Chapter 27

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Geneviève POV.🧡

    After leaving the dinner, ride has been sear boredom. I even forgotten were we were actually going to find this pack Klaus wants to find to make his hybrids. While tracking them down I mainly stayed in the car or at hotel with Elijah and Katherine. I could only guess it's because they don't want me to see their ways of getting answers.

    But it has been interesting to see the guys get closer. At first Damon didn't like Klaus or Kol for that matter but it seems like they're somewhat friends that they're All looking for theses packs together.

     Or it can just be that Damon wants to go home.

     Other than that they've been nice towards each other.

     "Can I come with this time?" I ask looking at them.

     "My little wolf I don't think you would want to go hiking up mountains, now would you." Klaus says

     "At this point I want to do something." I say

     "You can always just stay here with me." Damon says smirking

     "Not that I wouldn't mind but I want to get out. Actually be more than a yard away from the car or hotel room." I say getting upset

    "No need for tantrum, darling." Kol says

    "I'm not having a tantrum." I say now angry and book flies and just nearly misses his face.

    "Alright. Alright little wolf, you can come along but you are not to go anywhere without one of us and never out of our eyesight." Klaus says admit about the rules.

    "Alright Wolfie." I said not liking all these rules. Kol and Damon laughed soon being silenced by a single glare from Klaus, while Katherine and Elijah didn't even dare chuckle.

    "Where did this nickname come about?" He asks

    "I just thought of it since you call me little wolf all the time. I thought I try it out. Do you not like it?" I say

    "How about we find another?" He says trying not to tell how he really feels about it, even though I knew. He hated it.

   "How about Nik?" I asked and I could already tell I picked a great one from feeling his emotions.

  "I would actually like that one, love." He says

   "Cool then I'll call you Nik." I say and I could feel that the others had a mixed feeling about me giving Klaus a nickname. Elijah thought it was adorable but the other two felt a bit of jealousy.

    "Don't worry I'm working on giving you all a nickname, too." I say leaving to go on this hike they're speaking of.


    We all got out of the car that they park on a path. As I looked around we were in the middle of the woods. I could tell Katherine hated but it's beautiful. The trees were growing high and the grass was vibrant green. And you could hear all the birds and animals near.

     "Come on Darling. We have a long trip ahead of us." Kol says taking my hand.

     As we started walking I saw Klaus take a man out the trunk. I guess Kol noticed that I looked back.

   "Don't worry about that, Gene." He says and we continue walking.

   As we walked along the mountain, I saw beautiful purple and blue flowers.

   "Can I pick them?" I asked Kol

   "Sure." He says

   And we started to pick flowers together, like when we were in our shared dream.

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