Chapter 1

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Feeling a bit groggy, you wake up only to be met with an unfamiliar stone ceiling. Jolting upwards into a sitting position, you quickly look around to see a rather elegant bedroom. The interior seemed to be made of pure limestone with pebbled mosaic floors. Furnishings made from a type of dark varnished wood, decorated the small space. A dresser and small vanity being the only pieces of furniture apart from the bed you currently sat upon. 

Looking down, you see your lower half still covered by what appeared to be a large linen blanket. To your relief, you were still wearing your original clothes. 'What the hell happened to me? And where am I?' You thought to yourself as you desperately tried to remember, sadly drawing up a blank. Deciding that you can panic later and for now to just keep an air of caution, you swing your legs over the edge of the bed and stand up. Walking around, you look into an entryway which you confirm leads to a bathroom.

The bathroom itself was much like the previous room, with its interior sharing the same walls and floors. However, what was inside the room was different from the room prior. A small ceramic toilet and matching sink along the back wall, and a large stone tub stood at the center of the room. Walking over to the sink, where a moderately sized mirror sit above it, you look at your reflection. Hair tousled, eyes bloodshot, and your cheeks were tear stained. "I was... Crying?" You ask yourself as you place a hand on your now dried left cheek.

Hearing clacking footsteps, your attention turns to the front door of the room you were just in. 'Fuck, I should hide.' You run back into the bedroom and look for somewhere big enough to hide yourself as the sound of footsteps approaching grew louder. Seeing that under the bed was the only place large enough to hide you, you figured it was better than just standing there and quickly crawled underneath. The sound of clacking heels suddenly stops at your door and soon after you hear the doorknob begin the turn. Placing your hands over your mouth to prevent any noise from coming out, the door opens and from where you're hiding, you can see a pair of white boots walking inside.

The door closed with a click and the pair of boots walked closer to the bed, where you were desperately trying not to let your presence be known. Just before reaching the bed, the boots suddenly stopped and a feminine voice filled the room. "I do not wish to frighten you further, so I will allow you to remain where you are hiding." Realization suddenly rips through you like a ripcord. 'I know that voice!'

Hours earlier

"(Y/n) (L/n). I need you to come with me." You look to the woman in a stupor. She appeared to be wearing some kind of strange cosplay that you had never seen before.  All white clothing with navy blue designs along the edges, golden embellishments, and a large golden metal wing piece atop her long midnight blue hair. The combined strangeness of her request accompanied by the traumatic event you just witnessed had you not fully processing what she just said. It wasn't until she tried to reach for you that you abruptly backed up and out of her reach. "W-What? No! Are you crazy? A man just... Fuck, what the hell is going on?!" You begin to tell her off, but are too lost in a state of shock to properly formulate a cohesive thought. The strange woman looked behind you, a scowl forming on her face. "There is no time to explain. I apologize for the lack of explanation, but I need you to come with me urgently." She gently tried to coax you toward her. Shaking your head, you continue to back up. Apparently having lost her patience, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards her. Struggling to free yourself, she whispered in your ear. "I'm sorry for this." You suddenly felt a hit to your neck and everything started going dark.

Back to present

The fog that clouded your mind before having now cleared, you backed yourself even further under the bed in fear of the woman who is currently in the same space as you. "Under normal circumstances, I would not have used force to get you here. However, the gods were already made aware of your existence and were going to take you if I had not intervened." You didn't know if this lady was on drugs and that's why she decided to kidnap you, but you figured that maybe you could trick her into letting you go if you play along. Swallowing down your fear, you speak at barely above a whisper. "What do you mean by the gods were made aware of my existence?" You still dare not come out from underneath the bed, ready to kick and scream should she try to drag you out. A soft sigh escaped the other woman's lips. "Before that man died... You saw it happen, didn't you?" Your eyes widened the size of saucers at her words. No longer whispering, you question her further. "How... How did you know that?"

She shuffled a little further away, taking a seat in the vanity's chair. "(Y/n), are you aware of what a sibyl is?" She questioned you in a gentle tone, seemingly to appear less threatening so you'll keep talking. "No, I don't." You kept your answer short, still not sure what to make of all of this. "Long before your time, there were women born into the world known as sibyl's. Gifted with the ability to foresee future events. You may better know them as oracles or prophets." Recognizing the other two terms, you remained silent, hoping she would continue her explanation. "However, as the relationship between men and the gods deteriorated, less and less sibyl's were born into the world. Until eventually... They had all died out. It was thought one would never be born into the world of men again, until unexpectedly, you were born."

"Ok, hold on..." You start, slowly coming out of your hiding spot, still wary of any sudden movements from the woman sitting across from you. "Let's assume I believe any of this, If I was was a "sibyl" since birth... How come these so called gods never came for me sooner? Why is all of this only happening now?" Looking right into your eyes, she responds. "Because your latent abilities didn't awaken until that very moment. You were useless to the gods until then. In the majority, the gods detest humanity. However, especially now, the ability to see the future is invaluable." Finishing her sentence, she waits to gauge your response.

"Wait, you said "especially now". What circumstances make now an important time?  And while I'm at it, if I'm so important to the gods, then why are you the one who grabbed me? Who are you exactly?" Still not sure whether you believe all of this or not, you figure you will hear her out first and then come to a conclusion. "My name is Brunhilde, eldest sister of the thirteen Valkyrie. As for those circumstances, every thousand years, the gods convene and collectively decide whether humanity will survive for another thousand years or... Whether they'll wipe them out entirely." Your breath hitches as she continues. "At this particular meeting, they unanimously voted to eradicate the human race." She quickly held a hand up as she saw you were about to barrage her with questions. "I knew they were going to decide this however, so I proposed a special clause in the Valhalla constitution known as Ragnarok. Thirteen gods versus thirteen humans in a one on one battle to the death. The first side to achieve seven victories wins. If humanity manages to win... They will survive for another thousand years."

You sit there in silence for a minute, trying to absorb everything Brunhilde told you. "Alright... Despite the many questions I now have, I will only ask two. The first being, what do I have to do with this Ragnarok business? I can't fight if that's what you're thinking, I don't have the strength to fight a god. The second question has been gnawing at me for a while, that being... Where exactly am I right now?" You ask, gesturing to your surroundings. "I realize this is a lot to take in all at once. You are not here to fight, the gods would never allow it anyhow. You are here for one reason..." She begins, slowly coming to a stand. "(Y/n) (L/n), will you use your ability to help humanity in our fight against the gods?"

!DISCONTINUED! Sibylline (Yandere!Record of Ragnarok X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now