Chapter 25

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Waking up a bit, you're greeted with Raiden's loud snoring. 'Damn, there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to pass back out now.' The faintest amount of light started to trickle into the room, giving you the sense that it was early morning. 'I should get up, it'll be time for breakfast soon.' You look over to Raiden and try to think of how to get out of his monstrously strong grip without waking him up. You slowly twist and turn your body around , pausing every now and again when you think he might've woken up. Once you're free, you readjust the blanket on him before heading over to the door. 'Sorry Raiden. Something tells me it'll take hours to get down to the dining hall if I wake you up now and I can't miss training.'

You make the short journey back to your room only to find your door slightly ajar. 'Weird, I could've sworn that it was closed last night...' Right as you reach for the doorknob, a hand shoots out and drags you inside. Before you could scream, you're pinned to the wall. Caged between two muscular arms, your eyes shoot up to see a familiar blindfold. "Your majesty? What are you doing here?" Qin Shi Huang doesn't answer you though, only looking down at your appearance. A deep frown etching on his face when he noticed a bite mark on your neck. "Where were you?" His voice was dangerously low as he leans in closer to you. "I came to grace you with my presence this morning, but imagine my surprise when you weren't there. And now you come to me looking like this, disheveled and wearing next to nothing. Did that oaf do touch you?" Blushing furiously at the implication of his words, you shake your head furiously. Qin Shi Huang grabs your waist and hoists you up, forcing your arms and legs to wrap around him for support.

He starts making his way back out of your room, causing you to try to wriggle out of his arms. "Your majesty, please put me down. I'm not entirely sure why you're so angry right now, but can't we talk this out?" The emperor ignores you however, and continues walking with you in tow. Before long, he walks into a very luxurious looking room. Red and gold hues vibrantly coloring the space and intricate patterns of Chinese dragons are carved into various furniture pieces. He gently places you down on a wooden chair and places his arms on either side of you, effectively caging you in his arms once more. "I'm listening piaoliang." Extremely flustered and confused by the mans behavior, you explain the events that took place last night after you got back from training. Upon hearing your explanation, the emperor goes silent for a moment. You tilt your head a bit as you look up at him, unsure of what to make of this situation. "Have one with me." Confused, you ask him what he means. "Sleep over here with me tonight. If you do, I will forgive you." Blinking up at the man incredulously, you mentally scream. 'Forgive me for what?! We're not in a relationship and nothing happened between Raiden and I in the first place, all we did was sleep!'

Sighing, you decide that it would be best to go along with the emperors wishes for now. "Ok, your majesty. I will have a sleepover with you, but no funny business!" As if a spell had been lifted, Qin Shi Huang backs up and his usual smile returns to his face. "Hao! Good girl!" He says as he pets your head affectionately. Blushing madly, you wonder what exactly it is you've just agreed to. 'Just what has gotten into these guys?' "Your majesty, would it be alright if I go back to my room now? I must get dressed before going down to breakfast." The emperor brings his forefinger to his chin in thought before nodding his head. "Very well, I will allow you to return to your room." You get up and head towards the entrance of the room when Qin Shi Huang grabs your hand and spins you around. You're shocked when he cups your chin with his fingers and tilts your head to the side. He places a chaste kiss to your cheek before releasing you. "Your reward." The emperor says with a grin before you practically dash out of the room.

'These men are crazy!' You say as you you race back towards your room, your face feeling hot where he kissed you. Once you're finally back in your room, you practically slam in behind you in your frenzied state. You quickly check to make sure no one else decided to sneak into your room. Once the coast was clear, you go over and lock your door. You make your way back over to your bed and plop down on it, sighing heavily. "Geez, what's with the men in my life lately..." After laying there for a few minutes, you begrudgingly get back up and go over to your dresser to pull out some clothes. After throwing on a quick outfit, you head over to your vanity and put on your necklace and shoes. You walk out of your room, closing the door behind you, before making your way down to the dinning hall. Upon entering, you're greeted with the familiar faces of Sasaki, Adam, and Michel. "Morning guys!" You say cheerily as you walk over to them. You take a seat next to Adam as you grab a plate and begin to fill it with delicious looking breakfast foods. 'Score!' You think as you spot a large tray piled high with (f/b/f). Quickly snatching some and putting it on your plate, you immediately go to town on your food. In your food induced bliss, you fail to notice a large mass right behind you.

You nearly choke when large hands grab your waist and lift you up. You turn your head to scream at your assailant when you see a very pouty looking Raiden. He silently sits down where you were sitting and places you on his lap, causing your face to burn like a furnace from the embarrassment. "You weren't there when I woke up this morning..." Raiden says with a pout as he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck. "I-I had to go and get dressed for the day Raiden. If I had woken you up, we would've never gotten out of bed." Immediately realizing how your words must sound, you look up to the rest of the guys. Sasaki and Adam both wore surprised expressions, while Michel was busy fake gagging. "I didn't mean it like that! I slept over at Raiden's last night. Emphasis on the sleeping!" At your words, Raiden pulls you even tighter into his chest, if that was even possible. "You're breaking my heart. After all we did last night..." He says, teasingly. Your face goes crimson as you smack the shit out of his arm in retaliation. "Learn your place." A low voice spoke from behind you.

Suddenly, you're ripped out of Raiden's arms and said man goes flying into a nearby wall. You're about to run and check on him when Qin Shi Huang grabs your arm from behind and pulls you into his chest. "You must be quite forgetful. How many times must I tell you not to touch what's mine before you learn?" Raiden gets up with a groan before walking over to you. He stops just a few feet before you and the emperor that was holding you. His eyes visibly darkening at the sight of someone else's arms around you. "You know... you keep saying she's yours, but I don't see any claims on her. She's a free woman, so I don't see why I shouldn't make a move on her." Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at his words. 'Make a what on me?!' Qin Shi Huang's expression grows angrier as his grip on you tightens. "No claim you say? I'm quite sure I've said it clearly enough, but perhaps it's better if you're shown instead whom she belongs to." Before you could ask him what that was supposed to mean, he whips you around to face him. In an instant, his lips were on yours, kissing you passionately.

Completely shocked, you're unable to move. Raiden practically snarls as he storms over to you, intent on killing the man who was holding you. Before things could get out of hand though, Adam and Sasaki shoot up. Sasaki blocks Raiden from advancing and Adam separates you and Qin Shi Huang. "I think things have gotten way too heated over here, why don't we cool it down a bit?" Sasaki suggests as he continues to place himself between Raiden and you. Adam glares at the emperor before looking down to your slightly dazed state. He gently grabs your upper arm and ushers you out of the room. Before you fully make it out of the room, Qin Shi Huang calls out to you. "Don't forget your promise, piaoliang."

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now