Blissful. Comfy. That's how I felt when I woke up. I move closer, hugging my pillow tighter, whilst listening to the birds sing was how I want to wake up every morning.
Not opening my eyes, I feel something stroking my hair, probably one of the girls trying to wake me up. I move my head more into the pillow, trying to get rid of the sensation. I felt my body freeze when I heard laughing underneath me.
"Good morning, beautiful." A man's voice said. I sit up alarmed, not expecting anybody to be in my chambers. I look around, realising I'm not even in my room but in the secret garden. I thought it was a really good dream. Looking back down to the voice, I see Jake laying there gazing up at me with his blue eyes, he looked peaceful. He reaches up with his right hand and strokes my cheek.
"How did you sleep. I don't know about you, but that was the best sleep I've had in years." Jake spoke with his morning voice and running his other hand through his bed hair. I didn't want to move, I would love to wake up like this every morning.
"I slept beautifully. Best sleep I've had in a while." I replied leaning back down against his chest and his right hand moves down my back before resting against my waist.
"Is it bad I don't want to leave and spend every night and day with you." Jake whispers.
"No. I don't want to leave either." I replied before leaning forward and kissing him on the lips, he immediately responds and together our lips move against each other, fitting together perfectly like a puzzle.
We slowly break apart to catch our breath before I lay back down resting my head under his chin and he wraps both his arms around me. Blissful. I love this feeling.
I look over his chest, seeing a deer gazing on the grass not caring were here, like it knows us, I look up, seeing squirrels racing each other trying to get acorns. Laughing at them for a second before looking back to Jake. I raise my hand, stroking the little hairs on his face. He lets out a happy sigh, enjoying my movements.
"Do you think we should start heading back soon." I ask, displeased with my own words.
Sighing, Jake sits up making me move next to him. We look at the sky not realising its almost midday. We've literally slept half the day already. Standing up quickly we gather the little belongings we brought with us, Jake grabs the silver ball and puts it in his pocket knowing we'll look further into it later on.
He takes my hand and we walk back up the little steps and head out through the branches seeing our horse laying down. She looks up hearing us coming her way and quickly stands up knowing we're going to have to race back. I look back not wanting to leave our safe haven.
"Don't worry we'll come back another night. There's more to explore." Jake reassures me, before helping me onto the horse and then climbing up behind me, taking the reigns. We ride back, making sure not to be seen.
Reaching the edge of the gardens just outside the garden walls, Jake jumps off before turning around. He takes my waist with both hands and lowers me gently onto the ground holding me against his body for a second before we were forced to duck behind the horse hearing shouts coming from inside the castle and courtyard. Everywhere.
"I think they're looking for me." I whisper to Jake who nods confirming my thoughts.
"I think we've been gone longer than we thought love." He says before standing straight and taking my hand before we begin walking slowly to the edge of the wall. Jake also says he'll come back later for the horse when I'm safe inside but before he can do anymore we hear shouting.
"A HORSE!" A Knight yells down looking seeing the horse we was just on grazing on some grass. Looking up scared thinking they could see us but they couldn't.

Our Love, Your Demise [18+]
AdventureA thousand years ago, the gods created a legend. A legend that belongs to two people only There will come a time when together they'll defeat the evil that invades the land. Together, they'll become stronger with the help of two objects. A sword. T...