Chapter 21 - Another One

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"Don't me, Evelyn." I crossed my arms while she baked my under eyes. "It's not that bad." She removed the curlers and I frowned. "Do I really?" I asked and stared at her through the mirror.

She nodded at me, putting me into the pits of hell. Maybe much more worse;

I was in hell.

Okay, so you might be wondering why the hell are you so frickin cranky at 9 in the morning?

Because my lovingly manager and THE GRUMPY OLD TROLL decided that I was going to guest at MTV here in Spain.

What's bad about it?

I'm going to be with Abraham.


"Can I go kill Truman, now? Please? I wouldn't hesitate." My eye twitched and I was on the verge of standing up to murder Chris who was on the other side of the studio, looking constipated as ever.

"AHHHH!!!!!" I screamed, real frustrated and let out my anger which made the staff stop whatever they were doing and look at me with great dismay.

Great! Why am I always prone to issues?! The minute that a controversy just lied low, I just have to open my mouth.


"Calm down. Isac's going to be here-" Evelyn said but I glared, making her stop. "I don't need him. That fool." I rolled my eyes, thinking about what happened last night.

Stupid hormones.

"Okay, Candice. You're good to go." She sprayed hairspray on my hair (A/N: Holy darn. THAT RHYMES! lmao) and I slowly fixed my skirt whilst standing up.

I feel a wedgie coming.


"Thanks Ev. See ya' later." Or see me in jail, probably.

I grumpily walked like a penguin and went outside of the studio where I'm going to be transported to the hell hole.

I'm very excited.

Ha ha ha ha.

"Buenos dias, chica!" Mr Allan greeted while I glared at him. "Nothing good is in this morning." I sighed and got in the car, to see Abraham on the other side, drinking wine.

"Hola!" He acknowledged me but I just sat across him, looking bored as ever.

With my attitude, he pursed his lips and scratched the back of his head.

Can I please get out of here?!

Being stuck with an almost ex is probably the most cliché thing ever.

I don't want that!

I don't want to be sitting at my front porch, just thinking about this dumbass! How he managed to break my walls again.

"Is Candice inside?" A familiar voice said and I didn't even have to glance to know who it is.

He went in the limousine, beside me and I scooted near the window to avoid any guy contact.


"Goodmorning cupcake."

I looked at him in my peripheral vision and saw him waiting for me to greet back.

Nah uh.

"Okei sitten." I did not understand that but I think it's in between the lines of okay then.

The whole ride, neither of us talked.

Or atleast I didn't bother to talk.

"What's up with her?" Abraham asked. I felt Isac's gaze on me, making me uncomfortable. "PMS-ing?" He answered.

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