Chapter 18

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You look up to Jack and try not to fidget with your hands in apprehension. "Before we begin, if I might request that you accompany me for a bit." Jack smiled as he gestured for you and Brunhilde to follow him. Looking to each other first, Brunhilde and yourself both nod before moving to follow him to wherever he was leading you. After about twenty minutes of walking, you're standing nearby a vast olive grove. "I stumbled upon this place a while back and I thought it to be the perfect location for your training today." Jack said as he smiled down at you. You were mesmerized by the beauty of it, olive trees of various sizes lined up in rows that seemed to go on for miles.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are we doing for training?" You asked as you look back up to him. "I'm glad you asked my dear, today we will be playing a game of tag." He said jovially, his smiling face unchanging. Gazing at the man an incredulous manner before looking over to Brunhilde, you see that she looked like she was about to blow a gasket. "If I may, please allow me to explain my reasoning." Jack asked, waiting to see what Brunhilde's response would be. Regaining her composure, she nodded at the eccentric man. "While simple in nature, this game will not be a normal game of tag... There will be certain stakes involved." Feeling a bit confused, you're about to ask him what he means before he whips something out of his jacket at a speed your eyes can't even follow. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain on your cheek and you instantly backpedal. You whip your head back up to see that Jack had thrown a knife at you. Brunhilde instantly comes between you two and looks as if she's about to beat the man within an inch of his life before he speaks up once more.

"A moment please, my dear Valkyrie. It was not my intention to do lasting harm, only to get my point across." Halting at his words, Brunhilde glares down at the man. Moving your hand up to your cheek, you feel a cut on the exact same spot as your previous one. 'He was that accurate...' You thought with a shiver. "When put in life threatening situations, do you know why so many people freeze?" Not sure where he was going with this, you continue to stare at him warily. "It's because nothing in their lives has prepared them for that moment." Jack never taking your eyes off you as he speaks. "I have been tasked with teaching you how to survive such scenarios, yet all of my efforts would be in vain if you cannot adapt when you're on your own."

Brunhilde, losing her patience, snaps at Jack. "What's the point of all of this Jack? My patience is running thin." The Valkyrie told him icily, making sure he doesn't pull anything funny. Jack meets Brunhilde's glare before responding. "My point is this; What possible help could any training be if she knew she was never in any danger in the first place? Of course I cannot cause her any permanent harm, but the promise of injury should suffice. It is human nature to avoid things that could cause them pain, to flee from it if need be. But what happens when there is nowhere left to run? What happens when you've been backed into a corner by someone who's much stronger than yourself? It is my intention to help her learn to be able adapt to such scenarios by putting her in similar situations."

Not having any of this, Brunhilde shakes her head and puts her arm out in front of you. "Absolutely not. She's here to learn how to defend herself, not to get maimed." Jack sighs slightly before looking up to you, the smile he had worn this entire time now gone. "Tell me this my dear, are you really fine with staying helpless forever? Forced to beg those stronger than you for help and to bow to the will of those who would do you harm?" Something inside you resonated at his words, your eyes widening as you look at him. "Jack, it has been decided. If need be, I will find someone else to train her-?" Brunhilde stops as she looks down to see you gripping onto her sleeve. "Let me do it." Her jaw nearly dropping at your words, she grips your shoulders. 

"(Y/n), are you sure about this? There is no need to risk such injury, we can find someone else." Shaking your head at her, you speak up. "As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. These are gods we're talking about. I can't remain weak and helpless, always relying on someone to save me. I doubt I'll ever have the physical strength to go toe to toe with a god, but maybe I can learn to outsmart one." You say as you look back over to Jack. A warm smile adorning his face as he looks to you. "That's a good girl." Jack says as he walks up to you. "If I might inquire, do you still have the knife I gave you?" Reaching inside your jacket pocket to feel the cool metal of the blade's hilt, you nod at him. "Good, it will do you well to always have that on you." With a soft clap of his hands, he continues. "Now then, for today's training session, there is only one goal. Avoid being caught by me for a total of fifteen minutes. To incentivize this, I will be throwing knives at you in random succession. You may rest assured though, as your life will not be in danger in this lesson."

Gulping, you nod at him. "Very well then, I will give you two minutes head start, starting... Now." Not needing to be told twice, you book it into the grove. Winding around the different trees as you run, you try to put as much distance between yourself and the serial killer as possible. You weren't sure how long it had been, but you kept on running. Soon, the humming of a familiar tune sounded in your ears. 'London bridge is falling down?' You mentally question as you continue to sprint past the trees. Suddenly, a whooshing sound whips past and a stinging feeling slices the edge of your ear. 'Holy shit! Ow!' You make a sharp left, running even deeper into the grove. You were about to turn your head to see how far he was, when a voice sounded from a few feet away. "Don't look back my dear, it'll only slow you down." Nearly screaming, you push your body to run even faster.

As you ran, you received multiple cuts to your arms and legs as knives whizzed past you at almost inhuman speeds. "Use your environment to your advantage my dear. Remember, even when in unfamiliar surroundings, anything can be used to defend yourself." He sounded so close, almost as if he was speaking into your ear. Suddenly you tripped on a rock that was jutting out of the earth, causing you to clatter to the ground. Whipping to look behind you, your eyes widen as you see Jack standing right above you. "That's too bad, it appears to be your loss." Looking around for anything to help you, you panic as he reaches his hand down to you. 'Think (Y/n), fucking think of something!' Suddenly, as a last ditch effort, you grab a handful of dirt and throw it at his face. Having caught him off guard, he recoils and starts coughing while trying to rub the dirt out of his eyes. You waste no time in hoisting yourself up and start booking it again. "Very good, my dear!"Jack says in a very pleased tone.

You continued darting past the trees, making winding turns in an attempt to throw him off. Your legs were practically screaming at you to stop, but you pressed forward. Feeling as if your chest was about to implode, you weren't sure how much longer you could keep this up. Feeling a sharp slice near the top of your left shoulder, you do your best to pick up the pace. 'How much longer?!' You mentally anguish as your chest heaves for breathe. Hearing quickened footsteps right on your heels, you try to fasten your stride to no avail. Suddenly, a vice like grip wraps around your upper right arm. You wince as Jack's hand squeezes the cuts you received on that spot. "I've got you... My fair lady."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now