Chapter 2

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Damon POV.

   Geneviève and I are in my room watching Home Alone 2 and by now it's like we've known each for forever. At first I thought I needed to find Katherine to be happy but I think that's slowly changing. 

   I couldn't help but watch her laugh and then smile that crossed her face as we were watching the movie. Her smile was so beautiful that right then I would do anything to keep her happy.

  After awhile she started to get tired and lay down and curl up in my side. It was so adorable, but I could see something is swirling in her head.

  "You're okay." I whisper close to her as I brushed her hair out of her face.

   Soon I started to fall asleep myself. For once in a long time I'm happy. Genuinely happy.....

   Until it was interrupted....

I'm suddenly woken up from yelling and the feeling of Geneviève being yanked from my arms.

It was all happening so fast that I sped after them.

"What do you think you're doing? And what time is it that you're yelling?" I say as I grab Geneviève's arm from Bonnie, she was hurting her.

"I'm getting her away from you." She says to me then turns to Geneviève, "He's trouble. Damon is dangerous and you need to stay as far away from him as possible. Like why are you even here?" Bonnie yells as the others watched.

Of course Bonnie, Elena, Caroline and Stefan sees me as the danger to her. It's always me.

"He's not dangerous, Bonnie. And stop yelling at me. I've done nothing wrong. Damon's done nothing wrong." Geneviève says and I can see she's getting overwhelmed.

Now knowing she's an empath. She's taking in all the emotions pointed towards her.

"Done Nothing Wrong?!? You're not supposed to be here." Bonnie yells and starts rant about how she wasn't supposed to run off with me and it's angering to see the anxiety and pain they're causing her

"Stop it! Now!" I say and it gets quite.

"Damon." Stefan says looking at me with worry.

I just turned to Geneviève and wipe the stray tears that started to fall. After I just held her. I didn't know what to do. I hated seeing her like this and I don't know why cause I just met her today.

Suddenly I was pulled out my thoughts by her voice that was just whisper, "They're judging."

"Don't worry about them. Focus on what I'm feeling." I say hoping to get her to calm down.

"You're worried and you care." She says looking up at me.

At this moment if she wasn't here and cared about Bonnie I might of killed them for making her cry. It's breaking my heart to see tears in her eyes.

"Damon." Stefan says getting my attention.

"Alright it's time for you to go, so please stop crying. I would hate for you to go to bed upset." I said hold her face.

"Okay." She says then Bonnie grabs her hand dragging her away from me.

"And Bonnie..." I say getting her attention, " I'm not to see another tear on her face. If I do, I will not be happy, so stop yelling at her "

Bonnie then looked as she was going to say something but then fear crossed her face and she decided against it.

Then girls soon left and I listened as they pulled off. Then I was just left here with a judgemental little brother.

"What was that?" He asks

"What was what?" I asked him

"You and Geneviève, what did you do to her?" He asks me always assuming the worst of me.

"First off, I didn't do anything. Second we just spent time together. You know what you do with friends which you don't have. Watch movies maybe joke around." I say

"That wasn't just friends, Damon. I won't let you do the same thing you did to Caroline to her, Damon." Stefan says being all prude

"Her has a name." I say leaving because I'm done with this conversation.

"What?" Stefan says confused

"She has a name. Her name is Geneviève." I say and with that I left.

I need a drink and to be as far away as possible from my brother.

I ended up at the grill with Donavon.

"So I heard they found Geneviève." Matt says trying to start conversation

"She was never lost. She was with me." I say taking the whole bottle from him.

"Then what was she doing with you all evening?" He asks

"Homework.. I cooked dinner and watched movies. Like I told the Scooby gang, she was perfectly fine." I explain myself.

"Sounds like you was just looking after her which I don't think they believed." He says looking sympathetic now hearing what happened

"Exactly.. I'm the bad brother."


Geneviève POV. 

  The ride home was silent. As I was sitting in the back like a child in trouble Bonnie and Elena kept looking at each other like they were thinking something. During the ride I couldn't help but think back to the images or maybe they were memories I saw of Damon when I fell a sleep. Maybe they were just a dream and nothing to worry about.

  Once we got home I had to explain to Bonnie's dad, my uncle that I simply was with a friend and forgotten about the time. He brought it and it's not like I was lying but Bonnie just looked angry with me.

I went to my room as the girls went to Bonnie's. I was getting ready for bed when I heard them talking.

"Stefan, you know we have to do something right. We can't let him do what he did to Caroline to her."

I couldn't hear Stefan on the other end but I could hear them clearly.

  "I can't believe she just gets here and I have to look after her."

   I'm guessing that's Bonnie.

"But did you see how Damon was acting towards her. It was different."

"Well I can look through Gram's grimoires but I think it's Damon just being Damon."

"I can shake how he was looking at her. It's like he saw something in her. I thought he was over obsessive of Katherine."

"Like I said he's just playing with her until get what he actually wants. Remember everything that happened so far is because he was searching for her."

"I don't know but the goal is to keep Geneviève away from Damon."

After that I couldn't keep listening. That room is filled with anger, confusion, bits of jealousy, irritation, and a wave of mixed emotions.

I got into bed and put my headphones on to cancel them and their emotions out at least as best as I can.

I just don't understand why they're trying to keep me away from Damon so bad. I can sense that Bonnie fears him but what did he do.

And who's Katherine....

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Question: What images of Damon do you think Geneviève saw?

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