Chapter 29

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Geneviève POV 🧡

    As we stood and watched Klaus pull out the dagger. I was worried. What if their sister doesn't like me?

   "Come on dear sister, we don't have all day." Klaus says waiting by her coffin.

   As we waited Kol just roamed the storage unit.

   "So you kept us in a box in a box. What a dreadful prison." Kol says looking around.

    I could feel Kol's worry of being put back to sleep but that wouldn't happen. As I stood looking at the dagger, it disappeared.

    "Love, that was not needed. Kol has nothing to fear." Klaus says turning to look at me.

    As I looked down at my hand, there was the dagger.

    "I'm keeping it." I say earning a sigh from Klaus.

   "So since it seems like my sister would love to make an entrance, how about we go do something." Klaus says

   "What do you have in mind?" I asked as the others wondered what's next.

   "Anything you want, little wolf." He says

  "How about fries and some ice cream? And somewhere quiet we can hang." I suggested

  "I know just the place." He says as we exit the storage place.


   After we got the food and ice cream he took us to someone's apartment.

   "Who's apartment is this?" I said looking around.

    "It's an old friends apartment." He says leaving me curious now

     "This is Stefan's apartment. I didn't know you and Stefan were friends." Damon says which brings me some concern because we're in someone I don't likes apartment.

    "I know we currently don't like Stefan but in the 20's before we left I considered him my brother. And this is the quietest place I know in Chicago,  he liked staying here by himself to his thoughts." Klaus explains

    "Why does he hate you now?" I asked

    "Because he doesn't remember. I compelled him to forget Rebekah and I before we left." He says and I sense that there was more to it but Damon, Katherine and I left it alone.

  After sitting to eat Kol decided to now ask a question, "So who were you talking to on the phone?"

  "Oh I was texting my friend Jeremy." I explain

  "Jeremy? The doppelganger's brother?" He questions recalling everything I told him

"Yes. He was just telling me everything we already know. Elena's horrible. They're looking for me. And I'm in the safest place possible, with all of you." I ramble a bit probably saying a bit much.

Which it was sense Damon caught on.

"What do you mean you're in the safest place possible?" He asks

"It's just that they may be looking for me for the wrong reasons which is why Jeremy says that it's great that we're not home." I explain

"What reasons, little wolf?" Klaus asks getting protective which is always attractive in many ways.

"It's just that he thinks they found out more about me and my powers and basically trying to use me to kill you. Which why I think Bonnie never came out. She's trying to protect me." I tell them.

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