Chapter 8

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Looking down at the handkerchief, you see it's made of pure silk and looked to be high quality. 'I feel kind of bad for getting it dirty...' You think to yourself as you place the cloth to your cut. After making sure you wouldn't drip blood on the floor if you removed it, you got up and placed the handkerchief in your pocket. 'About time I got out of this place.' Walking out the door, you look around to see if any of the gods were nearby, but you didn't see any to your relief.

It was fairly dark in the palace, with very few candles illuminating the space. You struggled to find your way over to the staircase, but eventually found it. You begin going down the first few steps when you miscalculate where the next step was and go tumbling down. Trying to grab at anything to stop your descent, you reach out and grab onto something firm. However, instead of it stopping your fall, you end up dragging whatever it is along with you. 

Immediately after making contact with whatever it was, your vision turned white once more. 'No, not now!' You mentally cry out as the white canvas slowly forms into moving pictures. You stood in some type of circular arena, only a small section in the middle being land, while the rest was some kind of moat. Suddenly Sasaki rushes past you, your head spinning to see where he was going. Your eyes widening upon seeing him rushing towards the god of the seas. Poseidon readies his trident for a forward thrust, but Sasaki slices upwards, taking Poseidon's right arm with the motion. His weapon now sliced in two, Poseidon grabs his severed right arm with his left and aims to strike at Sasaki with the head of the trident.

He wasn't quick enough however, as Sasaki follows up with another strike of his own, now taking Poseidon's left arm. The tridents head flings up into the air, where Poseidon caught it with his teeth. Attempting one last thrust, Poseidon and Sasaki surge forward. Within the blink of an eye, it was done. You look in horror as you see Poseidon now cut in half. Him cursing the the swordsman as his upper body fell to the floor. "You fucking... Piece of shit..."

Unbeknownst to you, back in reality, you had finally stopped falling. Now at the bottom of the stairs, you lay on top of a very pissed off god. Enraged that a filthy insect deigned to touch him, he readied his trident and prepared to lop your head off your shoulders. The tip of his trident stopping right as it touched the back of your neck when he heard sniffling. Rolling his eyes, he looked down to you. However, the sight he saw slightly surprised the god. No longer were your eyes a soft (e/c), but were now a milky white. Tears dripped down your cheeks as you whispered so softly, it almost went unheard. "I don't want to see anyone die..."

Your vision suddenly returning to you, you groan as you hoist up your upper body. Freezing when your hands touch something soft, yet extremely firm at the same time. Looking down, your soul nearly exits your body as you see you're currently sitting atop the god of the seas. Only this time... He's staring right at you. Practically flying off of him, you mentally go through the five stages of grief all at once. 'Shit, what the fuck?! How the hell did I end up on top of him? All I remember was grabbing something when I was trying to stop my fall down the stairs before that awful vision. Was he what I grabbed?! I'm so fucking dead, he nearly sliced my ear off for talking shit, let alone dragging his ass down a flight of stairs!' Gripping your hair in panic, you don't notice him striding over to you.

All of a sudden, there's a vice like grip on your face, forcing you to look into cold blue irises. You stayed like that for a moment, utterly terrified to move even a muscle as he studied your eyes. "You saw something." It wasn't a question, he was telling you. "I-I'm sorry?" You questioned, completely unsure of what to do in this situation. "Tell me what you saw. Now." He commanded as his grip grew even tighter, causing the wound on your cheek to re open. Gripping his wrist as a reaction to the pain, he freezes. In anger, he raises his trident to you, making tears spill out of your eyes uncontrollably. "I can't! I'm sorry. I don't wanna die, but I can't tell you!" You hiccup as his trident hovers above your head. 'I can't betray everyone by telling you. No matter what happens, I can't!' You tightly shut your eyes, waiting for his trident to pierce you.

