Chapter 20

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Geneviève POV 🧡

    And Katherine was right, no one came to get me. I know I probably could have left myself but I stayed here with Klaus.

  It's the evening of sacrifice and Klaus seems confident that everything would go as planned.

  "Love, you are to stay here." He says getting up to leave.

  "What?! No, I should go. I've been in this apartment for like two days." I said

   "And to keep you safe, you will stay here." Klaus says about to leave

  "Now you know how I feel." Katherine says sitting next to me

"So when are you coming back?" I ask

"Maybe tomorrow evening, I'll try to get back when I can." He says then leaves.

Katherine and I just looks at each other and says"Men."'

After awhile Katherine and I got bored.

  "Are you like compelled to stay here or something?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I am but hopefully I'll be able to leave here soon." She says laying across the couch

Only minutes later did Katherine suggest an idea to cure our boredom.

"How about we party?" She says standing up and getting drinks

"Party? I mean why not." I said out of boredom.

  Katherine poured us drinks and turned on music. And I can say after some drinks the party started....

We went from dancing in the kitchen on the counters and table to dancing on the bed then to on the couches...

It went on until the door opened to an confused Damon.

"Look, now he comes and gets me." I say jumping as we dance on the couch

"Are you drunk?" He asks walking in

"Why not? There's nothing else to do." I say continue to dance with Katherine.

"This must be your doing." He says towards Katherine and turns off the music.

  "Hey!"'I said upset

  "Sorry but I couldn't hear myself think." He sighs looking at me drunk.

"So, why are you paying us a visit?" Katherine says sitting with me since there's no music

"For you here, I would think that you wouldn't want to be compelled here. And also do you have an idea where Klaus may be hiding the werewolf and vampire?" He asks her after giving her a vile of vervain

"Just right under your noses. There's only one place that can hold a werewolf in Mystic Falls. The Lockwood property." She's saying in a duh expression.

"Thanks and when did you two become friendly like?" He asks us.

Katherine just looked at me to answer.

"Since I was left here. Too busy to come get me, aren't you two." I say looking at him for an reaction

"Elijah went after you the night of the dance. And we've been running around trying to get this over with, alright. We didn't forget about you. And is there a reason you don't want to spend time with Klaus?" He explains

"He at first acted like he didn't care what I thought then last night he apologized for not listening to me. He's confusing, his emotions are currently something I don't know how to read. And I haven't totally forgiven him, yet."

"Alright, I get it but maybe after this is all over you can try to work things out with him. And he's technically hasn't hurt anyone yet, so he's listened to what you had to say." Damon says before walking to the door.

"Damon, where are you going?" I ask kind of confused of what he meant, maybe because I'm drunk.

"I'm going to the Lockwood property with Stefan to get your friends back." He says

"What friends?" I ask since Jeremy is the only one that's truly my friend.

"Caroline and Tyler." He answers me while I guess texting Stefan.

"You should get Caroline and leave Tyler. I don't care for him and it's a full moon tonight, which means biting, poison. Things we don't want." I tell him.

"And that's why you're staying here to stay safe." He says and leaves.

Katherine and I turned to look at each again and said, "Men." And started laughing.

We decided turn back on the music and start the party up again.

We were partying all night long until, I felt a sharp pain throughout my body. I looked out the window and it was a full moon.

  "What's wrong?" Katherine asks

  "Klaus did it." I say

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