Chapter 4

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Finally reaching your room with the help of Brunhilde and Goll, it was now completely dark outside. "You go on ahead Goll, I have some matters to discuss with (Y/n)..." Having noticed a shift in Brunhilde's mood, Goll nods her head and leaves the room. Afraid she was going to tell you off for having contact with the gods after her warning, you begin to speak. "Look, about my run ins with some of the gods... I tried to avoid it. Well, mostly. Heracles was trying to help me, so I didn't really see a need to avoid him. As for Thor, I had no other choice. He threatened to Kill Goll if she didn't leave me alone with him-" Sensing that you wouldn't stop rambling if she didn't stop you, Brunhilde interrupted you. 

"Zeus demands a meeting with you." That shuts you up immediately. "What?" You ask, hoping that she misspoke. "He "requests" that you meet with him tomorrow evening to discuss your role in the upcoming battles." As she spoke, her face twisted as if she ate something bitter. "Can't I just decline the request?" You ask, unsure of any other possible solutions to your current dilemma. "No. Refusing a request from Zeus is no different than a death sentence." Your blood goes cold at that. 

"Then what can I do? I can only assume he wants me to use my powers to aide the gods and assure their victory in this Ragnarok thing, but I don't want to. The gods seem... Cruel." Looking down at your feet, you feel utterly hopeless. Brunhilde sighs and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Sadly, I cannot get you out of this meeting. I am able to give you a bit of advice however." You look back up at her, urging her to continue. "Gods and men are vastly different in many ways, however there is one thing that will always remain true to both sides. Their pride is their biggest weakness. Use their hubris to manipulate the situation and achieve the best possible outcome."

Feeling comforted by her wisdom, you unintentionally let out a yawn. The events that took place today having thoroughly drained you. "You should rest, you have a long day tomorrow." You nod your head, beginning to struggle to stay awake. "I left some sleepwear on your bed. I'm sure sleeping in those clothes would not be the most comfortable." Looking over to the bed, you saw what looked to be an off white long sleeved nightgown. It was simple in design, but it looked comfortable. 

Thanking her with another yawn, Brunhilde exited the room and left you alone to your thoughts. 'A meeting with Zeus, the king of the gods... Damn. How the hell do I get outta that one unscathed?' You think to yourself as you change into the nightgown Brunhilde provided you with. "Fuck, I'm too tired to think about all of this Ragnarok stuff. Sleep now, worry later." Telling no one in particular as you climb into bed. You pass out the minute your head touches the pillow.


It was dark, dark enough to the point where you were practically blind to everything around you. "Where the hell am I?" Your voice echoed in the vast emptiness that surrounded you. You start to take a few steps before hearing a disgusting squelching sound at your feet. You look down squinting your eyes to see that you were standing in a pool of some thick liquid. 'It's... Warm.' Your thoughts slowly becoming more and more panicked as you try to back out of whatever you were standing upon. It wasn't until the smell of iron stung your nostrils that realization hit you like tons of bricks. 'Blood!' Screaming, you trip and fall backwards into the red substance. "Oh... God!" You panic as it gets all over your nightgown.

Suddenly, you're blinded by a spotlight with seemingly no source. When your vision adapted, you were met with only horror. A blood curdling scream leaving your lips as the sight of corpses laid strewn about filled your eyes. Amongst the bodies, you recognized the faces of Brunhilde, Goll, and Heracles. The only difference being that their eyes held no life and there faces were morphed into ones of fear and pain. "Please... Please no!" You beg as you reach out to them, being stopped as a shadowy hand gripped your wrist.

You looked up to see seven shadowy figures standing before you. Looking down at you as if they were starved lions looking at their next quarry. The hand that gripped your wrist grew painfully tight as the others began to grab the rest of your arms and lets. "Let go! Fucking let go of me!" You shout, but they do not speak. They only begin to drag you further and further away from the bodies. "I don't want to go, please stop!" Tears streaming down your face as their immovable hold stains your skin like black ink.

Slowly, you're dragged further and further away, your own voice sounding quieter in your ears. Slowly, the shadowy men began to sink into the darkness... Taking you with them. "No... No, please!" Beginning your struggle anew, you flailed and kicked out trying to harm them in any way, but it was as if you were fighting air. Your body sinking at an alarming rate, you looked up into the sea of nothingness once more as you choke out... "I'm scared." The darkness claimed you not a moment after.


Shooting awake, you scream. Trying to grip anything you could physically feel as if you were still trying to stop your descent. Moments later, a knock sounded at your door. However, due to your panicked state, you couldn't hear it. Your screaming stopped as your throat suddenly began to swell. 'I- I can't breathe!' Gasping for breathe, tears stream down your eyes even harder. The knocking stopped for a moment before a loud crash indicated the door had been kicked in. "Oops..." A nonchalant voice said as he walked around the broken door and over to your disheveled state. 

"Hey, you. Are you ok?" A masculine voice asked you. Looking up, you're met with bright blonde hair and sky colored eyes. "I... I'm scared. I don't want to go with them..." You answer as your voice quakes, still having a hard time discerning reality from your nightmare. "Hm...." He places his hand  to his chin as if considering something. "Want to come with me? I'll make sure you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to go." He offers you with a small smile. Nodding eagerly, you get up to follow him. He guides you past your broken door and into the hallway. You walk past a few doors before coming to the one at the end of the hallway on the same side as your room. 

As he opens the door, you're greeted with a very feminine voice. "Adam, there you are! I was worried when you took off after that strange screaming!" A woman with very similar blonde hair and blue eyes makes her way over to you. "What if it had been something dangerous? What if you had gotten- Hm? Who's this?" She stops her reprimand as she notices your standing at the door beside him. "I found her screaming in her room. She was scared, so I figured I could bring her here to calm down." He said simply as he guided you inside. "Oh... Well ok! Come in dear." She gently takes hold of your arm and guides you over to a small stone floor table that was surrounded by plush cushions. 

After getting situated, they look to each other before turning to face you. "My name is Adam, this is my wife Eve. Would it be ok to ask who you are?" Adam asks you in an even, but gentle tone. "My name is (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." Still fighting exhaustion but too afraid to sleep, your voice comes out a bit groggy. Eve seems to take notice of this and speaks up. "If you'd like (Y/n), perhaps you could spend the rest of the night here? You'd be safe here, my husband is very strong." Eve smiled at you. Still not in a proper state of mind and craving the feeling of being safe, you accept.

Eve guides you into a moderately sized bedroom and helps you ease into the bed. "Adam and I will be just outside if you need anything. Please don't hesitate to call out if you-" Her words are halted at the feeling of a soft grip on her wrist. "Please don't leave me alone... Please." The look of desperation in your eyes pulls at something inside of her and she places her free hand on top of yours. "Alright dear. I'll be right here." She smiles down at you as your eyes start to shut once more. Finally feeling safe again, you drift into a dreamless sleep.

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now