Chapter 1 - Meeting Mr Rude

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Chapter 1 - Meeting Mr Rude

"Joanna, I'd like to say something." he went up the stage with the mic, grinning ear to ear.

My boyfriend for almost a month, announced infront. It was my sister's 13th birthday and everyone is listening to Nathaniel, a famous British teen actor.

A tall, tan, brown haired gorgeous human being smiled at everyone, making me even smile. A guy who's decent enough and an attractive guy for a boyfriend really makes my eyes disappear because of smiling.

"Your music sucks." He smirked.

The crowd gasped and he left the venue, leaving everyone flabbergasted; including me.

My smile dropped and I wanted to skin him alive. A gorgeous innocent face lies down a disgusting layer. I'm a fool for not even paying attention. And a bigger fool because he literally made my sister look stupid in front of other celebrities and fans.

Who wouldn't be enraged if your sister got insulted infront of the whole city and in her own birthday? No one would be in joy especially if you're the sister.

How dare he?! Now, I look stupid. My sister got embarrassed by her own sister's boyfriend! I feel so bad. I feel as if this was on me, that this was my fault.

I closed my agaped mouth and went to look for Nathan, with a bread knife ready to peel off his flesh.

Though these heels are practically killing me and my feet are screaming, I still walked in it. Feelings won't matter if anger clouds your mind.

I was furious and no one can enlighten me.

Crazy, right?

When I finally found him, I just had to see him lip locked with a blonde girl.

So that's why he can't look me straight in the eye, huh? Because all along our stay together here, he just had the audacity to cheat. I wondered where he was every evening and why he would leave everytime so abruptly.

Why can't I find myself atleast just one decent guy to date?! All of them are seen to be assholes! Why can't God just give me one guy to take care of me and show me that these other guys are nothing?

I cleared my throat and they pulled away. Nathan looked at me with wide eyes and immediately pushed her but I've been standing here for about 10 seconds.

It takes half a second to push away someone if you don't want to kiss them. But the irony in Nathan's sitution is he never pulled away and grossly shoved his tongue on the girl's throat.

So much for a boring show? No, I wasn't hurt. But my ego was. This dating thing isn't working and it is obvious but degrading your own self is the last thing you want to do.

He looked guilty but I wasn't contented. Looks are deceiving especially if you have layers and layers of masks on you.

I rolled my eyes and went straight to the elevator, waiting for him to catch the bait I was giving him.

"Wait!" I heard him say but the elevator closed and went straight to the rooftop.

Of course he has to be here and follow me. He can't reach his fame without me so he would 'apologize'.

I waited on the ledge, crossing my arms, debating on whether to push him off the 60th floor or knee his family jewels.

"Candice! I can explain!" He shouted which made me turn around, still with a boring look on my face.

Says every cheating guy. Ever.

"Go away Nathan." I shooed my boyfriend, well, ex, that is, out of my sight. I was giving him a chance to live but by the looks on his face, he definitely caught my bait.

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