Chapter 17

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Bonnie POV. 💜

We were all sitting in the study talking about what's to come at the dance tonight when, we all saw Damon rushing out the door.

"What was that about?" Caroline says

"Sadly I think we'll shortly find out." I said

"Do you think Geneviève figured it out?" Stefan asks concerned

"She felt it before but this time she didn't actually see it so I'm unsure, but she could have a suspicion." I explained as the room went silent as we listened to Damon's car speeding off.

"If you right that means we'll have one angry witch and one murderous vampire on our hands." Elena says

"Maybe you guys should have listened to Jeremy." Tyler chimes in.

Only minutes after we calmed our minds of the possibilities of punishments for what we've done we were finally faced with it when the door flew open.

Stefan was the first one to stand up and confront the couple that walked in. Geneviève was in front leading them to the basement. It was like nothing else mattered at the moment, not even the pain we all knew she felt.

As Stefan tried to stop her from reaching the door she threw him out the wall into a wall.

"Stefan!" Elena yells and runs to him as we all watch the scene play out.

As we watch Geneviève not even noticing us, she walks downstairs and Caroline and I follow after Damon down as well.

If I had just listened to Jeremy, I wouldn't see such a sight that caused so much pain. As we watch Geneviève cling to Elijah as she cried, I started to cry from seeing her like this.

What were we thinking or if we were at all. Last time this happened Geneviève didn't even speak until he came back. Our hate for Klaus didn't make us think twice of how taking Elijah out the picture would have effected her.

Suddenly being pulled out my thoughts by a voice, I heard it again.

"Bonnie, I said leave or I won't hesitate to hold you to what I said if you'd hurt her again." Damon says spreading fear and shame into me.

Without saying a word, I left with Caroline and as we made it up the stairs Elena was already ranting about how dramatic Geneviève acted.

"Elena, I don't think you understand. When we killed Elijah a part of Geneviève dies too. Do you not understand the hurt she must feel?" I said finally stopping her from going on.

"She didn't have to storm in here and throw Stefan out the way. She's been acting like a child in all of this. She even gets upset for us trying get rid of Klaus which in the end would save her too. It's like she forgotten that he has an interested to find her." Elena says

And just as she said that it clicked that maybe our plans would never fully work because even if we save Elena we'd be killing a part of Geneviève.

Either way this goes someone is going to get hurt in the end.

"Bonnie, what's wrong?" Caroline asks concerned seeing that I was thinking about it

"We might have to go about getting rid of Klaus another way." I say

"What do you mean? As long as he's alive, he's going to come after Elena to break the curse." Stefan says getting upset.

"I don't think we can kill him." I just simply said before sitting down.

They all looked at me confused until it looked like Caroline understood what I said.

"She's right, just like Geneviève why already plan to kill him when he hasn't done anything yet." Caroline says

"Listen to what you said, Care. Yet? Yes, he hasn't done anything yet but what we're going to wait until he does or are you guys going to wait until after I'm already dead." Elena says being overdramatic

"You know that's not what I mean, Elena. Look what we did. My friend down there is crying and clinging onto someone that we just decided to kill to get him out of the picture for the benefit of our plan and that backfired. What if killing Klaus would make things worse? When a problem arises you can't just kill then ask questions later." Caroline says

Elena just looked at her shocked, maybe even thinking of why we all of sudden changed our view. Finally she actually didn't have anything to say, well that's until Damon came upstairs.

"Damon, We didn't mean to hurt her...." Elena started to say but he cut her off.

"Don't start. I heard everything from downstairs, no need to try and butter me up Elena. We're going to the dance tonight and we see what happens. We stick to the plan like Elijah said." He says in a calm tone trying to conceal his anger.

"How is she? I feel horrible, Damon." Caroline says worried

"I don't know, we didn't get to talk before she cried herself to sleep, but from what I got she'll certainly be angry when she wakes up. So I suggest you guys be the nicest when she wakes up."

After that the day went on and Damon off and on checked on Geneviève and Elijah downstairs, not letting anyone go down there.

Everyone got ready for the dance, even Damon, even though we all knew he hated the fact that he'll be leaving Geneviève here alone until Elijah finally woke up.

Before we left Damon took me over to the side, without anyone seeing.

"I'm guessing you've pieced the pieces together since you realized we can't kill Klaus." He says

"You knew." I said shocked

"Of course I did. She told us. And our job is to protect her, so if there's a different way we need to get us some time to figure it out." He says

"What did you have in mind?" I asked

"I was thinking we take his only threat off the board, so he thinks he has more time." He explains

"And who's that?" I asked confused

"You, Bon Bon. He knows everything we have planned." He says

Still abit confused on how this would go, Damon explains his plan. A plan that would make everyone believe I died.

Hopefully this would give us some more time....

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