. "Shh! Gotta be quiet cutie. If Brunhilde finds me back in here, she might skin me alive." He says it jokingly, but something tells you that he wasn't kidding. 

Fully getting out from under the bed, he makes his way over to the chair on the other side of the bed. "How're you feeling?" He asks you suddenly. "Hm? Oh, I'm fine. It barely even hurts now." Looking down to the bandage around your neck, he frowns. Reaching up his hand, he brushes his fingertips against your neck. Your breathe hitching at the contact, you look at him with a blush coating your cheeks. "Heh. Still adorable..." He says as he smiles at you. "Look (Y/n), I'm sorry for today. I was careless and you got hurt because of it. " His eyes no longer holding a playful glint in them, but were now looking at you with a tinge of regret. With a gentle sigh, you place your hand on top of his. "Don't be. You couldn't have foreseen someone ramming into me, it was just an accident. And while I don't think we should risk pissing off Brunhilde with anymore adventures, I had fun today. It kind of helped me forget all of the craziness I've been dealing with since I got here."

You reach over to the nightstand and grab one of the candies from the top of the pile, turning back over to face Buddha. You take his hand and place the candy in his palm, closing his hand around it. "I had fun today Buddha, and while we may be on opposing sides... Maybe we could be friends?" You look up to see Buddha completely lost in thought. It wasn't until you waved your hand in front of his face that he snapped out of it. "Hm?" He mumbled as he looked at you again. "I asked if you'd like to be friends with me Buddha. You don't have to if you don't want to, but I see you as one." His face suddenly feeling warm at your words, he smiles at you. "I'd love to be friends with you, cutie." He says with his usual teasing tone. "Great!" You say with a bright smile on your face. Shortly after, you unintentionally let out a yawn. Getting up, Buddha pats your head and pulls the cover back over you. "Get some sleep cutie. I'll see you around." Buddha says gently as your eyes start to grow heavy. "Mmm... Ok. Goodnight Buddha." You say sleepily as you settle further into the covers. "Goodnight love." With that, Buddha was off, leaving you to rest in the infirmary.


It was silent in the otherwise empty infirmary. The only sound in the room was the sound of your soft sleeping breaths. Ever so silently, the door to the infirmary opened. Quick footsteps of an unknown individual made their way over to where you were sleeping and snuck over to the side of your bed. They looked over to you for a moment before setting something on your nightstand. Then, just like they had entered, they quickly disappeared out of the room.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now