Chapter 3 - Back to Finland

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Chapter 3 - Back to Finland

We got in the recording room and I was left alone with Isac. "So, do you want a rap with this song?" I asked and he thought of it. "Yeah, sure." He said.

I played the snippet and listened close. "The beat is catchy. What if we make it to a kind of a heartbreak song but still makes you want to move? What do you say?" I asked.

"And in the music video, a girl will leave lipstick stains-"

"That's it!" I didn't let him finish. It was a Eureka moment. "The title is Lipstick? Please?" I begged. "Okay, whatever floats your boat-"

"YEYYY!" I screamed and heard the door open with a loud bang. "Is everything okay?" Fredi, Isac's dad asked.

I blushed and stood up from my seat and nodded at him, with an awkward smile plastered all over my face. He sighed in relief and closed the door, leaving us.

"What a show." My head snapped to Isac's and glared a him, before sitting down. "Consider yourself lucky I'm helping you pretty boy." I retorted before grabbing the pencil and jotting down verses.

"And you admitted I'm pretty handsome, myself."

The pencil I was holding almost split into two as my teeth gritted in annoyance. "And I pretty much want to stab you with a sharp pencil now. I wouldn't hesitate." He winked at me before going near me to help with the lyrics.


After we recorded, the adults left us alone to 'talk' somewhere. Isac sat on the sofa, picking up the guitar and started playing. He was wearing a snapback, white long sleeves, grey sweatpants and rainbow socks. "I'm so pretty like a unicoooooorn." he sang and I laughed.

"Unicorns don't exist and also your prettiness." I teased. "Oh, you find me gorgeous Candice." he winked and I blushed. "Shut up Lundén" I said sticking out my tongue. "Make me, Brooklyn."

"Like slamming you with that guitar you're holding? I would love too." I rolled my eyes before going back on my phone.

"Feisty." I heard him tease.

The whole day I was in here, the whole 12 hours I was controlling myself from stabbing Isac. His voice was annoying and nothing nice came out of his mouth made anything better.


"There are 20 letters in the alphabet right?" Isac spoke.

"Where are you going with this?" I looked up from my phone to see him intently staring at me, waiting to speak.

"No. There are 26."

"Oh I forgot, U R A Q T"

"That's only 5. There's one missing."

"I forgot to give you the D (A/N If you get this, high 5 your screen)

It didn't matter how dirty the joke was but I laughed way too hard. "You're disgusting but funny." I said as I calmed down. "So I've been told." He stood up and took a seat beside me.

Did I say he was very close? The intimacy made me cringe but why did I like it?

His arm brushed against mine and he rested his head on my shoulders, making me shiver in contact. "Can you not?" I asked but didn't move his heavy head off me. "Nope, I cannot."

"Candice! Isac!" I heard Isac's manager shout in the other room.

I groaned loudly and let Isac's head fall on the couch because of me standing up. "You're a sadistic person." he told me, rubbing his head.

"And you exaggerate things a lot. Now c'mon. who knows what they want."

I opened the door and Tamara, Fredi and Isac's manager (A/N: thou shall call him Mr G) was seated on the sofa with I believe tickets on the coffee table.

"We are going to Finland."


The worst 12 hours of my life.

Isac annoyed me the whole flight.

Annoyed me, which includes chewing obnoxiously while I was asleep; poking my cheeks when I was reading a book; almost spilled my softdrink on my lap because he thought it was 'fun'; whispered things on my ear which were nerve-wracking and; ate my food.

He's a monster and I'm glad we're in the runway right now.

"I'll carry out your bag for you." Isac offered. "No thanks. I can handle." I declined, frustrated. "Come on. I know your luggage wants to touch my glorious hand."

"Get over yourself!" I told him. "You're really cute when you try to be mad at me."

Without telling me, Isac snatched my trolley and strolled it. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Hi there." He winked.

"Now is not the time for you to look like you have an eye disorder! Give me my bag!" I shrieked. "On one condition."

I groaned and crossed my arms while still walking towards the stairs. "What?" I impatiently asked.

"Kiss me on the cheeks."

He looked at me seriously and I gave him a weird look.

"Over my dead body, Isac."

"Then neither of us are getting what we want, sweetheart." He blew me a kiss and I shook my head in disgust. "You're unbelievable."

"I know, honey." He teased.

"Stop calling me names." I said as we were now about to be walking past Isac's fans.

Some, called out his name; putting him on record; with placards and mostly, crying girls.
Oh, how I wanted to hug them so bad. I remember crying over Austin Mahone when he went to New Jersey. I was a part of the airport team and got to see him on closeup. It was a magical moment.

Isac gave them a hug whenever he could and took the time to let his fans cherish the moment with him.

He was heart eyes.

But, since we were attending a party, security ushered us out of the airport until we reached a limousine.

I tell you, it was huge, considering it was a Hammer limo.

"That's a big one." I heard him mutter beside me. "I know, right." I replied.

The valet opened the door and let me in before Isac did. "For now, since Evelyn is at home, Mr Elliot's crew will also be yours. We'll be here in a month, after his tour." My manager said and I just nodded, due to exhaustion.

I heard muffled noises and drifted off to sleep.


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