Chapter 35

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Elijah POV.💚 

  In the next passing days, we gained hope of what our future lives can be. A life without fear or worry of the next problem to show up at our door.

A life where we'll be happy and together.

Geneviève decided that it was time that she studies our mother's grimores along with her grams and the ones doctor Martin collected.

"Sweetheart, how about a break?" I suggest sitting across from her watching her facial expression as reads. She looks adorable but she's been at it for hours.

"A break. I'm fine. I'm actually enjoying this, it's pretty interesting all magic can do." She says not taking her eyes off the page.

"I thought you didn't like studying." Damon says coming in and taking a seat right next to her.

"Well when I can actually read what I'm studying it's pretty enjoyable." She says

"Come on, Little wolf, let's take a break." Klaus says coming in and taking the book.

"Hey, I would have thought you guys would be thrilled that I actually like reading now." She says

"Not when it takes your attention away from us for so long." Kol says standing in the doorway.

"Come on let's go out. We can do anything your heart desires, love. Just pick?" Klaus says

"Nik, I would like to continue reading." She says holding out her hand for the book.

"Nope, little witch. Elijah is right, you need a break,you've been at it for hours. Pick something else." Damon says

"I guess we can go out. I'm hungry so we can go eat then do something any of you have in mind." She says standing up.

"I think I have something we can do." Damon says.

After we went out to eat, Damon took us to the fair that Mystic Falls high school is having.

"A fair?" Klaus says a bit taken back at Damon's version of fun.

"Yes, why not. Our little witch can have fun, get out of the house and build high school memories." Damon says explaining himself.

"As long as one of you wins me one of those fluffy stuffed animals up there." Geneviève says looking at one of the carnival games.

"Don't worry, my little flower, I've got it." Kol says starting to Walk up the booth.

"I could win that easily." Klaus says which begins the challenge between the three.

"Really. I could do it with my eyes closed." Damon says as they rush over to the booth.

Geneviève just laughed at the playful challenge they've created for themselves.

" So childishness." I say as we watch them.

"Can't you just help but laugh at them from time to time." Geneviève says

"They're entertaining but you would think since we've been alive for a thousand years they would have somewhat matured." I say to her.

"Well I don't think it truly works that way since you guys are technically the same age still." She says as we continue to watch the boys go back and forth with this game.

As we watched them I couldn't help but be curious about what took over darling's attention for so long.

  "So what was it that kept you so tied to reading this morning?" I asked her

"Well I started with wanting answers of how I could help Kai but then as I started reading your mother's grimore, I remember what we learned about empaths." She starts to explain

"And what was that, my dear?"

"In my grams grimore, it said that empaths has four soulmates but in your mother's it doesn't say a set number. So then my thought went to why five or a certain set number. I know nothing about the power or story of an empath that the universe made so they'd have mates to protect them. I was just looking for answers." She explains

" Well there's one thing I can tell you darling is that you are maybe the rarest species there is. You are part, werewolf from a powerful pack, and you're a witch,one of the most powerful witches I've ever heard of in my time on this earth, an empath. Whatever you may find can help but only you can write your story, Geneviève." I tell her.

"Thank you, Elijah. I think I needed to hear that." She says

I simply gave her a kiss on her head before the others came running over with their hands filled with toys.

" Oh geez, this is just too much but thank you." Geneviève says looking at all the fluffy animals they got her.

"Anything for our little wolf." Klaus says

For us to continue on our day out without the risk of losing or messing up the toys they had to put them in the car.

As we came back from the car, Geneviève spotted Jeremy and Rebekah.

   "Jeremy!" She yelled running to give him a hug nearly scaring the boy.

  "Hey. I see that they finally got you out of the house." Jeremy says

  "Who told?" She asks looking at us waiting for an answer, but the boy beats us to it.

"Damon, called looking for a solution. I guess he took it." He says laughing

"No, actually I didn't. Klaus did." Damon tells him.

"And what solution was that?" Geneviève asks

"Just take the books." Jeremy says

"You took the books from the girl." Rebekah says appalled by this

"What? She's here isn't she." Klaus says just before Katherine over hears us and drags Stefan over.

"What did they do to our little Bennett, now?" Katherine asks

"They took the grimores away to get her here." Rebekah tells her.

"And what was so wrong with her reading? She hardly likes picking up a book and you took it when she finally does. I'm not understanding." Katherine asks us.

"Actually. That's what I said." Geneviève says agreeing with them.

"We were supposed to leave her stuck with her nose in a book for the three days in a row." Kol says irritated that girls are totally against us now.

"Come on Geneviève, let's have some fun shall we." Rebekah says taking her hand.

Rebekah and Katherine just walks away with Geneviève hand in hand.

"What just happened?" Damon asks

"I have no idea." Klaus says

"Clueless." Kol says as I just stood there impress by the girls actions.

"That was they're way of taking Geneviève. They left you guys here in confusion while they go have fun." Jeremy asks before he walks away.

"So we got Geneviève out of the house just for Rebekah and Katherine to take her." Kol says

"Well until they come back, so yes." I tell them.

"I'm starting to not like that she's friends with the she-devil and Barbie Klaus." Damon says

There's never a dull day with them.

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