However, the impact never came. After a few moments, you look up to see Hades gripping onto the trident, preventing it from striking. "Hades. Remove your hand." Poseidon's face remained emotionless, but his voice grew more angered by the second. "Apologies brother. But we are not to kill any of the participants before Ragnarok. Now that she is an aide, that includes her as well." He says, his grip on the weapon tightening. Poseidon's gaze does not waver from you, however his eyes turn cold. "Tch." Poseidon releases his grip on you, causing you to jerk backwards and out of his reach.

Hades looks over from his brother to you. "As for you... Leave, now." You don't need to be told twice as you book it over to the entrance doors. Daring to peek one last look behind you, you can still see Poseidon glaring at you. His eyes holding a promise in them, a promise that this was not over. Quickly turning your head back, you burst out of the doors, nearly slamming them behind you in your frenzy. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" You freeze in your tracks as you almost ran right past Brunhilde. You were so freaked out that you almost forgot that she was there waiting for you to get out. Taking in your frantic state and noticing the injury to your face, her face darkens. "Let's go." She says as she quickly guides you back to your place, away from prying eyes and ears at the palace.

Once you both made it back, Brunhilde wasted no time in taking you to your shared room with Sasaki. Hastily knocking on the door, Brunhilde looks to your face once more. Now seeing from up close that along with the cut to your cheek, there were finger shaped bruises forming on your face. Opening the door, Sasaki smiles at you before noticing something was clearly wrong and his face grew worried. Not even waiting to be invited in, Brunhilde escorted you inside and sat you down at the table on the floor. "Sasaki, do you have any first aide supplies on hand?" Nodding, Sasaki goes and grabs some bandages and ointment from a nearby dresser. "(Y/n) I need you to tell me everything that happened in there. Even the details you don't think are important."

While Brunhilde was treating the wound on your face, you explain everything that went down during the meeting, as well as the events that took place after. After you were finished, you were slightly shaking from the stress of it all. Sasaki places an empathetic hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "(Y/n), what you did in there was very brave... But it was also very foolish. You are currently humanities greatest chance at victory, if we lost you it would put everything in jeopardy. If your life is at risk, you do everything you can to get it out of the situation alive. We can handle the outcome of whatever happens as a result." Brunhilde says as she looks to you seriously. 

"That being said, this is proof that humanity can defeat the gods." You smile at her, unsure of how to feel about all of this. Yes, you want humanity to emerge victorious, but what will such an outcome cost? Brunhilde rises suddenly, startling you. "I must discuss what happened with my sisters. Tomorrow, I will introduce you to the other fighters during breakfast. Be sure to wake up early and go down to the dining hall on the first floor of the building. In the meantime, rest up. It's important for you to heal quickly." Making her exit, Brunhilde leaves you with Sasaki.

It's silent for a few moments before Sasaki speaks up. "You sure you're ok? You seemed really shaken up when you first got here." Looking up to him, you shake your head. "Honestly, no. I really thought I was going to die in there..." A shiver forcing it's way through your body at the memory. Reaching out his hand, he pats the top of your head reassuringly. "Well you're alright now. Rest easy tonight, I won't let you get hurt." Sasaki says with a charming smile. Returning with a smile of your own, you accidentally let out a yawn. Chuckling, Sasaki gestures over to the futon. "Why don't you go get some sleep? I'll be here watching over things." Seeing as how there was only one futon, you look back over to him. "But where will you sleep? I don't want to steal your bed..." 

"I'll sleep on the floor, I'm more used to sleeping on firm surfaces anyhow." Sasaki says as he smiles down at you. Frowning, you shake your head once more. "You shouldn't sleep on the floor. It's not good for your back. Just share with me, or I can take the floor." Seeing that he wasn't going to win this argument, he shrugs his shoulders playfully. "Well, I can't have a pretty young lady sleeping on the floor. I'll share with you then." Crawling under the covers of the futon, you open up the blanket next to you and gesture for him to get in. Trying to contain his humor, he climbed into the spot next to you on the futon.

Yawning, you look over to him. "Goodnight Sasaki... And thank you." You say, barely able to keep your eyes open at this point. "You're welcome (Y/n)." Sasaki looks over to you and smiles to see that your eyes had finally drifted close, a peaceful look on your face as you slept.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now