Not believing a word he just said. I stare at him, thinking to myself for a second because we've never had an attack on our kingdom before.
"Quickily! You've got to hide!" Xavier demanded not giving us time to grab anything apart from Christians jacket and the girls a few candles before grabbing my arm and began pulling me out of my bedroom and somewhere safer. Xavier, with his sword in his right hand, led us down the hall, stopping when we heard banging or screaming coming from below us.
We carry on walking until we stop in front of a painting. Xavier makes sure the coast is clear before touching the left side of the frame, which causes it to open inwards. The painting was no more, but in its place was a door.
"Father placed a few of these around the castle. Only a few of us know where they are in case something like this was to happen." Xavier calmy tells me knowing how scared I am. How scared we all are. A guard opens the door, and Xavier hurriedly takes my arm again because pushing me gently inside. He stands outside, looking down at me when I start reaching out to grab him.
"You not coming in!" I shakily said whilst holding onto his guard uniform. Not wanting to let go.
"I've got to Rora. Please get inside and stay safe. I've got to protect our kingdom." He replies, taking my shaking hands off him before looking down the hall and gaining attention of someone.
"HEY! Come here!" He shouts, and I hear footsteps running towards us. Appearing next to him is see a pale, dirty blonde haired servant and Wilfred who are both looking mortified by what's happening downstairs.
"Can you fight." My brother questions them. When they both nod, a guard gives the two young boys a sharp sword each. Suddenly, an explosion rocks the castle, and all we hear is shouts and screaming coming from downstairs extremely close to where we are.
Looking even more scared at my brother, he demands the boys to protect me with the life before he pushes them inside. Before I could react, Xavier, with the help of the guards, pushes the door closed and pulls the frame back into place.
I screamed as loud as I could, not knowing if anyone could hear me. I slam my hands against the wall only to be pulled back by Wilfred further into the room and he places his hand over my mouth stopping my screaming as we heard the clashing of swords outside and men falling to the floor probably dead.
Dropping to the floor with my own hands over my mouth, listening to the silent cries of the girls behind me, I begin to look around the small cramped room. There's two hard beds on either side with a small table where a candle goes. Along with a toilet, sink, and mirror and some dry food that will last a few days. Seeing the girls lay on one of the beds already, I move onto other other, pulling my legs up to my chest. Wrapping Christian's jacket more over feeling feeling warmth. I began wondering where everyone else was. If they're okay and then I think if Jake and his family are okay.
"Why is this happening." I hear which makes me look up at the voice. The dirty blonde haired man sits against the wall, looking at our faces.
"I don't know. This has never happened before." Wilfred replies, standing against the wall. He decided to stand, knowing it was better if anyone was to try and get in.
We sit in silence. Nobody knows what to say. We couldn't hear anymore screaming from outside anymore, but we couldn't leave. Not until my brother of another Knight comes to get us. We don't even know how long we've been in here for. Even if it's the morning or night.
I look over to the girls seeing Juliet asleep with tears stained down her face. My heart aches seeing her so young and experiencing this, not even knowing if her brother is okay. Vanessa and Julia were holding each others hands, letting each other know it's okay.

Our Love, Your Demise [18+]
ПриключенияA thousand years ago, the gods created a legend. A legend that belongs to two people only There will come a time when together they'll defeat the evil that invades the land. Together, they'll become stronger with the help of two objects. A sword. T...