Chapter 17

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Waking up to knocking on the door, you instinctively try to pull the covers back over you. You hear a masculine groan before shuffling is felt next you and presumably, Sasaki gets up. "I think we should probably get up (Y/n)." Sasaki says with a yawn. Sleepily sitting up, you give a groggy "Alright" before going to answer the door that's still being knocked upon. "I'm coming, I'm coming..." You say tiredly as you steadily make your way to the door, trying not to make the ache in your feet any worse. Upon opening the door, you see Brunhilde's grim expression. She doesn't wait to be invited in before stepping into the room and looking to Sasaki. "I apologize for the suddenness of this request, but I must ask that I speak with (Y/n) alone. The matter is urgent."

"Sure thing, I was gonna head to the dining hall to get some breakfast anyhow. See you down there (Y/n)?" Sasaki asked as he looked over to you. You smile and give him a nod, prompting his exit. Once the door was shut, the tension in the room sky rocketed. "When I came here this morning, Jack spoke to me of what happened last night after he found you. Please tell me what happened exactly from your point of view. Leave nothing out." Looking down with anxiety from the memory, you recount the events of last night. The more you spoke of it, the more severe the look on Brunhilde's face became. "If I may ask Brunhilde... Why exactly would he go out of his way to try to kill me like that? He kind of gave off the impression that nothing was worth his time." You ask, trying to ignore the fact that someone openly trying to kill you was a part of your new reality. 

"To be honest... I don't think he was trying to kill you. Poseidon does not go out of his way to kill people. He doesn't hunt down his foes, he merely waits till they get too close for his liking and strikes them down then. This behavior from him is... Unheard of." Your face blanches at Brunhilde's words. 'Then why? Why did he..?' You shiver a bit at the memory of his sharp gaze boring into you from the darkness. "This makes the need for your training all the more important. You will have your self defense training with Jack in the mornings after breakfast and ability training in the evenings after dinner. I will formally introduce you to the man who will be in charge of that this evening. For now, please go and get changed. Once you're finished go and have a quick breakfast; the lesson will be in forty five minutes." With that, Brunhilde made her exit. 

Remembering that your clothes were moved back to your room, you get up and step out of Sasaki's room. Closing the door behind you, you make your way over to your room. Once inside, you quickly pull out your outfit for today and get dressed. You were about to leave, when you realized something was missing. "Oops, almost forgot." You say to yourself, walking over to your vanity. You pull out the golden ruby necklace from the drawer, securely clasping it around your neck. "Ok, all ready to go." Leaving your room, you make your way over to the dining hall. Even though it was daytime now, it still unnerved you to be walking in the hallway alone. You stand in front of the doorway, hesitating. "He's not there, he's not behind the door..." You whisper to yourself, trying to force the fear out of your system. "Move it or lose it shrimp." A gruff voice says from behind you as he moves ahead of you to open the door. You flinch a bit at his sudden arrival, something that didn't go unnoticed by him. Choosing to ignore it for now, he walks past you and goes inside.

Taking a peek inside the room, looking cautiously at the door that leads to the kitchen, you almost don't notice Adam walking up to you. "Hey, aren't you coming in? Why are you just standing there?" Blinking at him for a moment, you shake you head before smiling up at him. "Oh, it's nothing." Following him over to the table, you sit down next to Michel. "Come sit over here piaoliang." Qin Shi Huang "requests" as he gestures to his lap. 'Surely he doesn't expect me to actually do that...' Seeing  how his expression was unchanging, you sighed and moved to go sit next to him when you were suddenly yanked into someone else. "Oh no you don't. You always hog her, it's my turn!" Raiden shouts as he places you on his lap. Qin Shi Huang frowns at this, pointing to the floor. "Humble yourself, you aren't worthy of the privilege of holding what's mine." Raiden, uncaring, sticks his tongue out at the emperor before squeezing you into his larger frame.

"You alright? You were limping a bit when you were walking over here." Michel's sudden words surprised not only yourself, but everyone else at the table. "O-Oh, well about that..." You're about to start when Raiden booms. "You're hurt?!" The gigantic man immediately whips you around and lifts up your legs. "Where are you hurt? Is it your legs?" Raiden asks, inspecting your legs and feet for injuries. "It doesn't hurt that much anymore, if you let me go then I'll explain it to you." You say, trying to remain some semblance of composure despite the massive blush on your face at your position. "I told you to get a room..." Michel fake gags. 'This is your fault you little-' Your thoughts are interrupted by Qin Shi Huang. "Who hurt you?" For once, his positive attitude vanished. He appeared... Angry.

"Technically myself, but it was an accident. Like I said, I'll explain it to you once my legs are-?" You angled your head to look at Qin Shi Huang across the table when movement in the window behind him caught your eye. You could've sworn you saw a bundle of light green hair in the window. 'Buddha?' You couldn't confirm it though because just as soon as you noticed it, it had vanished. Suddenly, your attention is snapped back to the conversation at hand. "(Y/n)? Forgive me if this is rude to ask, but does this have anything to do with last night?" Sasaki asked, a slightly worried look on his face. "Yes, but first..." You start, looking back to meet Raiden's gaze. "Please let me go? This is embarrassing as hell." You say, gesturing to the position you're in. "Hm... I quite like this position, but if you say so." Raiden slowly lowers your legs and you hop off of his lap, the pout on his face not going unnoticed by you. "Anyhow, where to start..." You begin to explain all that happened last night, everything from Poseidon ambushing you to Jack coming to your rescue. "And finally, as for how I injured my feet, I accidentally cut them up on fallen glass from the cup I was using last night."

For once, the two most boisterous of the group were the most silent. "And I thought I pissed off the gods, maybe I should take pointers from you." Michel says teasingly. Rolling your eyes at him, you ruffle his hair. "Hey!" Michel whines in protest. "That's really worrying, are you sure you're ok right now?" Adam asks you, concern showing in this gaze. "To be completely honest, I'm not fine at all. I was terrified to even come in here. But now that I'm with you guys, I feel a lot safer. I guess that's why I feel more at ease now?" You say with a small grin. At your admission, Sasaki smiles warmly at you. Adam, seemingly relieved by your words, speaks up. "Well I'm glad that you're feeling a bit better now. If you ever need anything from us, let us know. We can protect you (Y/n)." At his words, your eyes widen in realization. 'The training!' Shooting up from your seat, you snatch an apple from the table. "I totally forgot I was supposed to start training this morning! Adam, thank you so much for your words, but I have to go. I'll see you guys at dinner!" You shout as you make a mad dash for the door. 'Brunhilde is gonna kill me if I'm late!'

In your quick exit, you left five very bewildered men behind; two of which looked after you longingly. Taking big chunks out of your apple as you ran down the corridor, you make your way outside. Looking around for Brunhilde and Jack, you spot them a small distance away. "Sorry if I was late at all, time kind of got away from me." You explain as you walk up to them. "It is fine. Now then, for this first training, I will be the one to oversee it. If it goes well enough, I will have my sisters oversee future lessons. For the time being though, I will hand things over to him." Brunhilde says as she motions over to Jack. Your nervousness returning to you, you gulp.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now