Chapter 24

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Grace POV. 🤍

(Geneviève's Mother- you can imagine anyone as the visual for Grace, but I don't have anyone for her. )

    After getting off the phone I looked over to my husband and smiled.

    "She's on her way here." I tell him.

    "That took longer than I thought." He says

    "No, not to stay. She's going for answers with guests." I say getting up to start getting the rooms ready.

   "Guests?" He asks confused

   "The ones I've seen in her future, hun. She's not going to stay our little girl forever." I explain to him.

  "She leaves then brings boys back home, Great." He says

  "Don't be so irritated about. They'll be the ones to protect her and love when we can't be there for her." I tell him

"We've protected her for this long. We'll continue to protect her." He says not trying to accept our daughters life.

  "Yes, we protected her and in the process lost and gained through the time but we can't protect her from everything. And I know for sure she doesn't want her parents hovering over her everywhere she goes." I say then walks away to get the guest rooms ready.

  "I'll accept it but I won't like it." He yells to me. I could help but laugh at his response.


Geneviève's POV. 🧡

     After awhile we entered into Maryland and thankfully they broke the silence.

    "She knew about us?" Damon asks shocked from what I told him my mother said.

    "I'm guessing, she knew the exact number of who was with me. I think she just wanted me to find you guys myself." I explained

    "How did she know to send you to Mystic Falls? We could have been anywhere in the world." Klaus asks

    "I don't know a hunch." I said.

    "Well no matter how she knew I'm happy to finally meet her." Elijah says

    "Me too. If she's anything like you, she has to be fun." Katherine says

    "I think it's more like I'm like her but okay." I say laughing at her.

    I just hope that this visit with my mother goes over well. And that my parents likes them.

    "Well here we are." Klaus says pulling in front of my home.

    "I didn't know how much I missed it here until now." I said hoping out the car.

    "Well we're follow your lead." Klaus says as they all stand beside me.

     "Sure, just be on your best behavior. And she knows we're here." I said starting to walk to the door.

    The door opened just as we got to the steps.

   "Gene, I'm glad you're home." She said hugging me bringing me into the house.

   "I'm glad to be home,Mom." I said hugging her.

    My mom soon turned to her new found guests and happily invited them in.
    "Come on in. We're just in the living room." My mom says guiding us in the house. "Hun, they're here." She says calling out to my dad.

    As we walked in the living room, my father stood up sitting down his book, to greet us.

    "Gene, you leave and come back with three guys." My dad says giving me a hug

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