Chapter 19

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"I dare say you have..." He starts as his grip grows ever so slightly tighter. You look up at him apprehensively, your hand going into your jacket pocket to grip the knife he had gifted you. "Passed." He finished jovially as he lets go of your arm. 'I did?' Sensing your confusion, Jack pulled out a pocket watch from his jacket pocket. "You have successfully evaded me for approximately fifteen minutes and twenty three seconds." Jack says as he puts the watch back. 'Holy shit... I did it!' You think to yourself, practically beaming with pride. Looking at the numerous cuts and nicks to your body, Jack extends a hand to you. "Shall we head back to Brunhilde, my dear? It'll be a bit of a walk." He says as he offers his usual disingenuous smile. You hesitantly take his hand before following his lead back to the edge of the grove. 

As you walked, you entered an almost peaceful silence. It wasn't until a few minutes later when Jack decided to speak up. "Are you angry with me for today?" Slightly taken aback by his words, you look up to him as you keep in pace. Jack remains quiet, waiting for your response. Looking back down at the path ahead, you answer him. "No." He hums, as if taking in your reply. "Are you afraid of me?"  Not able to look at him this time, you hesitate before answering. "... Yes." Silence envelops you once more as you continue your stroll. "Good. Never forget what I am, (Y/n)." This side of Jack was one you hadn't seen before, his tone almost reposeful. No words were spoken for the rest of the trek as you steadily made your way back to the awaiting Valkyrie.

Upon returning, Brunhilde makes a beeline for you. "Are you alright (Y/n)? What happened in there?" The Valkyrie gives Jack a harsh glare after taking in your injured appearance. "It's alright Brunhilde, I'm fine." You say reassuringly, as you hold your still throbbing arm. "Be that as it may, you're still to go to the infirmary. I will join you shortly, but I must have a few words with Jack first. It is not too far from here, just head in that direction and I should catch up before you even arrive." Brunhilde says, pointing eastward. "Alright, I'll head off first then." You say as you slowly make your way for the infirmary at the arena. After walking for about twenty minutes, Brunhilde and Jack were completely out of sight.

The blood now dried and cracking on your skin, you cringe at the feeling. 'The sooner I get there, the sooner I can wash this stuff off of me.' You continue walking when you stumble and fall forwards, even more dirt staining your clothes. "Well that didn't help the whole feeling gross bit." You sigh as you slowly pick yourself up. Before fully rising, you hear the sound of clopping to your right. Looking over to the sound, you're greeted to the sight of a pegasus ambling over to you. It looked similar to pegasi you had seen before, but this one had grey dapples all over it's body. You still yourself, not wanting to spook it. As it gets closer, it stops right in from of you and nudges its head into your stomach. "Well hey there buddy." You giggle as you gently pet its head. "I've gotta get going, but maybe you'd like to accompany me?" You ask, not expecting any kind of answer. The winged horse steps back a bit before lowering itself onto the ground. 'Wait, I think I've seen this in a movie.' "Um... Do you, want me to get on?" You ask, worried you're making a fool of yourself by talking to an animal that can't reply. The pegasus simply huffs, but doesn't make any move to get back up.

"Ok, I'm going to assume that you means you want me to get on, so please don't kick me for this." You say as you slowly make your way over to the creature. Swinging your right leg over, you situate yourself on the animal's back, just after its wings. Suddenly, the pegasus clambers up, jolting you in the process. "Woah there, easy buddy. I don't have much riding experience." You say as you try to steady yourself on its back. After you got yourself fully balanced, the winged horse started walking. "Well this isn't so bad, quite relaxing actually." You say as you pet the large animals back. Huffing again, the pegasus slowly picks up speed. Feeling a bit unsure now, you look back down to the creature. "What uh, what are we doing buddy?" You say nervously as your legs grip a bit tighter around its midsection. The pegasus doesn't slow down though, instead it speeds up even more. Before long, it starts full on galloping. You cling onto its back for dear life like some kind of baby opossum, begging for the creature to slow down. Clenching your eyes shut, you can hear it's hooves thundering on the ground. 

After a few moments though, the sound stops. No longer are you roughly bouncing up and down, trying to make sure you don't get thrown off the winged horses back. Instead, things feel oddly calm now. Peeking one eye open, you nearly scream when you realize you're no longer on the ground. 'It took flight?!' You mentally screech as you grip the poor animal even tighter if it was possible. Higher and higher you went, your soul nearly parting from your body along the way. After a few minutes of steady flying, you fully open your eyes. Opting to keep holding onto the winged horse for dear life, you move your head to look at your surroundings. You're left utterly breath taken as you look to see the beautiful sight of Valhalla below. You would've reveled in the sight a bit more if not for the fact that your stomach felt like it was doing kick flips. Slowly, you started descending. Once you made you way back to the ground, you slid off the animal and plopped onto the ground. "No offense buddy, but that was a dick move." As if finding you're half dead appearance amusing, the pegasus gives you a sharp whinny.

Steadily moving to sit up, you're fairly surprised to see Valhalla arena a short distance away. 'Huh, well isn't that quite the coincidence.' You thought to yourself as you got up. "Well, while I don't necessarily like the way we got here, you did get me here in well over half the time it would've taken me on foot. However, I need to call you something other than "buddy", you mind if I give you a name?" A huff being the only reaction to your words, you take a quick look to determine that it's a male. "Ok, let's see... How's about..." You put your finger to your chin, trying to think of a good name. Suddenly, it dawns on you. "Aha! I've got the perfect name for you. Your fur reminds me of rain clouds, so  I'll call you Nimbus!" You don't get a response obviously, but you determine it suits him. "Thank you for getting me back down safely Nimbus." You coo as you pet his muzzle. 'Even though it was entirely your fault I was up there to begin with.' You think as you continue your ministrations.

After a few moments, you stop and look up to your new winged friend. "Well, I've gotta get going to the infirmary, I feel pretty gross. And now that I'm looking at you, you could get cleaned up yourself." You cringe slightly at the sight of dried blood and dirt on Nimbus' beautiful dappled coat. You try to coax the animal into following you, and surprisingly it does. "Well that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Don't you have a herd or something to go back to?" You ask as you walk alongside him. When you finally arrived, you turned to face the pegasus. "Ok Nimbus, I need to go get patched up. After that, I'm going to come back with some stuff to clean the muck off your fur. I'm not sure if you can understand me or not, but please wait here or nearby." Nimbus suddenly snorts as if something nearby was disturbing it. A bit confused, you look around to see a fly had started bothering him. "I guess even heaven has bugs, huh." You say as you swat at the fly to help your new companion. After the insect flies away, you pet Nimbus' mane for a moment before heading inside. You vaguely remembered the way to the infirmary, but it took you a bit longer to actually find your way there.

The moment you stepped inside, the air itself had this sort of tension brewing in it. You looked to see if you could find any nurses or anything, but you only found one man. You could only see the back of him, but he appeared to have messily tousled black hair and deathly pale skin. He wore all black clothes, save for a long purple sash on either shoulder that extended down to his thighs. "Um, excuse me. I'm sorry to bother, but are you the doctor?"

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now