Chapter 11

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Elijah POV 💚

As I started to awake I started to remember what just happened. I pulled the coat hanger from my chest and I was enraged. They tried to kill me and take my beautiful Geneviève away from me.

As I took in the sight of the abandoned house it was wrecked more than it was when I walked in. The walls and floor boards were cracked and the little furniture that was there has fallen and was out of place.

All I could think about is that she thinks I'm dead. My baby girl should have never had to feel such pain.


Damon's POV 🖤

It's the next day and Geneviève looks a bit better after taking a shower and getting some new clothes but she still hasn't spoken to anyone.

It's worrying me.

I decided to make her breakfast to hopefully lighten the mood. Bonnie and Caroline stayed over to comfort her well as much as they could.

"I made Pancakes." I said as I brought her plate in front of her at the table.

She gave me a slight smile and just looked down at the plate. It just made my heart sting seeing how out of it she is.

"Hey, what about us?" Caroline asks coming into the kitchen.

"There's more in the oven. May your own plate." I say taking a seat with Geneviève.

I just sat and watched Geneviève sadly eat her pancakes. I just felt guilty because I'm the one caused all this pain. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be like this right now.

Elijah couldn't have been that bad if he was supposed to be one of her mates as well. We would have came to an conclusion that kept Elena and Geneviève safe.

While I was stuck in my thoughts Geneviève finished what she could of her food and left.

"Damon, we'll figure something out to help her." Bonnie says seeing how much this is hurting me.

"I just hope she can forgive me." I say standing up to clean up.

"She will. She knows that you wouldn't have done it if you knew. You were just trying to protect her." She says

"While I thought I was protecting her. I hurt her in a way that probably can't be fixed, Bonnie." I say blaming myself

"You need to stop blaming yourself. She'll come around then you two can talk about it. I think it'll just take her some time." She says patting my shoulder before starting to walk out.

"Hey" I said stopping her from leaving, "I thought you hated me." I say confused of why she's being nice to me.

"She doesn't, so there's good within this Salvatore somewhere. I guess I just need to be opened to meeting him." She responds with a slight smile before leaving me to clean up the kitchen.

Shortly after I went into the study to have a drink hoping to clean my thoughts.

"Damon, there's something you need to hear." Stefan says coming into the study

"I don't care, Stefan. If it doesn't have to deal with Geneviève I don't care." I said not even turning to look at him.

"It's the lady that kidnapped Geneviève, she came to tell us more about what's actually going on." He says finally getting my attention.

I followed him and just listened to what she had to say.

"You told me about the sun and the moon curse but why am I needed for it." Elena asks

"The sacrifice of the doppelganger breaks the curse. That's why we took you, we thought if we gave them what they wanted then we could finally be free." Rose explains

"What do you mean by them?" Elena asks

"The originals, the very first vampires ever. They're more powerful than any other vampire. Elijah was just one of them. Then there's Niklaus that was along with Elijah." She explains to the group.

"Well it seemed easy enough to take down Elijah. Not impossible." Stefan says

"Klaus is stronger than Elijah. Elijah is just a foot soldier compared to Klaus." Rose says scaring the rest of them in the room.

"Well I'm not hearing how Geneviève is important in all of this." I say stepping into this conversation

"Geneviève is a rare witch that those may have never seen in 10 life spans. While the first time they tried to break the curse they found the doppelganger, Katherina, but they also searched for the empath." Rose explained

"Why were they searching for her?" I asked

"It was said that the empath would have power more than anyone could ever known. They compared her power as great as the original witch's. The one that's said created the curse." Rose says

"So you think that they were going to use her to break the curse also." Bonnie points out

"That's what it seemed but after how Elijah looked at her, the other day, that could have been a cover for what she actually means to them."  She says unsure of Geneviève's involvement in any of this.

"Then if this Klaus that you speak of shows up, we'll have to come up with a plan to protect you both." Stefan says what I was already thinking.

"The thing is if they were going to take her so she could do the spell, she just learned that she was a witch recently. She would be of no help." Bonnie says

"I don't think they would have cared. They had they're ways of making people do what they wanted." Rose says

"Then we'll just have to come up with a plan with no weak points because they're not taking Geneviève." I said then decided to go check on her.

As I entered the room she was bundled up in the blankets and resting on the bed.

"I hope your okay?" I said knowing she's listening but won't answer.

  "I'm sorry for what I did. I only thought I was protecting you and I hope one day you'll forgive me." I said watching her.

After I said that she finally looked at me. I could tell she had questions and thoughts clouding her mind.

I sat with her abit longer but before I was going to walk away she says in a low whisper, " I forgive you."

I was taken back that she spoke but all I could say was, "I love you."

And she whispered back, "love you."

Once again I was going to leave but the her voice stopped me.

"Who's Klaus?" I hear her say in a low voice

  I turned back to her and kissed her forehead. "No one you'll have to worry about." I said unsure of telling her the possibility of this man being her last mate.

  I know she accepted me and everything that I've done but what Rose has said he's even worse than me and Stefan combined.

I decided to go back downstairs but just as I closed the door I heard her whisper that Klaus was a nice name.

I immediately go downstairs and start telling Bonnie to brush up on her spells and for us to come up with a plan to figure this all out.

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