Chapter 6

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Brunhilde smiles fondly at you upon your declaration. "Very well. I will do whatever I can to prepare you for the upcoming fights. Ragnarok itself will not be for another week, but we need to train you on how to use your ability before that time. I will also introduce you to the other fighters later. For now, this is the current list of fighters for both sides." She pulled out the strange looking phone once more and showed a picture of what looked to be a scroll with names written on it. 

For the human fighters, the names inscribed were Qin Shi Huang,  King Leonidas, Nikola Tesla, Sasaki Kojiro, Raiden Tameemon, Adam, Grigori Rasputin, Lu Bu, Okita Souji, Michel Nostradamus, Simo Hayha, Sakata Kintoki, and Jack the Ripper. A few prominent names stood out to you, but one in particular made you worried. 'Adam is fighting?' Noticing you were getting lost in thought, Brunhilde nudged you and urged you to keep reading. You then read the gods side of the scroll and read the saw the following names written. Zeus, Buddha, Loki, Apollo, Poseidon, Susano'o No Mikoto, Thor, Bishamonten, Anubis, Odin, Beelzebub, Shiva, and... Heracles. 'Now Heracles is also fighting?' You thought sadly, not wishing for your newfound friends to potentially die.

"We currently do not know the order of the fights, but these are all the contestants. The plan is for you to use your ability to tell the outcome of each round before it even starts, giving us a much needed advantage." What Brunhilde is saying makes sense, but one thought comes to the forefront of your mind. "Brunhilde... What happens to the fighters if they die in Ragnarok? We're already in heaven, where do their souls go from here?" Brunhilde's face goes somber, making your already growing anxieties skyrocket. "There is nowhere to go from here. Once a soul dies here, they will be turned to dust and lost within the vacuum of space." Shooting up from your spot against the tree, you shout out. "But if they're gone for real, then what the hell am I supposed to do?! There's no way I can prevent everyone from dying with my measly ability, it doesn't actually protect anyone!"

The pressure building on your shoulders growing almost too much to bear, Brunhilde stands. "You're right. You cannot prevent the deaths of everyone. As much as I wish I could tell you otherwise, that's just the way it is. However, you're wrong when you say that you're ability can't protect anyone. While you don't know how to use it yet, your foresight can mean the difference between life and death to those who are fighting. Knowing the outcome of a fight can allow one to try to change that future." Her words fill you with hope and you blink back unshed tears.

Brunhilde looks to her device once more before sighing. "It is about midday now. We should get you ready for your meeting with Zeus." You slightly grimace, wishing you didn't have to attend. "Seeing as how you don't have a proper wardrobe yet and your door is smashed in, I'll temporarily have you room with one of the other contestants. With the other gods around, it's better to have some added protection as well." Pondering on the idea, a question comes to mind. "Who would I room with though? Adam?" You ask, seeing as how Adam is the only human contestant you've met. "A decent idea, but no. I think I have just the person in mind..."

Leading you back inside the building, Brunhilde walks you back up to your level and over to the door directly across the hallway from yours. A swift knock on the door, followed by footsteps sounding from inside, and you were then met with an older, albeit still very handsome man. He had long grey hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and had dark brown eyes. He wore a red orange haori with flower patterns strewn about, and had a matching orange and red hakama underneath. 'Damn, gramps can still get it-' Your thoughts were interrupted by Brunhilde. "Sasaki, this is (Y/n) (L/n). She will be aiding us in Ragnarok, but her room is currently... Unusable for the foreseeable future. Would you allow her to room with you?"

Appearing to ponder it for a moment, he places his hand upon his chin before looking back at the both of you. "Well, what kind of man would I be if I turned away a pretty young lady in need." He replied with a grin. 'Either Valhalla is filled with extremely attractive people, or I'm getting really lucky.' You think to yourself as Brunhilde looks back to you. "Glad that that's settled. (Y/n), I'll have Goll bring you a few sets of clothes you can wear until your door is repaired. I'll be back myself later this evening to escort you to Olympus palace. In the meantime, I'll leave you and Sasaki to get acquainted." Brunhilde quietly makes her exit after finishing her sentence. 

Moving aside a bit to make room, Sasaki invites you inside. The room itself is similar to yours and Adam's, but had a few differences. The most notable being the large tatami mats that covered the original floors, as well as a large futon that sat along the middle of the back wall. "Well, make yourself at home." Deciding to take a seat on the floor near a small wooden table, you rest your head in you palms. "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly is your role in all of this? I saw the list of fighters and your name wasn't in there." Sasaki said with a curious look on his face. "Well, I'm not exactly going to be fighting. It was recently discovered that I can apparently see future events. Though, I'm unsure what triggers it. I'm not even sure if it was just a fluke or something because it hasn't happened again since." You admit to him.

"I see... Well I'm glad to have you aboard. I'm sure the others will be happy with this development as well." Sasaki states with another award winning grin. "I have a question of my own if you won't mind." He looks to you, giving you the go ahead to ask. "I'm not entirely familiar with Japanese history, would you mind telling me a bit about yourself?" The grin on his face growing wider, he counters. "Only if you tell me about yourself in return." Nodding in agreement, you both share abbreviated versions of your life stories.

"And then I was kidnapped and suddenly brought here to help humanity fight against the gods." You say as you recall the crazy events that led to here and now. "Wow, that's a lot for one person to digest in such a short amount of time. You're surprisingly calm considering things." Sasaki says as you shrug your shoulders. "If I'm being honest with you, I'm anything but calm. My entire life changed at the drop of a hat and there's suddenly all of this pressure on me to use this ability of mine to help save the entire human race. It's... more than a lot. But at the same time, crying won't change anything. I can't just ignore what's right in front of me, and I won't leave others to die when I could've done something to help."

Sasaki's expression turns to one of admiration as he looks at you. "You're very compassionate. Not many would have to courage to stand up and leave the comfort of their own ignorance." You smile as you look up at him. Continuing to share different life experiences with each other, you lose track of time. It wasn't until a knock was heard on the door that you realized how late it had gotten. "Ah, that must be Goll. I'll go get it." Getting up, you head over to answer the door. Instead of Goll however, you found Brunhilde at the door. "I'm afraid there isn't enough time to get you a proper set of clothes. That old bastard suddenly decided he didn't want to wait any further to meet you and has ordered you come to Olympus palace now." 

Your jaw practically drops to the floor. 'What is he, a spoiled child?!' You think to yourself frustratedly as Brunhilde pulls out your original outfit consisting of a (f/c) jacket, black tank top with a floral pattern, and matching black yoga pants. "I had your original clothes cleaned as I was unable to get you new ones with the shortened time frame. Please change into this and meet me outside." She also handed you the pair of tennis shoes that you left in your room from the previous night. With that, she turned to go wait out in the hallway. You turned to see that Sasaki had also gotten up. "I'll wait outside as well to give you some privacy." Thanking him for the consideration, he follows Brunhilde out into the hallway.

Now that you were by yourself, you get dressed as fast as you can, trying to also fix your hair a bit. After a few minutes you figure you're as ready as you'll ever be and open the door to go into the hallway. Sasaki and Brunhilde looking over to you as you exit the room. Taking in a deep breathe, you exhale as you meet Brunhilde's gaze. "Well... Let's get this over with, shall we?"

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now