Chapter 39

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Bonnie POV.💜 

    Soon after finding out about the Gemini Coven we took the earliest flight out to Oregon. And luckily we did because I don't think I could ever do a road trip with all of them.

I'm only doing this for Geneviève...

"What's got that smile upside down?" Damon asks me as we're driving to the Gemini house.

"Being stuck with all of you, driving for who knows how long." I say irritated

"Come on, what's really on your mind?" Damon asks me genuinely concerned

"Well we've worked so hard for Geneviève to find Kai and she has the four of you and it made me realize that I haven't found anyone." I admit

"In time you'll find someone or multiple someone's to fall for. It might not be what we have but it'll feel right once you've found the one." He says just as the car stops.

We got out of the cars to find just a plot of land where the Gemini house is supposed to be......


Geneviève POV.🧡

   Once we arrived, we all stood there confused of what's going on.

  "The house was supposed to be right here." Bonnie says

  "Then where is it?" Kol says

As they all stood there now arguing even if this is the right place. I started to walk farther into the plot of land. Something made feel like there was something we couldn't quite put our finger on. I walked closer and put my hand up and I could feel the magic here.

  "Guys! It's here." I called to them getting them to stop arguing and they started to watch.

  I looked down and saw a rock and decided to throw it through the magic shield and the cloaking spell started to waver. I could see through and saw the house.

"See!" I yelled back at them.

"Our little witch doesn't cease to surprise me. Huh, a cloaking spell." Damon says

Just as I saw them continue to come close, I decided it was safe enough to walk through and I could clearly see the house.

As I watched the house for any movement they all showed up next to me.

"I think there's someone home." I say moving closer but Klaus grabbed my hand.

" Let's be careful little wolf, shall we." He says and continues in front of me.

We proceeded to the door with caution even though whoever is here is well outnumbered if they try something.

Bonnie decided to be the one to knock on the door.

The door opened but there was no one there. Weirdly this was getting scary because I saw someone from the window.

"Hello! We just wanted to talk about something called a jail world?!" Bonnie called out into the house.

"You sure you saw someone, darling?" Elijah asks

"Yeah, it was a man. I saw him in the window." I explained

Then Bonnie inches into the house and then the door shuts. And we're all on high alert.

"Bonnie!" I shouted now trying to open the door.

"Darling, let me try." Kol says as I move out of the way.

Kol manages to bust open the door and I rush in as they're after me and none of them are able to follow.

"Damnit! Geneviève, we can't get in." Damon says irritated

"Don't you take another step in that house, love. Come back out, now." Klaus demands

"I can't. I have to help her." I say

"We can protect you, Geneviève." Elijah says worried.

"Then you'll have to trust that I can protect myself now." I say and continue into the house

I continue into the house with caution, ready to just light this man up in flames. Especially since it's the only spell I'm confident in.

As I got to the study, I finally saw Bonnie knocked out on the couch. I crouch down to her and tried to wake her.

"Bonnie." I whispered but she wasn't walking up

"She'll come to in a minute." A voice said behind me.

As I turned around I could clearly see the man. He looked familiar, around 40 to 50 years old with all grey hair.

"You're Mr. Parker?" I asked

"And you're the empath? Aren't you?" He asks

"How did you know?" I asked

"I was told you might come find me, one day." He says

"So you know why I'm here."

"He's not to ever leave that place. He's a abomination." He says disgusted

"Other than killing his siblings. Why is that?" I asked seeing that his hatred for him goes even longer than what happened.

"The boy doesn't have any powers of his own. He can only steal them. He Siphons the magic and life out of everything." He says

"But he was born that way. You'd hate your son for something that's out of his control and not help him." I said getting upset at this father's actions.

"There's no helping him." He says with no emotion

"You're wrong. How could we get him out of there?" I asked

"You can't even if you tried. You aren't fully into your powers to do it alone." He says

"She not alone." Bonnie says behind me, now awake.

"You'd need a celestial event and the ascendent, which I'm not sure I should give you."

"Why not?" I ask

"I don't think you know what you'll be letting out. Or what you're doing?"

" I think I do. There are three original vampires waiting for us outside and a very irritated vampire outside your house which are all my boyfriends so I kinda do." I say

" She's right. You can deal with us who will ask you nicely for the ascendent or they'll find a way in here to get it from you the hard way." Bonnie says

"Are you threatening me?" He asks

"No, just telling you the truth. We've came along way to figure out how to get Kai out of there and they won't leave without it." I say.

"So what is it going to be?" Bonnie asks him.

Let's just say he took the easier route and we left out that house with the ascendent. We walked out to the guys standing worried on the porch.

"Thank God, I was going to kill that guy if he hurt you." Kol says seeing us and runs to hug me.

After Kol hugged me the other three joined in.

"I'm alright. And we got what we needed." I said

"What's this?" Damon asks seeing what we brought out.

" He said it's an ascendant. Like a key to the door way to the jail world." Bonnie explains

"Well we can get Kai out and put this all behind us." Kol says

" Well not quite." I say

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