Chapter 14 - Only Fools For You (Isac's POV)

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Chapter 14 - Only Fools For You (Isac's POV)

"Why on bean boozled did you decide to take her out of the apartment?" Tamara asked impatiently. Her arms were crossed and her foor was continously tapping the floor.

Really? Bean Boozled?

She also looked like a mad Shrek tho.

Just kidding. HAHA

"Well, I wanted to do YOUR plan with Chris. BUT, I didn't expect anything to happen to her. Trust me." I said whilst running a hand through my hair.

Tamara rolled her eyes and groaned. "Well, we didn't expect you to do it. Besides, she doesn't know yet." She informed me in a 'duh' tone.

For a late 20's woman, she sure has Candice's attitude.

"Okay.. I'll check on her now." I stood up from the couch and headed towards her room.

Her door was a simple wooden door that was yellow. No designs, nothing plastered like KEEP AWAY or anything.

I opened the door to see her hugging a stuffed toy next to her.
It was a pink life-sized unicorn with a sparkly horn on it's head.

I wonder who gave that to her.

Her chest went up and down and she was the cutes-

Nein Isac. Stop being a damn pussy.

I sat down on the stool beside her bed and watched her quietly sleeping.

Maybe their plan isn't as bad as I thought it would.

As I waited for her to be awake, her phone vibrated on the side table.

Not to be nosy or anything, but hey. I'm just a curious boy.


I left the girl who was important to me.

Who in the and what the? Was this her ex-boyfriend that she shinned on or?


I'll never forget that night, B. I still do.

Her phone vibrated again.

Whoever this guy is, she must've hurt Candice so bad. I couldn't imagine being on someone's contact list as someone you shouldn't reply to.

Candice turned to the other side of the bed and didn't move anymore.

I took this a chance to open her phone.

Ridiculously nosy but hey! No girl deserves to be left. No guy shouldn't play with a girl's feelings. No guy shouldn't decide to leave a girl and come back to her if he has no one to run to.

I opened the thread and saw multiple messages from the guy.

But why do I feel a pain in my chest?

Candice, please.

I wasn't drunk that night.

I was sober.

Babe, listen. Please.

You have a boyfriend already?

Please come back.

I miss you.

You knew I'm serious about you.

B, please answer.

I stopped reading and did the most insane thing ever.

"She doesn't deserve someone who threw her away and decides to find her when it's too late."

I blocked the number and deleted the message I just sent. I placed her phone on the table and just like that, she yawned with her eyes closed and opened her eyes before pouting.

"Goodmorning cupcake." I said and she looked at me, confused. She eyed me from head to toe and sat up the bed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME??!" She screamed and covered her body with the blanket.

Wait.. She thought I..?

I bursted out laughing

"YOU ARSEHAT!" She threw a pillow close to her while I dodged it. "Calm down, wild amazona. I didn't rape you... yet."

Her eyes widened like a tarsier's and I didn't realize she hit me with another pillow.

"RAPIST! TAMARA! HE'S IN MY ROOM!" She shouted like Rowan Blanchard in Girl Meets World.


"Not now, sweetie!" I heard Tamara's muffled voice outside and Candice glared at me. "Why am I in bed at exactly 5:31 in the afternoon?! I have a sunset to photograph!" She left the bed and started sprinting like Naruto in her room, finding something.

Candice was holding a DSLR camera and a tripod slinging on her shoulders. "Let's go up!!" She pushed me out the door, to the long flight of stairs.

"Cupcake. I hate to break it to you but you're in this alone. I'm taking the elevator." I turned my heel but she grabbed my arm and pinched it.

I screamed like a girl.

"AGGGHHHHH!!!!" She let go of my hand and raised an eyebrow at me. "Stairs or pain. Choose." She smiled, sweetly.

She's a complete devil in a doll's apperance.

I groaned and decided to carry the tripod that was about to fall off from her shoulders.

"Whatever. Atleast you're not going to faint, right? Glad you're okay. Let's go up now." I smiled down at her and I saw a tiny blush appear on the apples of her cheeks.

"Shut up." She dragged me upstairs while I kept a grin to myself.

We got to the rooftop and the sun was setting. The sunlight glistened the windows of the buildings and it was a golden hour.

Now I see why she likes rooftops.

Candice started taking photos beside me and I saw a satisfied smile written on her lips.

"It's so beautiful."

I smirked.

This was a perfect opportunity.

I took a photo of her while she was busy capturing moments.

She thought the sunset was beautiful. But I thought she was more beautiful.

I captioned it and posted it on Instagram.

Of course, not tagging her just yet.

It was a silhouette picture of her and the sun was exactly on top of her head.

Oh crap. I knew it.
A/N: LOVEY DOVEY YOU GUYS OMG I CAN'T. As cliche as the scenes might are, you can't help but deny that you WANT ONE

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