Chapter 22 - Ugh

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"Now, for our first guest for today, she's the princess of Louisiana and the leg breaker of them all. A beautiful friend of mine, whom I love very much! Please welcome, Candice Brooklyn!"

Everett handed me the mic and opened the door, for me to get out.

Wow, these are a lot of people.

The set was comfy, though.

Couches and a table were on the middle, the truth or dare wheel was at the back along with the other activities.

"Hola!" I said and the crowd cheered, screaming my name. Some had cartolinas with greetings; some were shouting how they loved me and some didn't care.

Typical, alright.

"Ahh! How I missed you so much!" Mikey stood up from his seat, opening his arms to envelop me in a hug which I gladly took. "I missed you too!" He was taller than me but not as tall as Isac. I didn't look like a kid standing up next to him.

Mikey was wearing a white button up shirt, with slacks on and he slipped on some Nike's. He smelled good, considering my head was on his chest.

"How are you?" He pulled away, but I didn't miss the blush on his face. "Oh, you know. Just coping up with the projects while being a normal teenager. How about you, Michael?" Mikey sat down and I did too, on the couch across him.

"I'm extra fine, and you are too." He winked and I felt a sudden rush of blood, going to my cheeks.

He's smooth as hell!

"Mhm." I laughed, putting my hair on the back of my ear. "So, Candice. I heard rumors about you and a familiar guy, huh." He grinned, showing his pearly whites, before he licked his lips.

Oh no.

Why do I get this strange feeling that Mikey's.. uhhhhh..


"Well.. The rumors aren't actually true. It's just that me and him are juuuuuust friends." I crossed my legs, smiling behind the mic.

He raised his perfectly arched brow and gave me a look. "Every relationship starts with friends, Candice. Remember?" He winked and my eye twitched.


"Mikey." I hissed, the mic away from me.

He playfully rolled his eyes and stood up, probably going to welcome Abraham.

"And for the next guess, the sweetheart of Spain, here comes, Abraham Mateo!"

I didn't mind what the reactiom of the crowd, instead I instantly focused on my reaction.

Anxiety ate me up at the mention of his name. It's like being in a situation where you can't get out of.

He sat beside me and I started spacing out, remembering all the things I did with him and all of the things he made to make me feel this way.

It's really funny how one person can build you but destroy you in just a split second. Scary to think that you could fall in love with a persom but you fall out of love.

Really terrifying. Putting yourself in a position where you can obtain happiness temporarily and have the pain that will scar you for a lifetime.

Sitting with him made me feel that way. I missed his touch, his kisses, his husky voice, his hair, basically everything about him. But I just can't put into action the frustration I'm harboring and show it to him! I want him to know what I feel after all these time!

But no, he doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve something that loved him so much but he screwed up.

My vision got blurry and I was already dizzy.

I needed to get out of here. I don't want to be anywhere near him. I need space, time and care. I don't need love, I need someone to be there.

"I'm sorry." I stood up and ran to the backstage, covering my face to calm myself down. Running away from my problems won't fix anything. But being there isn't what I want,

My cries got softer and softer, until I slid down the wall behind me and felt presence.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there. Shhh. Don't cry. I'm here." He said.

I couldn't do anything but hug him so tight and cry on him. "Please stay strong. For me? Please? I'm sorry. Say it for me." He lifted my chin up and I saw sadness written all over his face when he saw my probably smudged eyeliner and red eyes.

"Promise you'll be strong?" He asked but I didn't move. "Say it." I nodded and took a deep breath.

"I will." I whispered and he smiled. "That's the spirit. Come on, let's get out of here?" He asked and I nodded.

Isac and I stood up, but I hugged him all the way to the exit, like I was going to lose him.

He's all I got. For now. And I couldn't ask for more.

He was so fragrant. And being so close to him while hugging him is always going to be great. I'm a small girl and he's a big guy. A perfect match?

While we were in the car, I retracted my arms from him but he pulled my arm, making me fall for his shoulders and him, wrapping it around me. "Don't cry anymore. I'm sorry."

We got to the hotel but I suddenly pushed him away. He tried holding my hand but I suddenly retracted it and his face went to happy to irritated.

It feels.. wrong... for now.

"One second, you're so sensitive. The next second, you're being heartless! What's up with that?!" He threw his arms in frustration and I shivered.

I regret doing that.

He got close, until he popped my personal bubble.

His arms gripped on my elbow and pulled me close.

"Run, Candice. Because I can't run anymore and God knows why." He let go of me, before walking out straight to door.


I didn't know what to feel. But all I know is, this is bad.

Short ): but this is a book  guys! Art is not rushed ;) and this is my art. Sorry to leave you hanging but soon if my sched isn't that tight. See ya!

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