Chapter 21

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Noticing your more than a little bit confused expression, Brunhilde asks you to explain everything that happened in detail. Knowing she probably wasn't going to like what she heard, you reluctantly tell her everything that happened after you left to head to the infirmary. Her eyes nearly shooting out of her head when you told her you took flight on a pegasus with no prior experience. However, at the description of this mysterious doctor, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. As you continued, her expression grew more and more grim. "And then you suddenly showed up and that's how I got to this point." You finish as you gesture to where you're standing. Brunhilde looked like she wanted to say something, but shook her head as if deciding against it for the time being. She looked up at you with a small smile as she pet Nimbus' back. "That sounds like quite the adventure. You always seem to find yourself in peril when I'm not around." She lightly jokes as she gives you a knowing look.

Shrugging playfully, you continue to wipe the crud out of your winged friend's fur. "I didn't think of suggesting it, but given light of recent events, why don't we have you trained for horsemanship as well? The skill might just come in handy, plus it'll help you build strength in your muscles." She says as she looks thoughtfully to the pegasus at your side. "Well, I don't mind, but would Nimbus be my steed? He's not exactly a tame creature." You say as you wring out the cloth into the small metal basin on the ground. "Pegasi are much like horses in the fact that they are easily tamed once some sort of bond is formed. Seeing as how this one has seemed to connect to you, it should be a relatively smooth process. I actually have just the person in mind to train you." Thinking upon her words, you look to the winged horse in front of you. "Well, if you think it'll help me. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing more of this guy." You say as you pet Nimbus' muzzle.

"I will introduce him to you tomorrow afternoon. Since your mornings and evenings will be spent doing other trainings, that will be the best time to do so. I realize that this is a lot to ask of you, but we must ensure that you're as ready as possible before Ragnarok starts in a few days. As for right now though, I think we should head back to the dorms so you can get some rest before this evening. You've had a fairly trying morning." Brunhilde says as she holds her hand out to you. Smiling, you accept her hand and walk in step with her. Nimbus follows you for a bit before eventually going about his merry way. You worry a bit as to whether or not you'll see him again, when Brunhilde speaks up. "There's no need to worry (Y/n), when a pegasus bonds with someone, they always turn up when you need them most." You thank her for her comforting words and continue to make your way back to the dorms.

Once you arrive at the front doorway, Brunhilde stops to open the door for you. "You shouldn't get into any trouble now that you're here, but I'll be back in a few hours. If anything does happen, please call out for one of the other contestants." She says with a somewhat stern look on her face. You nod before heading inside, Brunhilde shutting the door behind you. Feeling a bit hungry after all that running around this morning, you decide to head to the kitchen to grab a snack. You make your way down the empty hallway, your stomach grumbling as if telling you to hurry up. Just before you make it to the dining room doors, a hand shoots out of another doorway and clamps around your mouth. Before you could even scream, you're dragged into a dark room. Hitting everything around you in an attempt to injure your would be captor, you hear a familiar chuckle and freeze.

Looking up and squinting your eyes, you see Buddha's silhouette. "Buddha?" You ask, almost unsure. You could practically hear his smirk in his response. "The one and only, cutie." Immediately you start to smack the shit out of his arm. "You scared me half to death! Why'd you drag me into some dingy closet?!" You say as you look around the tiny, unlit space. "I missed you, but I wanted to make sure that Brunhilde wouldn't catch me; she ruins all the fun." Buddha said with an audible pout. "I still don't think that justifies scaring the living daylights out of me..." You say as you give him a look. Buddha laughs, finding your annoyed expression adorable. You try to stay mad at him, but can't seem to find the heart to do so. As if his laughter was contagious, you soon find yourself joining in. The mood being jovial until suddenly, Buddha stops laughing. A bit confused, you squint your eyes at him to try to see his face. "Buddha? Is something wrong?" Buddha says nothing though, just standing completely still. 

You're about to wave your hand in front of his face, when he harshly grabs your arm. Jolting at the sudden motion, you instinctively try to pull your arm back to no avail. Buddha yanks up the sleeve to your jacket and freezes for a moment. He remains silent, but his grip starts to tighten. "Buddha, you're kind of freaking me out. What's wrong?" The words that come out of his mouth are so chilling, that a shiver of fear rips through you. "Who did this to you?" You're confused for a moment before realization clicks. 'He must mean the bandages.' Feeling a bit relieved that you can clear up the misunderstanding, you begin to explain. "It's ok Buddha, these are just from my training session earlier with another Ragnarok participant. These don't even hurt that much anymore, I can barely feel them." You say, trying to put the gods mind at ease.

He remains uncharacteristically silent for a few more moments before he sighs. "You let strange men put their hands on you, and now you come to me covered in wounds made by them. I've gotta say cutie... I don't like it." He says with a deathly serious tone. 'This isn't like him, what's going on?' You think to yourself as you try again to gently ease your arm out of his grasp. This seems to have the opposite effect as you're abruptly yanked into the god's chest. "Buddha, what are you-!" You freeze mid sentence as you feel a sudden piercing pain at the base of your neck. You instantly try to shove yourself out of his arms, but his hold on you is stronger than steel. After a few seconds, he lets go of you and you reel back immediately. Shakily, you bring your fingers to your neck, now finding four puncture marks resting there. 'Did he just bite me?!' You mentally freak out as you look at Buddha incredulously.

Chuckling slightly at your reaction, Buddha grabs something from his pocket. "I'm sorry if I startled you love, I just wanted to leave a mark of my own." Before any words could form in your mind, Buddha grabs your chin and forces your mouth open. Suddenly, something is placed on your tongue and your mouth is made closed. You're about to spit out the foreign substance, when a hand clamps over your lips. "Now now love, don't spit it out. It's just a candy." At his words, the familiar sweet taste of Buddha chups starts to dissolve onto your tongue. "I'm afraid I can't stay long today, love. Don't want that Valkyrie to come spoil all the fun, now do we?" He says as he pets your head. Before he leaves, he steps closer to you, pinning you against the back wall of the closet. He leans in close before you suddenly feel something wet trailing against the bite mark on your neck. You feel as if your skin is on fire as he moves his mouth right beside your ear. "I'll be seeing you around, love." With that, Buddha turns to exit out of the closet and leaves you alone to your thoughts. 'What... the fuck just happened?!'

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now