Chapter 26

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Still in a daze from the whole ordeal, you let Adam lead you outside towards a stone bench. Once you've both sat down, Adam looks over to you. "Are you ok?" Slightly snapping out of your stupor, you shrug your shoulders. "Honestly, not a clue. I have no idea what's going on with everyone lately..." Adam seems to ponder this for a moment before responding. "If you don't mind my asking, what all has happened? We haven't been able to talk for a bit, but I get the feeling that a lot has taken place." Sighing, you look down as you mentally recall everything that's happened since you last had a proper talk with the man. "I don't mind telling you, but it'll take a good bit to explain it all." You spent the next forty minutes summarizing everything that happened between you and the gods, along with the two bickering men left in the dinning hall.

"I just don't know what's causing them to act like this. I didn't know what to expect when I came here, but it wasn't this..." You say as you begin to get lost in thought again. Adam lightly taps your shoulder to get your attention, causing you to look back up at him. "If you don't mind, I can help you. I'm not sure what's going on either with all of this, but we can tackle it together if you'd like." Adam says as he smiles softly. His words made you feel as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, causing you to smile back at him. "I'd appreciate that a lot Adam." Adam gives an approving nod before continuing. "If you ever feel unsafe, come to my place. Eve and my sons have been asking about you." Chuckling a tiny bit at the thought, you nod your head. "I guess I'll have to come by to visit sometime soon." In reassurance, Adam gives your shoulder a light squeeze.

Without warning, your vision goes white. 'No... Not now; not him!' Against your will, you find yourself back in the arena. You hear a cacophony of shouting and screaming around you. Looking around to the center of the arena, your blood freezes in your veins upon seeing Adam. Nearly screaming at the sight, as blood started pouring heavily from his eyes and nose. Without respite, a fist cracks into Adam's face, sending him reeling back.  "Adam!" You audibly shout as you run over to him. You try to reach him, but the moment you make contact, your hand phases through him. "It's a direct hit, folks! Zeus has finally managed to land a hit on Adam!" Adam quickly tries to recover and ready himself when another fist connects with his jaw, forcing him back once more. The announcer is still shouting into his horn, but the words go over your head as you stand there horrified.

Zeus' fists come pouring down onto Adam like cracks of thunder. Adam is barely able to hold his arms up to defend himself from the flurry of blows. Catching a glimpse at his face, a gasp escapes your lips as his eyes no longer held that beautiful blue, but were now a hazy white. 'He's... Blind.' Zeus swings his left leg into Adam's gut, knocking him back before continuing to launch another barrage of punches. Suddenly, a loud shout from the stands catches your attention. "You damn idiot! Just give up already and come back home to us, please!" Whipping your head up to the source of the tearful cry, you look up to see Adam's family looking at the scene in agony. 'Cain...' The rain of fists continued, forcing Adam further and further into a corner. As you looked on tearfully, the sound of a baby crying could be heard echoing through the arena. As if everything in the world had frozen, Adam slowly smiled. Zeus swings his fist into Adam's face, the crunching sound making you flinch. Out of nowhere, Adam shoots his hand up and grabs Zeus' hair. "What the-?!" Zeus shouted as he gripped onto Adam's head.

Adam's next words, shocked every god and human alike in the arena. "... Found you." Adam says with a smile on his face, causing a whirlwind of shouting and cheers to ring out through the stadium. Both Adam and Zeus recoiled their fists and charged forth, shouting with utter conviction. They both sent blow after blow to each other, each punch faster and harder than that of a speeding bullet. The crowd looked down in awe and anticipation as they continued landing punches on each other. Adam shouted as he landed one final blow to Zeus' jaw. Zeus' enlarged form suddenly shrinks back down to its original size as he plops down to his knees, a gust of steam billowing out from his body. "It's over..." Zeus says tiredly. A roar of cheers sounds from the humanity side of the stands, before everything suddenly goes silent. Upon looking at Adam, tears well in your eyes. "He... He's dead!" The announcer shouts into his horn. "Adam is... Already dead!" Adam stood before you, his fist outstretched towards Zeus and a smile on his face. However, his eyes no longer held any life in them.

"You only just realized? He'd died well before I dropped." Zeus begins as he glances over to Adam's body.  "But even in death... He just kept swinging!" Zeus smiles genuinely at the deceased man before him, before calling out. "Hey kid, you sure gave me a beating. You're one hell of a man; if this had gone on any longer...I'd have had to give it to ya." At the end of Zeus' words, Adam's outstretched fist began to disintegrate. "No... No!" Suddenly, a small girl emerged from Adam's body like some sort of spirit and also began to crumble apart. "Please, no!" Cries of anguish sounded from all around you as you desperately tried to grab at Adam. "Please, don't take him!" You cried as tears flowed from your eyes. No matter what you tried, you couldn't make contact with the man and before you knew it, both him and the girl had fully evaporated into dust. The only thing that was left behind was Adam's leaf lying on the ground. "And the winner of round two of Ragnarok is... Zeus!" At the announcers words, a cry ripped out from your throat as you crumpled to the ground.

"(-/n), (Y/n)!" A voice sounded as strong arms shook you. Not fully taking in your surroundings, you didn't even realize you were screaming. "(Y/n), look at me!" Adam's voice shouted, causing you to quickly look up at him. At seeing Adam before you, completely unharmed, you choke out a sob and wrap your arms around him tightly. It felt that if you let go at that moment, he would vanish from your very eyes once more. "Hey, it's alright, you're safe." Adam spoke softly as he rubbed circles into your back. Gently pulling you back a bit, Adam rubs the tears off your cheeks with his thumbs. "You're alright now. I'm guessing you must've seen something scary just now, would it help if you talk about it? If not, I'm still right here if you need me." Adam's soothing tone slowly brought you back down from your frantic state.

"(Y/n)? What's going on?" Brunhilde's voice calls out to you as she approaches the two of you. Knowing you were still a bit out of it, Adam turns his head to make eye contact with you. "Is it ok if I tell her what happened earlier?" Nodding your head, Adam proceeds to explain what happened inside the dining hall. "Hm... That's concerning. We're supposed to be working together for humanity's survival, it won't do to have the fighters at each others throats. Is that why you're crying, (Y/n)?" Brunhilde inquires as she takes in your current state. Adam shakes his head, but remains silent. Brunhilde's brows furrow in confusion. "What happened to cause this then?" Not wanting to potentially make you feel worse, Adam speaks up. "If she wants to speak up about it, then that's fine. But don't push for an answer right now if she doesn't want to give one." You gently tap Adam's hand, getting his attention. "I... I had another vision." At your words, Brunhilde frowns. "Adam, I saw you die."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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